Determine all positive integers $ k,n $ for which $ 2^k+10n^2+n^4 $ is a perfect square. Japan EGMO 2016 Shortlist
2016 Stars of Mathematics
Let $ n $ be a positive integer and $ n $ real numbers $ a_1,a_2,\ldots ,a_n $ such that $ a_1^2+a_2^2+\cdots +a_n^2=1. $ Show that $$ \sum_{1\le ij\le n} a_ia_j<2\sqrt n. $$ Russian math competition
Let $ ABC $ be a triangle, $ M_A $ be the midpoint of the side $ BC, $ and $ P_A $ be the orthogonal projection of $ A $ on $ BC. $ Similarly, define $ M_B,M_C,P_B,P_C. M_BM_C $ intersects $ P_BP_C $ at $ S_A, $ and the tangent of the circumcircle of $ ABC $ at $ A $ meets $ BC $ at $ T_A. $ Similarly, define $ S_B,S_C,T_B,T_C. $ Show that the perpendiculars through $ A,B,C, $ to $ S_AT_A,S_BT_B, $ respectively, $ S_CT_C, $ are concurent. Flavian Georgescu
Given a poistive integer $ m, $ determine the smallest integer $ n\ge 2 $ such that for any coloring of the $ n^2 $ unit squares of a $ n\times n $ square with $ m $ colors, there are, at least, two unit squares $ (i,j),(k,l) $ that share the same color, where $ 1\le i,j,k,l\le n,i\neq j,k\neq l. $ American Mathematical Monthly
Find the minimum number of perfect cubes such that their sum is equal to $ 346^{346} . $
Let $ m,n\ge 2 $ and consider a rectangle formed by $ m\times n $ unit squares that are colored, either white, or either black. A step is the action of selecting from it a rectangle of dimensions $ 1\times k, $ where $ k $ is an odd number smaller or equal to $ n, $ or a rectangle of dimensions $ l\times 1, $ where $ l $ is and odd number smaller than $ m, $ and coloring all the unit squares of this chosen rectangle with the color that appears the least in it. a) Show that, for any $ m,n\ge 5, $ there exists a succession of steps that make the rectagle to be single-colored. b) What about $ m=n+1=5? $
Let $ n $ be a natural number, and $ 2n $ nonnegative real numbers $ a_1,a_2,\ldots ,a_{2n} $ such that $ a_1a_2\cdots a_{2n}=1. $ Show that $$ 2^{n+1} +\left( a_1^2+a_2^2 \right)\left( a_3^2+a_4^2 \right)\cdots\left( a_{2n-1}^2+a_{2n}^2 \right) \ge 3\left( a_1+a_2 \right)\left( a_3+a_4 \right)\cdots\left( a_{2n-1}+a_{2n} \right) , $$and specify in which circumstances equality happens.
Let $ ABC $ be an acute triangle having $ AB<AC, I $ be its incenter, $ D,E,F $ be intersection of the incircle with $ BC, CA, $ respectively, $ AB, X $ be the middle of the arc $ BAC, $ which is an arc of the circumcicle of it, $ P $ be the projection of $ D $ on $ EF $ and $ Q $ be the projection of $ A $ on $ ID. $ a) Show that $ IX $ and $ PQ $ are parallel. b) If the circle of diameter $ AI $ intersects the circumcircle of $ ABC $ at $ Y\neq A, $ prove that $ XQ $ intersects $ PI $ at $ Y. $