
Source: 2019 Nigerian Senior Mathematics Olympiad Round 4 (final) problem 3

Tags: analytic geometry, distance, broken line, rational, axes, coordinate, combinatorics

An ant is moving on the cooridnate plane, starting form point $(0,-1)$ along a straight line until it reaches the $x$- axis at point $(x,0)$ where $x$ is a real number. After it turns $90^o$ to the left and moves again along a straight line until it reaches the $y$-axis . Then it again turns left and moves along a straight line until it reaches the $x$-axis, where it once more turns left by $90^o$ and moves along a straight line until it finally reached the $y$-axis. Can both the length of the ant's journey and distance between it's initial and final point be: (a) rational numbers ? (b) integers? Justify your answers PS. Collected here