2005 Morocco TST

Day 1


Prove that the equation $3y^2 = x^4 + x$ has no positive integer solutions.


Let $A$ be a set of positive integers such that a) if $a\in A$, the all the positive divisors of $a$ are also in $A$; b) if $a,b\in A$, with $1<a<b$, then $1+ab \in A$. Prove that if $A$ has at least 3 elements, then $A$ is the set of all positive integers.


The real numbers $a_1,a_2,...,a_{100}$ satisfy the relationship : $a_1^2+ a_2^2 + \cdots +a_{100}^2 + ( a_1+a_2 + \cdots + a_{100})^2 = 101$ Prove that $|a_k| \leq 10$ for all $k \in \{1,2,...,100\}$


Consider a cyclic quadrilateral $ABCD$, and let $S$ be the intersection of $AC$ and $BD$. Let $E$ and $F$ the orthogonal projections of $S$ on $AB$ and $CD$ respectively. Prove that the perpendicular bisector of segment $EF$ meets the segments $AD$ and $BC$ at their midpoints.

Day 2


Find all the functions $f: \mathbb R \rightarrow \mathbb R$ satisfying : $(x+y)(f(x)-f(y))=(x-y)f(x+y)$ for all $x,y \in \mathbb R$


Let $a,b,c$ be positive real numbers. Prove the inequality \[\frac{a^2}{b}+\frac{b^2}{c}+\frac{c^2}{a}\geq a+b+c+\frac{4(a-b)^2}{a+b+c}.\] When does equality occur?


Find all primes $p$ such that $p^2-p+1$ is a perfect cube.


A convex quadrilateral $ABCD$ has an incircle. In each corner a circle is inscribed that also externally touches the two circles inscribed in the adjacent corners. Show that at least two circles have the same size.

Day 3


Find all the positive primes $p$ for which there exist integers $m,n$ satisfying : $p=m^2+n^2$ and $m^3+n^3-4$ is divisible by $p$.


Consider the set $A=\{1,2,...,49\}$. We partitionate $A$ into three subsets. Prove that there exist a set from these subsets containing three distincts elements $a,b,c$ such that $a+b=c$


Let $a_1,a_2,\ldots$ be an infinite sequence of real numbers, for which there exists a real number $c$ with $0\leq a_i\leq c$ for all $i$, such that \[\left\lvert a_i-a_j \right\rvert\geq \frac{1}{i+j} \quad \text{for all }i,\ j \text{ with } i \neq j. \] Prove that $c\geq1$.


Let $ABCD$ be a cyclic qudrilaterlal such that $AB.BC=2.CD.DA$ Prove that $8.BD^2 \leq 9.AC^2$