
Source: Masters of Mathematics 2016, Seniors, Problem 3

Tags: geometry, circumcircle, tangent, midpoint, projection

Let $ ABC $ be a triangle, $ M_A $ be the midpoint of the side $ BC, $ and $ P_A $ be the orthogonal projection of $ A $ on $ BC. $ Similarly, define $ M_B,M_C,P_B,P_C. M_BM_C $ intersects $ P_BP_C $ at $ S_A, $ and the tangent of the circumcircle of $ ABC $ at $ A $ meets $ BC $ at $ T_A. $ Similarly, define $ S_B,S_C,T_B,T_C. $ Show that the perpendiculars through $ A,B,C, $ to $ S_AT_A,S_BT_B, $ respectively, $ S_CT_C, $ are concurent. Flavian Georgescu