The numbers from $1$ to $10$ were divided into two groups so that the product of the numbers in the first group is completely divisible by the product of the numbers in the second. Which the smallest value can be for the quotient of the first product money for the second?
2003 All-Russian Olympiad Regional Round
Grade 8
A beetle crawls along each of two intersecting straight lines at constant speeds, without changing direction. It is known that projections of the beetles on the $OX$ axis never coincide (neither in the past nor in the future). Prove that the projections of the beetles on the $OY$ axis will necessarily coincide or have coincided before. oroginal wordingПо каждой из двух пересекающихся прямых с постоянными скоростями, не меняя направления, ползет по жуку. Известно, что проекции жуков на ось OX никогда не совпадают (ни в прошлом, ни в будущем). Докажите, что проекции жуков на ось OY обязательно совпадут или совпадали раньше.
Two people take turns writing natural numbers from $1$ to $1000$. On the first move, the first player writes the number $1$ on the board. Then with your next move you can write either the number $2a$ or the number $a+1$ on the board if number $a$ is already written on the board. In this case, it is forbidden to write down numbers that are already written on the board. The one who writes out wins the number $1000$ on the board. Who wins if played correctly?
Prove that an arbitrary triangle can be cut into three polygons, one of which must be an obtuse triangle, so that they can then be folded into a rectangle. (Turning over parts is possible).
Numbers from$ 1$ to $8$ were written at the vertices of the cube, and on each edge the absolute value of the difference between the numbers at its ends.. What is the smallest number of different numbers that can be written on the edges?
For some natural numbers $a, b, c$ and $d$ the following equations holds: $$\frac{a}{c}= \frac{b}{d}= \frac{ab + 1}{cd + 1} .$$Prove that $a = c$ and $b = d$.
In triangle $ABC$, angle $C$ is a right angle. Found on the side $AC$ point $D$, and on the segment $BD$, point $K$ such that $\angle ABC = \angle KAD =\angle AKD$. Prove that $BK = 2DC$.
A set of $2003$ positive numbers is such that for any two numbers $a$ and $b$ included in it ($a > b$) at least one of the numbers $a + b$ or $a - b$ also included in the set. Prove that if these numbers are ordered by increasing, then the differences between adjacent numbers will be the same.
Grade 9
Prove that the sides of any equilateral triangle you can either increase everything or decrease everything by the same amount so that you get a right triangle.
same as 8.2 - 9.2
In an isosceles triangle $ABC$ ($AB = BC$), the midline parallel to side $BC$ intersects the incircle at a point $F$ that does not lie on the base $AC$. Prove that the tangent to the circle at point $F$ intersects the bisector of angle $C$ on side $AB$.
Two players take turns writing on the board in a row from left to right arbitrary numbers. The player loses, after whose move one or more several digits written in a row form a number divisible by $11$. Which player will win if played correctly?
$100$ people came to the party. Then those who had no acquaintances among those who came left. Among those who remained, then those who had exactly $1$ friend , also left. Then those who had exactly $2$, $3$, $4$,$ . .$ , $99$ acquaintances among those remaining at the time of their departure did the same..What is the largest number of people left at the end?
Let $I$ be the intersection point of the bisectors of triangle $ABC$. Let us denote by $A', B', C'$ the points symmetrical to $I$ wrt the sides triangle $ABC$. Prove that if a circle circumscribes around triangle $A'B'C'$ passes through vertex $B$, then $\angle ABC = 60^o$.
Prove that of any six four-digit numbers, mutual prime in total, you can always choose five numbers that are also relatively prime in total. original wordingДокажите, что из любых шести четырехзначных чисел, взаимно простых в совокупности, всегда можно выбратьпя ть чисел, также взаимно простых в совокупности.
Prove that a convex polygon can be cut by disjoint diagonals into acute triangles in at least one way.
Grade 10
Find all angles a for which the set of numbers $\sin a$, $\sin 2a$, $\sin 3a$ coincides with the set $cos a$, $cos 2a$, $cos 3a$.
same as 9.3 - 10.2
$45$ people came to the alumni meeting. It turned out that any two of them, having the same number of acquaintances among those who came, don't know each other. What is the greatest number of pairs of acquaintances that could to be among those participating in the meeting?
On the plane we mark $n$ ($n > 2$) straight lines passing through one point $O$ in such a way that for any two of them there is a marked straight line that bisects one of the pairs of vertical angles, formed by these straight lines. Prove that the drawn straight lines divide full angle into equal parts.
Find all $x$ for which the equation $ x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + 2xyz = 1$ (relative to $z$) has a valid solution for any $y$.
Let $A_0$ be the midpoint of side $BC$ of triangle $ABC$, and $A'$ be the point of tangency with this side of the inscribed circle. Let's construct a circle $ \omega$ with center at $A_0$ and passing through $A'$. On other sides we will construct similar circles. Prove that if $ \omega$ is tangent to the cirucmscribed circle on arc $BC$ not containing $A$, then another one of the constructed circles touches the circumcircle.
Prove that from an arbitrary set of three-digit numbers, including at least four numbers that are mutually prime, you can choose four numbers that are also mutually prime
In a set of 17 externally identical coins, two are counterfeit, differing from the rest in weight. It is known that the total weight of two counterfeit coins is twice the weight of a real one.s it always possible to determine the couple of counterfeit coins, having made $5$ weighings on a cup scale without weights? (It is not necessary to determine which of the fakes is heavier.)
Grade 11
Find all prime $p$, for each of which there are such natural $ x$ and $y$ such that $p^x = y^3 + 1$.
On the diagonal $AC$ of a convex quadrilateral $ABCD$ is chosen such a point $K$ such that $KD = DC$, $\angle BAC = \frac12 \angle KDC$, $\angle DAC = \frac12 \angle KBC$. Prove that $\angle KDA = \angle BCA$ or $\angle KDA = \angle KBA$.
The functions $f(x)-x$ and $f(x^2)-x^6$ are defined for all positive $x$ and increase. Prove that the function $f(x^3) -\frac{\sqrt3}{2} x^6$ also increases for all positive $x$.
Points $ A_1,A_2,...,A_n$ and $ B_1,B_2,...,B_n$ are given on a plane. Show that the points $ B_i$ can be renumbered in such a way that the angle between vectors $ A_iA_j^{\longrightarrow}$ and $ B_iB_j^{\longrightarrow}$ is acute or right whenever $ i\neq j$.
Square trinomials $P(x) = x^2 + ax + b$ and $Q(x) = x^2 + cx + d$ are such that the equation $P(Q(x)) = Q(P(x))$ has no real roots. Prove that $b \ne d$.
same as 9.6 - 11.6
Given a tetrahedron $ABCD.$ The sphere $\omega$ inscribed in it touches the face $ABC$ at point $T$. Sphere $\omega' $ touches face $ABC$ at point $T'$ and extensions of faces $ABD$, $BCD$, $CAD$. Prove that the lines $AT$ and $AT'$ are symmetric wrt bisector of angle $\angle BAC$
same as 10.8 - 11.8