2019 Nigerian Senior MO Round 4


Let $f: N \to N$ be a function satisfying (a) $1\le f(x)-x \le 2019$ $\forall x \in N$ (b) $f(f(x))\equiv x$ (mod $2019$) $\forall x \in N$ Show that $\exists x \in N$ such that $f^k(x)=x+2019 k, \forall k \in N$


Let $K,L, M$ be the midpoints of $BC,CA,AB$ repectively on a given triangle $ABC$. Let $\Gamma$ be a circle passing through $B$ and tangent to the circumcircle of $KLM$, say at $X$. Suppose that $LX$ and $BC$ meet at $\Gamma$ . Show that $CX$ is perpendicular to $AB$.


An ant is moving on the cooridnate plane, starting form point $(0,-1)$ along a straight line until it reaches the $x$- axis at point $(x,0)$ where $x$ is a real number. After it turns $90^o$ to the left and moves again along a straight line until it reaches the $y$-axis . Then it again turns left and moves along a straight line until it reaches the $x$-axis, where it once more turns left by $90^o$ and moves along a straight line until it finally reached the $y$-axis. Can both the length of the ant's journey and distance between it's initial and final point be: (a) rational numbers ? (b) integers? Justify your answers PS. Collected here


We consider the real sequence ($x_n$) defined by $x_0=0, x_1=1$ and $x_{n+2}=3x_{n+1}-2 x_{n}$ for $n=0,1,2,...$ We define the sequence ($y_n$) by $y_n=x^2_n+2^{n+2}$ for every nonnegative integer $n$. Prove that for every $n>0, y_n$ is the square of an odd integer.