Several positive integers are written in a row. Iteratively, Alice chooses two adjacent numbers x and y such that x>y and x is to the left of y, and replaces the pair (x,y) by either (y+1,x) or (x−1,x). Prove that she can perform only finitely many such iterations. Proposed by Warut Suksompong, Thailand
Source: IMO Shortlist 2012, Combinatorics 1
Tags: invariant, monovariant, combinatorics, IMO Shortlist
29.07.2013 14:54
did you mean "only finitely" ?
29.07.2013 15:51
roza2010 wrote: did you mean "only finitely" ? sorry; edited.
29.07.2013 16:16
When I saw this problem last week, I was in doubt whether I had received the real shortlist! Everybody with the most basic training in invariants can do this.
29.07.2013 16:30
Let there be n numbers x1 to xn where x1 is at the right and xn at the left and let f(xi)=xi2i. Then after each move ∑i=ni=1f(xi) has been increased by at least 12n. Because the maximum of {x1,⋯,xn}=m doesn't increase. The total function valuesum can't be bigger than 2m and hence the game has to end somewhere. (after a number smaller than m2n+1 the game has ended).
29.07.2013 17:47
1. No move can change the maximum. 2. After finitiely many moves, all maximum values have accumulated at the right end of the row, and then a subgame starts with the remaining non-maximum values.
03.08.2013 06:18
There was something nice about this problem in the shortlist, that with the following statement could have been a medium-difficult problem in IMO 2012: Show that considering only the number of positive integers, she can perform at most nn−1 (i think, it has been written by Carlos di Fiore as a comment ). Show that this cant be better.
13.08.2013 19:53
23.11.2013 07:31
18.04.2014 13:38
I don't understand the official Solution #2. What does reverse lexicographical order mean? If this means that the rightmost is x_1, then the 2nd to the rightmost is x_2, then the leftmost is x_n. After the operation is done, then if we consider the notation of being greater/less than, the resulting set would be less than the first set, not greater. For example, if we take the set (2014, 201, 14, 4), then we apply the operation to (201,14), we get (2014, 15, 201, 4) or (2014, 200, 201, 4). Then the reverse lexicographical order of the first set is (4, 14, 201, 2014), and the possible resulting sets are (4, 201, 15, 2014) or (4, 201, 200, 2014) Then since looking from the end, the first term that changed went down (201 to 15 or 201 to 200), the resulting set is less than the original set. Actually this cannot also continue forever, so this could also be used to solve the problem . What I do not understand is why does the resulting set become greater instead of becoming lesser, like my example above, where the set actually became lesser! Or maybe I actually misinterpreted the meaning of reverse lexicographical order or he meant that considering the lexicographical order means LOOKING from the end, not actually reversing the sequence and its terms.
18.04.2014 19:11
You have the reverse part of "reverse lexicographical order" right, although it looks like you did it twice or something. Lexicographical order means that the comparison is done based on the first number that differs. For (4, 14, 201, 2014) and (4, 201, 15, 2014), the first place where these two differ is the second position with 14 and 201. 14 < 201. Therefore, under lexicographical ordering, (4, 14, 201, 2014) < (4, 201, 15, 2014).
30.04.2014 11:30
10.07.2014 21:19
Suppose the number of numbers written is n. We use strong induction on n, the base case n=2 being trivial. Suppose given any j numbers, there can be only finitely many operations on them. Now append another number to the list. Let the numbers written be a_1, a_2, \cdots , a_{j+1}, and let a_m = \max\{a_i\}. Note that a_m never changes. Alice cannot operate on a_{m-1} and a_m since a_m \geq a_{m-1}. Hence, she must operate on a_m and a_{m+1} or otherwise the desired result would follow by applying the inductive hypothesis on a_1, a_2, \cdots , a_{m-1} , a_m and a_{m+1}, \cdots , a_j. We then have (a_m, a_{m+1}) \rightarrow (a_{m}-1, a_m). After applying finitely many operations of a_m and the number just after it, we can send a_m to the rightmost side after which no more operations are allowed. The result follows by the inductive hypothesis. \blacksquare
14.06.2015 20:15
Another awesome monovariant is a_1 + 2a_2 + 3a_3 + \dots + n a_n, if we let the numbers be a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n from left to right.
28.03.2016 02:04
Suppose our list is a_1, a_2, ..., a_n, and take A = \max\{a_i\}. As noted above, A doesn't change. Consider the quantity Q = \sum_i |A-a_i|. This is strictly decreasing unless we perform a move of the form (*) (x, x-1) \rightarrow (x-1, x), in which case Q is unchanged. But (*) cannot be performed infinitely many times.
28.05.2017 01:15
19.06.2017 18:20
anantmudgal09, I don't think your solution is right because of this part anantmudgal09 wrote: (x, y) \mapsto (y+1, x) \Longrightarrow S'=S+1-2(x-y)<S, well, we can't find out the variation of S because the "y+1" part causes a lot of change... Can you understand?
18.01.2018 19:38
19.01.2018 05:34
tuvie wrote: There was something nice about this problem in the shortlist, that with the following statement could have been a medium-difficult problem in IMO 2012: Show that considering only the number of positive integers, she can perform at most n^{n-1} (i think, it has been written by Carlos di Fiore as a comment ). Show that this cant be better. Any ideas about this?
13.09.2018 21:12
Am I doing something wrong cause this looks too easy. Let M be the number with the maximum value out of the original sequence of numbers. Notice that M will always remain the maximum. Suppose we consider all moves of Alice which include M. WLOG assume that Alice carries out these moves one after the other. Then after each move M will move one place to the right, and so, in the end, it will reach the rightmost corner. Now we can ignore M, as no more moves can have M. So consider only the numbers to the left of M. Redefine M to be the maximum out of these remaining numbers. Again follow the same steps as above. Then after some finite number of steps (as the total number of integers is constant and finite), an increasing sequnce of positive integers will be obtained, thus proving that Alice can perform only finitely many such operations.
15.03.2023 20:56
This is a fun application of monovariants, as for commentary. Let the positive integers form the sequence a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n, and look at the sum S=\sum_{k=1}^n ka_k. Let x and y be consecutive numbers in this sequence with x > y, if such consecutive numbers exist. Suppose x=a_{\ell} and y=a_{\ell+1}. Then, the move (x, y) \rightarrow (y+1, x) changes the sum from S to S+(y+1-x)\ell+(x-y)(\ell+1)=S+x-y+\ell>S, so S increases with this move. Similarly, the move (x, y) \rightarrow (x-1, x) changes the sum from S to S+(x-1-x)\ell+(x-y)(\ell+1)=S+(x-y-1)\ell+(x-y)>S, so S also increases with this move. All in all, S increases with any move. Let M be the maximum value in the sequence a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n. Clearly, at any time, S has an upper bound of M \cdot \frac{n(n+1)}{2}, so S can increase only a finite number of times. This means that only a finite number of moves can be applied, which completes the proof.
07.05.2023 23:22
We will use induction. For n=0 it is trivial (0 steps). Let f_n denote the maximum number of steps for a sequence length n. Now, let M denote the maximum number in a sequence length n. Note that if we remove M, we will get a sequence length n-1. Hence, it is equivalent to show that there is a finite number of moves when we add a maximum to n-1 numbers. Note that M can only move right, so there are at most S=\sum_{k=0}^{n-1} f_{k}+k_{n-1-k} number of steps to until there are no more possible steps (M is placed on the leftmost spot), which is finite, and we are done. \blacksquare{}
20.05.2023 00:37
15.07.2023 17:55
We will use induction on the number of terms in the sequence. Base case: There is only 1 term. This is trivial as the sequence is already terminated. Inductive hypothesis assume this is true for n-1 terms. We will show it is true for n terms. Consider the greatest term because of the inductive hypothesis we will always eventually need to have a move with the greatest term call it x eventually. for x>y if we perform an operation x must move to the right and the term on the left will be less than it. So eventually x will move to the far right and the sequence will stop by our inductive hypothesis and we are done.
22.07.2023 02:16
I will prove the much stronger version where the numbers (x, y) Don't have to be adjacent. Let a_1, a_2, \cdots, a_n be the initial numbers on the row. Observe that the maximal element k = max({a_1, a_2, \cdots, a_n}) Does not change over the iterations. Let w = \overline{a_1 a_2 \cdots a_n} be a number written in base k+1. Observe that the number w strictly grows over the iterations and cannot grow over W = \overline{kk \cdots k} (In base k+1), so the process must terminate over a finite number of iterations.
05.08.2023 00:17
We prove a stronger result: Notice that the values of the terms don't really matter, the operation just rearranges the order of increase-decrease pairs by 1 every time. Hence we can renumber the terms as a permutation of (1,2,...,n), with the footnote that ties can be broken by letting a<b if a is to the left of b (this doesn't affect anything, because you won't apply process to equal terms anyways). Indeed, since there are only n! permutations and each operation iterated won't repeat, there are at most n!<n^n operations. (in fact the original result is just shown by saying that the operation rearranges a>b with a left of b to c<d with c left of d, hence the "number" read by each of the values from left to right is strictly decreasing and must terminate the operation.)
14.01.2024 19:46
It is easy to see that the maximum number in the row is an invariant. Also, the sum of a+2b+3c+4d.... (from left to right) is a strictly increasing. However, we see that the maximum number can only move to its right and its moving must terminate after a certain number of moves. Thus the algorithm must terminate after finitely many iterations.
09.02.2024 22:22
\color{magenta} \boxed{\textbf{SOLUTION C1}} Let a_1,a_2,...a_n be the numbers with a_m=M be the maximum of them. \color{red} \textbf{Claim 1 :} Maximum number M never increases. \textbf{Proof :} As x>y \implies x \ge y+1 Hence after each move the new two numbers are less than or equal to x, So a_m=M can't increase \square \color{red} \textbf{Claim 2 :} \sum_{i=1}^{n} ia_i increases in every step. \textbf{Proof :} \textbf{1.} If (x,y) is replaced by (y+1,x), ix + (i + 1)y < i(y + 1) + (i + 1)x \iff y < i + xwhich is true as y <x \textbf{2.} If (x,y) is replaced by (x-1,x), ix+(i+1)y < i(x-1)+(i+1)x \iff iy+y<i(x-1)+xwhich is true as y \le x-1, y<x \square But, \sum_{i=1}^{n} ia_i \le \sum_{i=1}^{n} iM= \frac{Mn(n+1)}{2}So, the number of steps are finite \blacksquare
09.02.2024 22:47
FTSOC assume otherwise. Both operations preserve the maximum value in the row. Alice can only perform the first operation finitely since it always increases the sum of all numbers by 1. Alice can also only perform the second operation finitely when x > y+1 since it also increases the sum of the numbers. So, Alice must perform the second operation when x = y+1 infinitely many times – after some point, her moves will only be the second operation on x=y+1. But then the second operation effectively inverts x and y, which can only be done finitely – contradiction.
07.06.2024 19:54
How do you guys come up with all these weird monovariants :/ Anyhoo, this is my solution (please work): Let the numbers be x_1, \cdots , x_n in that order. Claim 1: \sum x_i is nondecreasing. Proof: For the first operation, \sum x_i increases by 1. For the other one, the sum is nondecreasing as y \le x-1. It follows, then, that the sum is the same iff y = x-1. \square Claim 2: \sum x_i is bounded. Proof: Note that no element is ever larger than the initial largest element X at any point in time. Therefore, \sum x_i \le nX. \square Note that due to these two claims, eventually we must only perform operations of the form (a-1, a) \to (a, a-1). But now notice that at this stage there are only finitely many pairs (a-1, a), and once we perform the operation (a-1, a) \to (a, a-1), we cannot get a-1 to the left of a again, as that would require firstly getting them to be adjacent to another, but after that we can't perform the operation on them. From this reasoning, we can say that there are only finitely many moves after this, and we are done. \square
16.08.2024 20:18
Let a_i be the number at position i. Assign weight 2^i to the number at position i. Consider the weighted sum, \sum a_i\cdot2^i, we claim that it's monovariant. Let 2^k be the weight at x, 2^{k + 1} be the weight at y. After a move, our weighted sum takes one of the changes: 2^kx + 2^{k + 1}y \rightarrow 2^k(y + 1) + 2^{k + 1}x, 2^k(x - 1) + 2^{k + 1}xNote that both of these are greater than the initial, so our weighted sum takes an increase after each move. However, our largest number initially never changes, so our weighted sum is bounded, therefore we are done. \square
06.09.2024 05:25
We prove this by induction on the number of elements. The base case of n = 1 is obvious. Inductive Step: We induct on the difference between the maximum and minimum elements. When the difference is zero, we are obviously done. Now we show if the difference is greater than 0, we can either reduce to a case with a smaller difference or a smaller number of elements. Note that the maximum is invariant, so we focus on increasing the minimum. Let the minimum of the integers be m. If all integers with value m eventually receive the first type of operation, we are done, since each of those operations strictly decreases the number of integers with value m by 1. If any of them don't receive the first type of operation, they must only receive the second operation. Assume further that some element exists that has value m, and only receives the second operation when x = m + 1, otherwise we would still decrease the number of integers with value m by 1 (if such an element does not exist we just got rid of all integers with value m). If this element receives a finite amount of operations, we are done, since after the last operation we can only operate a finite number of times (we already showed this for one fewer element). If this element receives an infinite number of operations, each operation effectively just switches two integers where one is m and the other is m +1, notably forcing the integer with value m to be moved further up the row, so this can obviously not happen an infinite number of times.
09.10.2024 16:18
this should work right?
10.01.2025 07:41
Consider all possible permutations of the numbers, and order them lexicographically. Call this list S. Clearly each move takes the current permutation on some fixed direction either up or down S. But S is finite and thus Alice can only perform a finite amount of moves. QED
28.01.2025 13:54
For any set of numbers, consider the bijection T (from the set of n numbers of the board to \{1, 2, \cdots, n\}): - if a > b then T(a) > T(b) - a=b but a is left of b For set of numbers on the board C = (x_1,cdots, x_n), after making a move to get C' config, notice that: T(C') is lexicographically smaller than T(C). Since there are n! permutations, it should take at-most n! steps and we are done.