2019 Moldova Team Selection Test

Day 1


Let $S$ be the set of all natural numbers with the property: the sum of the biggest three divisors of number $n$, different from $n$, is bigger than $n$. Determine the largest natural number $k$, which divides any number from $S$. (A natural number is a positive integer)


Prove that $E_n=\frac{\arccos {\frac{n-1}{n}} } {\text{arccot} {\sqrt{2n-1} }}$ is a natural number for any natural number $n$. (A natural number is a positive integer)


On the table there are written numbers $673, 674, \cdots, 2018, 2019.$ Nibab chooses arbitrarily three numbers $a,b$ and $c$, erases them and writes the number $\frac{\min(a,b,c)}{3}$, then he continues in an analogous way. After Nibab performed this operation $673$ times, on the table remained a single number $k$. Prove that $k\in(0,1).$


Quadrilateral $ABCD$ is inscribed in circle $\Gamma$ with center $O$. Point $I$ is the incenter of triangle $ABC$, and point $J$ is the incenter of the triangle $ABD$. Line $IJ$ intersects segments $AD, AC, BD, BC$ at points $P, M, N$ and, respectively $Q$. The perpendicular from $M$ to line $AC$ intersects the perpendicular from $N$ to line $BD$ at point $X$. The perpendicular from $P$ to line $AD$ intersects the perpendicular from $Q$ to line $BC$ at point $Y$. Prove that $X, O, Y$ are colinear.

Day 2


Point $H$ is the orthocenter of the scalene triangle $ABC.$ A line, which passes through point $H$, intersect the sides $AB$ and $AC$ at points $D$ and $E$, respectively, such that $AD=AE.$ Let $M$ be the midpoint of side $BC.$ Line $MH$ intersects the circumscribed circle of triangle $ABC$ at point $K$, which is on the smaller arc $AB$. Prove that Nibab can draw a circle through $A, D, E$ and $K.$


Let $a,b,c \ge 0$ such that $a+b+c=1$ and $s \ge 5$. Prove that $s(a^2+b^2+c^2) \le 3(s-3)(a^3+b^3+c^3)+1$


Let $P(X)=a_{2n+1}X^{2n+1}+a_{2n}X^{2n}+...+a_1X+a_0$ be a polynomial with all positive coefficients. Prove that there exists a permutation $(b_{2n+1},b_{2n},...,b_1,b_0)$ of numbers $(a_{2n+1},a_{2n},...,a_1,a_0)$ such that the polynomial $Q(X)=b_{2n+1}X^{2n+1}+b_{2n}X^{2n}+...+b_1X+b_0$ has exactly one real root.


For any positive integer $k$ denote by $S(k)$ the number of solutions $(x,y)\in \mathbb{Z}_+ \times \mathbb{Z}_+$ of the system $$\begin{cases} \left\lceil\frac{x\cdot d}{y}\right\rceil\cdot \frac{x}{d}=\left\lceil\left(\sqrt{y}+1\right)^2\right\rceil \\ \mid x-y\mid =k , \end{cases}$$where $d$ is the greatest common divisor of positive integers $x$ and $y.$ Determine $S(k)$ as a function of $k$. (Here $\lceil z\rceil$ denotes the smalles integer number which is bigger or equal than $z.$)

Day 3


Find all polynomials $P(X)$ with real coefficients such that if real numbers $x,y$ and $z$ satisfy $x+y+z=0,$ then the points $\left(x,P(x)\right), \left(y,P(y)\right), \left(z,P(z)\right)$ are all colinear.


The circle $\Omega$ with center $O$ is circumscribed to acute triangle $ABC$. Let $P$ be a point on the circumscribed circle of $OBC$, such that $P$ is inside $ABC$ and is different from $B$ and $C$. Bisectors of angles $BPA$ and $CPA$ intersect the sides $AB$ and $AC$ in points $E$ and $F.$ Prove that the incenters of triangles $PEF, PCA$ and $PBA$ are collinear.


Let $n\ge 2,$ be a positive integer. Numbers $\{1,2,3, ...,n\}$ are written in a row in an arbitrary order. Determine the smalles positive integer $k$ with the property: everytime it is possible to delete $k$ numbers from those written on the table, such that the remained numbers are either in an increasing or decreasing order.


Let $p\ge 5$ be a prime number. Prove that there exist positive integers $m$ and $n$ with $m+n\le \frac{p+1}{2}$ for which $p$ divides $2^n\cdot 3^m-1.$