Several positive integers are written in a row. Iteratively, Alice chooses two adjacent numbers $x$ and $y$ such that $x>y$ and $x$ is to the left of $y$, and replaces the pair $(x,y)$ by either $(y+1,x)$ or $(x-1,x)$. Prove that she can perform only finitely many such iterations. Proposed by Warut Suksompong, Thailand
2013 Peru IMO TST
day 1
Let $a \geq 3$ be a real number, and $P$ a polynomial of degree $n$ and having real coefficients. Prove that at least one of the following numbers is greater than or equal to $1:$ $$|a^0- P(0)|, \ |a^1-P(1)| , \ |a^2-P(2)|, \cdots, |a^{n + 1}-P(n + 1)|.$$
A point $P$ lies on side $AB$ of a convex quadrilateral $ABCD$. Let $\omega$ be the inscribed circumference of triangle $CPD$ and $I$ the centre of $\omega$. It is known that $\omega$ is tangent to the inscribed circumferences of triangles $APD$ and $BPC$ at points $K$ and $L$ respectively. Let $E$ be the point where the lines $AC$ and $BD$ intersect, and $F$ the point where the lines $AK$ and $BL$ intersect. Prove that the points $E, I, F$ are collinear.
day 2
Let $A$ be a point outside of a circumference $\omega$. Through $A$, two lines are drawn that intersect $\omega$, the first one cuts $\omega$ at $B$ and $C$, while the other one cuts $\omega$ at $D$ and $E$ ($D$ is between $A$ and $E$). The line that passes through $D$ and is parallel to $BC$ intersects $\omega$ at point $F \neq D$, and the line $AF$ intersects $\omega$ at $T \neq F$. Let $M$ be the intersection point of lines $BC$ and $ET$, $N$ the point symmetrical to $A$ with respect to $M$, and $K$ be the midpoint of $BC$. Prove that the quadrilateral $DEKN$ is cyclic.
Determine all integers $m \geq 2$ such that every $n$ with $\frac{m}{3} \leq n \leq \frac{m}{2}$ divides the binomial coefficient $\binom{n}{m-2n}$.
Players $A$ and $B$ play a game with $N \geq 2012$ coins and $2012$ boxes arranged around a circle. Initially $A$ distributes the coins among the boxes so that there is at least $1$ coin in each box. Then the two of them make moves in the order $B,A,B,A,\ldots $ by the following rules: (a) On every move of his $B$ passes $1$ coin from every box to an adjacent box. (b) On every move of hers $A$ chooses several coins that were not involved in $B$'s previous move and are in different boxes. She passes every coin to an adjacent box. Player $A$'s goal is to ensure at least $1$ coin in each box after every move of hers, regardless of how $B$ plays and how many moves are made. Find the least $N$ that enables her to succeed.