2024 Mexico National Olympiad

Day 1


The figure shows all 6 colorings with for different colors of a $1\times 1$ square divided in four $\tfrac{1}{2} \times \tfrac{1}{2}$ cells (two colorings are considered equal if one is the result of rotating the other). Each of the $1\times 1$ colorings will be used as a piece for a puzzle. The pieces can be rotated but not reflected. Two pieces fit if when sharing a side, the touching $\tfrac{1}{2} \times \tfrac{1}{2}$ cells are the same color respectively (see examples). ¿Is it possible to assemble a $3 \times 2$ puzzle using each of the 6 pieces exactly once and such that every pair of adjacent pieces fit?


Determine all pairs $(a, b)$ of integers that satisfy both: 1. $5 \leq b < a$ 2. There exists a natural number $n$ such that the numbers $\frac{a}{b}$ and $a-b$ are consecutive divisors of $n$, in that order. Note: Two positive integers $x, y$ are consecutive divisors of $m$, in that order, if there is no divisor $d$ of $m$ such that $x < d < y$.


Let $ABCDEF$ a convex hexagon, and let $A_1,B_1,C_1,D_1,E_1$ y $F_1$ be the midpoints of $AB,BC,CD,$ $DE,EF$ and $FA$, respectively. Construct points $A_2,B_2,C_2,D_2,E_2$ and $F_2$ in the interior of $A_1B_1C_1D_1E_1F_1$ such that both 1. The sides of the dodecagon $A_2A_1B_2B_1C_2C_1D_2D_1E_2E_1F_2F_1$ are all equal and 2. $\angle A_1B_2B_1+\angle C_1D_2D_1+\angle E_1F_2F_1=\angle B_1C_2C_1+\angle D_1E_2E_1+\angle F_1A_2A_1=360^\circ$, where all these angles are less than $180 ^\circ$, Prove that $A_2B_2C_2D_2E_2F_2$ is cyclic. Note: Dodecagon $A_2A_1B_2B_1C_2C_1D_2D_1E_2E_1F_2F_1$ is shaped like a 6-pointed star, where the points are $A_1,B_1,C_1,D_1,E_1$ y $F_1$.

Day 2


Let $ABC$ an acute triangle with orthocenter $H$. Let $M$ be a point on segment $BC$. The line through $M$ and perpendicular to $BC$ intersects lines $BH$ and $CH$ in points $P$ and $Q$ respectively. Prove that the orthocenter of triangle $HPQ$ lies on the line $AM$.


Let $A$ and $B$ infinite sets of positive real numbers such that: 1. For any pair of elements $u \ge v$ in $A$, it follows that $u+v$ is an element of $B$. 2. For any pair of elements $s>t$ in $B$, it follows that $s-t$ is an element of $A$. Prove that $A=B$ or there exists a real number $r$ such that $B=\{2r, 3r, 4r, 5r, \dots\}$.


Ana and Beto play on a blackboard where all integers from 1 to 2024 (inclusive) are written. On each turn, Ana chooses three numbers $a,b,c$ written on the board and then Beto erases them and writes one of the following numbers: $$a+b-c, a-b+c, ~\text{or}~ -a+b+c.$$The game ends when only two numbers are left on the board and Ana cannot play. If the sum of the final numbers is a multiple of 3, Beto wins. Otherwise, Ana wins. ¿Who has a winning strategy?