2017 Oral Moscow Geometry Olympiad

grades 8-9


On side $AB$ of triangle $ABC$ is marked point $K$ such that $AB = CK$. Points $N$ and $M$ are the midpoints of $AK$ and $BC$, respectively. The segments $NM$ and $CK$ intersect in point $P$. Prove that $KN = KP$.


An isosceles trapezoid $ABCD$ with bases $BC$ and $AD$ is given. Circles with centers $O_1$ and $O_2$ are inscribed in triangles $ABC$ and $ABD$. Prove that line $O_1O_2$ is perpendicular on $BC$.


Points $M$ and $N$ are the midpoints of sides $AB$ and $CD$, respectively of quadrilateral $ABCD$. It is known that $BC // AD$ and $AN = CM$. Is it true that $ABCD$ is parallelogram?


We consider triangles $ABC$, in which the point $M$ lies on the side $AB$, $AM = a$, $BM = b$, $CM = c$ ($c <a, c <b$). Find the smallest radius of the circumcircle of such triangles.


Two squares are arranged as shown. Prove that the area of the black triangle equal to the sum of the gray areas.


Around triangle $ABC$ with acute angle C is circumscribed a circle. On the arc $AB$, which does not contain point $C$, point $D$ is chosen. Point $D'$ is symmetric on point $D$ with respect to line $AB$. Straight lines $AD'$ and $BD'$ intersect segments $BC$ and $AC$ at points $E$ and $F$. Let point $C$ move along its arc $AB$. Prove that the center of the circumscribed circle of a triangle $CEF$ moves on a straight line.

grades 10-11


One square is inscribed in a circle, and another square is circumscribed around the same circle so that its vertices lie on the extensions of the sides of the first (see figure). Find the angle between the sides of these squares.


Given pyramid with base $n-gon$. How many maximum number of edges can be perpendicular to base?


On the plane, a non-isosceles triangle is given, a circle circumscribed around it and the center of its inscribed circle are marked. Using only a ruler without tick marks and drawing no more than seven lines, construct the diameter of the circumcircle.


Prove that a circle constructed with the side $AB$ of a triangle $ABC$ as a diameter touches the inscribed circle of the triangle $ABC$ if and only if the side $AB$ is equal to the radius of the exircle on that side.


The inscribed circle of the non-isosceles triangle $ABC$ touches sides $AB, BC$ and $AC$ at points $C_1, A_1$ and $B_1$, respectively. The circumscribed circle of the triangle $A_1BC_1$ intersects the lines $B_1A_1$ and $B_1C_1$ at the points $A_0$ and $C_0$, respectively. Prove that the orthocenter of triangle $A_0BC_0$, the center of the inscribed circle of triangle $ABC$ and the midpoint of the $AC$ lie on one straight line.


Given acute angled traingle $ABC$ and altitudes $AA_1$, $BB_1$, $CC_1$. Let $M$ midpoint of $BC$. $P$ point of intersection of circles $(AB_1C_1)$ and $(ABC)$ . $T$ is point of intersection of tangents to $(ABC)$ at $B$ and $C$. $S$ point of intersection of $AT$ and $(ABC)$. Prove that $P,A_1,S$ and midpoint of $MT$ collinear.