2018 Tuymaada Olympiad


Day 1


Real numbers $a \neq 0, b, c$ are given. Prove that there is a polynomial $P(x)$ with real coefficients such that the polynomial $x^2+1$ divides the polynomial $aP(x)^2+bP(x)+c$. Proposed by A. Golovanov


A circle touches the side $AB$ of the triangle $ABC$ at $A$, touches the side $BC$ at $P$ and intersects the side $AC$ at $Q$. The line symmetrical to $PQ$ with respect to $AC$ meets the line $AP$ at $X$. Prove that $PC=CX$. Proposed by S. Berlov


$n$ rooks and $k$ pawns are arranged on a $100 \times 100$ board. The rooks cannot leap over pawns. For which minimum $k$ is it possible that no rook can capture any other rook? Junior League: $n=2551$ (Proposed by A. Kuznetsov) Senior League: $n=2550$ (Proposed by N. Vlasova)


Prove that for every positive integer $d > 1$ and $m$ the sequence $a_n=2^{2^n}+d$ contains two terms $a_k$ and $a_l$ ($k \neq l$) such that their greatest common divisor is greater than $m$. Proposed by T. Hakobyan

Day 2


$99$ identical balls lie on a table. $50$ balls are made of copper, and $49$ balls are made of zinc. The assistant numbered the balls. Once spectrometer test is applied to $2$ balls and allows to determine whether they are made of the same metal or not. However, the results of the test can be obtained only the next day. What minimum number of tests is required to determine the material of each ball if all the tests should be performed today? Proposed by N. Vlasova, S. Berlov


The numbers $1, 2, 3, \dots, 1024$ are written on a blackboard. They are divided into pairs. Then each pair is wiped off the board and non-negative difference of its numbers is written on the board instead. $512$ numbers obtained in this way are divided into pairs and so on. One number remains on the blackboard after ten such operations. Determine all its possible values. Proposed by A. Golovanov


Prove the inequality $$(x^3+2y^2+3z)(4y^3+5z^2+6x)(7z^3+8x^2+9y)\geq720(xy+yz+xz)$$for $x, y, z \geq 1$. Proposed by K. Kokhas


Quadrilateral $ABCD$ with perpendicular diagonals is inscribed in a circle with centre $O$. The tangents to this circle at $A$ and $C$ together with line $BD$ form the triangle $\Delta$. Prove that the circumcircles of $BOD$ and $\Delta$ are tangent. Additional information for Junior LeagueShow that this point lies belongs to $\omega$, the circumcircle of $OAC$ Proposed by A. Kuznetsov


Day 1


Do there exist three different quadratic trinomials $f(x), g(x), h(x)$ such that the roots of the equation $f(x)=g(x)$ are $1$ and $4$, the roots of the equation $g(x)=h(x)$ are $2$ and $5$, and the roots of the equation $h(x)=f(x)$ are $3$ and $6$? Proposed by A. Golovanov

same as juniors Q3 - 2


A point $P$ on the side $AB$ of a triangle $ABC$ and points $S$ and $T$ on the sides $AC$ and $BC$ are such that $AP=AS$ and $BP=BT$. The circumcircle of $PST$ meets the sides $AB$ and $BC$ again at $Q$ and $R$, respectively. The lines $PS$ and $QR$ meet at $L$. Prove that the line $CL$ bisects the segment $PQ$. Proposed by A. Antropov

same as juniors Q4 - 4

Day 2


A prime $p$ and a positive integer $n$ are given. The product $$(1^3+1)(2^3+1)...((n-1)^3+1)(n^3+1)$$is divisible by $p^3$. Prove that $p \leq n+1$. Proposed by Z. Luria

same as juniors Q7 - 6


A school has three senior classes of $M$ students each. Every student knows at least $\frac{3}{4}M$ people in each of the other two classes. Prove that the school can send $M$ non-intersecting teams to the olympiad so that each team consists of $3$ students from different classes who know each other. Proposed by C. Magyar, R. Martin

same as juniors Q8 - 8