2024 Sharygin Geometry Olympiad

First (Correspondence) Round


Bisectors $AI$ and $CI$ meet the circumcircle of triangle $ABC$ at points $A_1, C_1$ respectively. The circumcircle of triangle $AIC_1$ meets $AB$ at point $C_0$; point $A_0$ is defined similarly. Prove that $A_0, A_1, C_0, C_1$ are collinear.


Three different collinear points are given. What is the number of isosceles triangles such that these points are their circumcenter, incenter and excenter (in some order)?


Let $ABC$ be an acute-angled triangle, and $M$ be the midpoint of the minor arc $BC$ of its circumcircle. A circle $\omega$ touches the side $AB, AC$ at points $P, Q$ respectively and passes through $M$. Prove that $BP + CQ = PQ$.


The incircle $\omega$ of triangle $ABC$ touches $BC, CA, AB$ at points $A_1, B_1$ and $C_1$ respectively, $P$ is an arbitrary point on $\omega$. The line $AP$ meets the circumcircle of triangle $AB_1C_1$ for the second time at point $A_2$. Points $B_2$ and $C_2$ are defined similarly. Prove that the circumcircle of triangle $A_2B_2C_2$ touches $\omega$.


Points $A', B', C'$ are the reflections of vertices $A, B, C$ about the opposite sidelines of triangle $ABC$. Prove that the circles $AB'C', A'BC',$ and $A'B'C$ have a common point.


A circle $\omega$ and two points $A, B$ of this circle are given. Let $C$ be an arbitrary point on one of arcs $AB$ of $\omega$; $CL$ be the bisector of triangle $ABC$; the circle $BCL$ meet $AC$ at point $E$; and $CL$ meet $BE$ at point $F$. Find the locus of circumcenters of triangles $AFC$.


Restore a bicentral quadrilateral if two opposite vertices and the incenter are given.


Let $ABCD$ be a quadrilateral $\angle B = \angle D$ and $AD = CD$. The incircle of triangle $ABC$ touches the sides $BC$ and $AB$ at points $E$ and $F$ respectively. Prove that the midpoints of segments $AC, BD, AE,$ and $CF$ are concyclic.


Let $ABCD$ ($AD \parallel BC$) be a trapezoid circumscribed around a circle $\omega$, which touches the sides $AB, BC, CD, $ and $AD$ at points $P, Q, R, S$ respectively. The line passing through $P$ and parallel to the bases of the trapezoid meets $QR$ at point $X$. Prove that $AB, QS$ and $DX$ concur.


Let $\omega$ be the circumcircle of triangle $ABC$. A point $T$ on the line $BC$ is such that $AT$ touches $\omega$. The bisector of angle $BAC$ meets $BC$ and $\omega$ at points $L$ and $A_0$ respectively. The line $TA_0$ meets $\omega$ at point $P$. The point $K$ lies on the segment $BC$ in such a way that $BL = CK$. Prove that $\angle BAP = \angle CAK$.


Let $M, N$ be the midpoints of sides $AB, AC$ respectively of a triangle $ABC$. The perpendicular bisector to the bisectrix $AL$ meets the bisectrixes of angles $B$ and $C$ at points $P$ and $Q$ respectively. Prove that the common point of lines $PM$ and $QN$ lies on the tangent to the circumcircle of $ABC$ at $A$.


The bisectors $AA_1, CC_1$ of a triangle $ABC$ with $\angle B = 60^{\circ}$ meet at point $I$. The circumcircles of triangles $ABC, A_1IC_1$ meet at point $P$. Prove that the line $PI$ bisects the side $AC$.


Can an arbitrary polygon be cut into isosceles trapezoids?


The incircle $\omega$ of triangle $ABC$, right angled at $C$, touches the circumcircle of its medial triangle at point $F$. Let $OE$ be the tangent to $\omega$ from the midpoint $O$ of the hypotenuse $AB$, distinct from $AB$. Prove that $CE = CF$.


The difference of two angles of a triangle is greater than $90^{\circ}$. Prove that the ratio of its circumradius and inradius is greater than $4$.


Let $AA_1, BB_1, $ and $CC_1$ be the bisectors of a triangle $ABC$. The segments $BB_1$ and $A_1C_1$ meet at point $D$. Let $E$ be the projection of $D$ to $AC$. Points $P$ and $Q$ on sides $AB$ and $BC$ respectively are such that $EP = PD, EQ = QD$. Prove that $\angle PDB_1 = \angle EDQ$.


Let $ABC$ be a non-isosceles triangle, $\omega$ be its incircle. Let $D, E, $ and $F$ be the points at which the incircle of $ABC$ touches the sides $BC, CA, $ and $AB$ respectively. Let $M$ be the point on ray $EF$ such that $EM = AB$. Let $N$ be the point on ray $FE$ such that $FN = AC$. Let the circumcircles of $\triangle BFM$ and $\triangle CEN$ intersect $\omega$ again at $S$ and $T$ respectively. Prove that $BS, CT, $ and $AD$ concur.


Let $AA_1, BB_1, CC_1$ be the altitudes of an acute-angled triangle $ABC$; $I_a$ be its excenter corresponding to $A$; $I_a'$ be the reflection of $I_a$ about the line $AA_1$. Points $I_b', I_c'$ are defined similarily. Prove that lines $A_1I_a', B_1I_b', C_1I_c'$ concur.


A triangle $ABC$, its circumcircle, and its incenter $I$ are drawn on the plane. Construct the circumcenter of $ABC$ using only a ruler.


Lines $a_1, b_1, c_1$ pass through the vertices $A, B, C$ respectively of a triange $ABC$; $a_2, b_2, c_2$ are the reflections of $a_1, b_1, c_1$ about the corresponding bisectors of $ABC$; $A_1 = b_1 \cap c_1, B_1 = a_1 \cap c_1, C_1 = a_1 \cap b_1$, and $A_2, B_2, C_2$ are defined similarly. Prove that the triangles $A_1B_1C_1$ and $A_2B_2C_2$ have the same ratios of the area and circumradius (i.e. $\frac{S_1}{R_1} = \frac{S_2}{R_2}$, where $S_i = S(\triangle A_iB_iC_i)$, $R_i = R(\triangle A_iB_iC_i)$)


A chord $PQ$ of the circumcircle of a triangle $ABC$ meets the sides $BC, AC$ at points $A', B'$ respectively. The tangents to the circumcircle at $A$ and $B$ meet at a point $X$, and the tangents at points $P$ and $Q$ meet at point $Y$. The line $XY$ meets $AB$ at a point $C'$. Prove that the lines $AA', BB'$ and $CC'$ concur.


A segment $AB$ is given. Let $C$ be an arbitrary point of the perpendicular bisector to $AB$; $O$ be the point on the circumcircle of $ABC$ opposite to $C$; and an ellipse centred at $O$ touch $AB, BC, CA$. Find the locus of touching points of the ellipse with the line $BC$.


A point $P$ moves along a circle $\Omega$. Let $A$ and $B$ be two fixed points of $\Omega$, and $C$ be an arbitrary point inside $\Omega$. The common external tangents to the circumcircles of triangles $APC$ and $BCP$ meet at point $Q$. Prove that all points $Q$ lie on two fixed lines.


Let $SABC$ be a pyramid with right angles at the vertex $S$. Points $A', B', C'$ lie on the edges $SA, SB, SC$ respectively in such a way that the triangles $ABC$ and $A'B'C'$ are similar. Does this yield that the planes $ABC$ and $A'B'C'$ are parallel?

Final Round

Grade 8


A circle $\omega$ centered at $O$ and a point $P$ inside it are given. Let $X$ be an arbitrary point of $\omega$, the line $XP$ and the circle $XOP$ meet $\omega$ for a second time at points $X_1$, $X_2$ respectively. Prove that all lines $X_1X_2$ are parallel.


Let $CM$ be the median of an acute-angled triangle $ABC$, and $P$ be the projection of the orthocenter $H$ to the bisector of $\angle C$. Prove that $MP$ bisects the segment $CH$.


Let $AD$ be the altitude of an acute-angled triangle $ABC$ and $A'$ be the point on its circumcircle opposite to $A$. A point $P$ lies on the segment $AD$, and points $X$, $Y$ lie on the segments $AB$, $AC$ respectively in such a way that $\angle CBP = \angle ADY$, $\angle BCP = \angle ADX$. Let $PA'$ meet $BC$ at point $T$. Prove that $D$, $X$, $Y$, $T$ are concyclic.


A square with side $1$ is cut from the paper. Construct a segment with length $1/2024$ using at most $20$ folds. No instruments are available. It is allowed only to fold the paper and to mark the common points of folding lines.


The vertices $M$, $N$, $K$ of rectangle $KLMN$ lie on the sides $AB$, $BC$, $CA$ respectively of a regular triangle $ABC$ in such a way that $AM = 2$, $KC = 1$. The vertex $L$ lies outside the triangle. Find the value of $\angle KMN$.


A circle $\omega$ touched lines $a$ and $b$ at points $A$ and $B$ respectively. An arbitrary tangent to the circle meets $a$ and $b$ at $X$ and $Y$ respectively. Points $X'$ and $Y'$ are the reflections of $X$ and $Y$ about $A$ and $B$ respectively. Find the locus of projections of the center of the circle to the lines $X'Y'$.


A convex quadrilateral $ABCD$ is given. A line $l \parallel AC$ meets the lines $AD$, $BC$, $AB$, $CD$ at points $X$, $Y$, $Z$, $T$ respectively. The circumcircles of triangles $XYB$ and $ZTB$ meet for the second time at point $R$. Prove that $R$ lies on $BD$.


Two polygons are cut from the cardboard. Is it possible that for any disposition of these polygons on the plane they have either common inner points or only a finite number of common points on the boundary?

Grade 9


Let $H$ be the orthocenter of an acute-angled triangle $ABC$; $A_1, B_1, C_1$ be the touching points of the incircle with $BC, CA, AB$ respectively; $E_A, E_B, E_C$ be the midpoints of $AH, BH, CH$ respectively. The circle centered at $E_A$ and passing through $A$ meets for the second time the bisector of angle $A$ at $A_2$; points $B_2, C_2$ are defined similarly. Prove that the triangles $A_1B_1C_1$ and $A_2B_2C_2$ are similar.


Points $A, B, C, D$ on the plane do not form a rectangle. Let the sidelengths of triangle $T$ equal $AB+CD$, $AC+BD$, $AD+BC$. Prove that the triangle $T$ is acute-angled.


Let $(P, P')$ and $(Q, Q')$ be two pairs of points isogonally conjugated with respect to a triangle $ABC$, and $R$ be the common point of lines $PQ$ and $P'Q'$. Prove that the pedal circles of points $P$, $Q$, and $R$ are coaxial.


For which $n > 0$ it is possible to mark several different points and several different circles on the plane in such a way that: — exactly $n$ marked circles pass through each marked point; — exactly $n$ marked points lie on each marked circle; — the center of each marked circle is marked?


Let $ABC$ be an isosceles triangle $(AC = BC)$, $O$ be its circumcenter, $H$ be the orthocenter, and $P$ be a point inside the triangle such that $\angle APH = \angle BPO = \pi /2$. Prove that $\angle PAC = \angle PBA = \angle PCB$.


The incircle of a triangle $ABC$ centered at $I$ touches the sides $BC, CA$, and $AB$ at points $A_1, B_1, $ and $C_1$ respectively. The excircle centered at $J$ touches the side $AC$ at point $B_2$ and touches the extensions of $AB, BC$ at points $C_2, A_2$ respectively. Let the lines $IB_2$ and $JB_1$ meet at point $X$, the lines $IC_2$ and $JC_1$ meet at point $Y$, the lines $IA_2$ and $JA_1$ meet at point $Z$. Prove that if one of points $X, Y, Z$ lies on the incircle then two remaining points also lie on it.


Let $P$ and $Q$ be arbitrary points on the side $BC$ of triangle ABC such that $BP = CQ$. The common points of segments $AP$ and $AQ$ with the incircle form a quadrilateral $XYZT$. Find the locus of common points of diagonals of such quadrilaterals.


Let points $P$ and $Q$ be isogonally conjugated with respect to a triangle $ABC$. The line $PQ$ meets the circumcircle of $ABC$ at point $X$. The reflection of $BC$ about $PQ$ meets $AX$ at point $E$. Prove that $A, P, Q, E$ are concyclic.

Grade 10


The diagonals of a cyclic quadrilateral $ABCD$ meet at point $P$. The bisector of angle $ABD$ meets $AC$ at point $E$, and the bisector of angle $ACD$ meets $BD$ at point $F$. Prove that the lines $AF$ and $DE$ meet on the median of triangle $APD$.


For which greatest $n$ there exists a convex polyhedron with $n$ faces having the following property: for each face there exists a point outside the polyhedron such that the remaining $n - 1$ faces are seen from this point?


Let $BE$ and $CF$ be the bisectors of a triangle $ABC$. Prove that $2EF \leq BF + CE$.


Let $I$ be the incenter of a triangle $ABC$. The lines passing through $A$ and parallel to $BI, CI$ meet the perpendicular bisector to $AI$ at points $S, T$ respectively. Let $Y$ be the common point of $BT$ and $CS$, and $A^*$ be a point such that $BICA^*$ is a parallelogram. Prove that the midpoint of segment $YA^*$ lies on the excircle of the triangle touching the side $BC$.


The incircle of a right-angled triangle $ABC$ touches the hypothenuse $AB$ at point $T$. The squares $ATMP$ and $BTNQ$ lie outside the triangle. Prove that the areas of triangles $ABC$ and $TPQ$ are equal.


A point $P$ lies on one of medians of triangle $ABC$ in such a way that $\angle PAB =\angle PBC =\angle PCA$. Prove that there exists a point $Q$ on another median such that $\angle QBA=\angle QCB =\angle QAC$.


Let $ABC$ be a triangle with $\angle A=60^\circ$; $AD$, $BE$, and $CF$ be its bisectors; $P, Q$ be the projections of $A$ to $EF$ and $BC$ respectively; and $R$ be the second common point of the circle $DEF$ with $AD$. Prove that $P, Q, R$ are collinear.


The common tangents to the circumcircle and an excircle of triangle $ABC$ meet $BC, CA,AB$ at points $A_1, B_1, C_1$ and $A_2, B_2, C_2$ respectively. The triangle $\Delta_1$ is formed by the lines $AA_1, BB_1$, and $CC_1$, the triangle $\Delta_2$ is formed by the lines $AA_2, BB_2,$ and $CC_2$. Prove that the circumradii of these triangles are equal.