I claim the only answer is x=1 for which z=1−y is always a solution.
Considering the equation as a quadratic in z, namely
z2−(2xy)z+x2+y2−1=0,our goal is to find all x for which (x2−1)(y2−1) is a perfect square for any y. The case x=1 is immediate, so suppose x≠1. Clearly x≠0, so |x|≥2, yielding x2−1≥3. Thus there is a prime p such that vp(x2−1) is odd since x2−1 cannot be a perfect square. If p=2 then (x2−1)(y2−1) cannot be a square for any odd y. If p>2 then choose y\not\equiv \pm 1\pmod{p} (such a residue class exists), for which v_p((x^2-1)(y^2-1)) is odd.