2025 Vietnam National Olympiad

25th December, 2024 - Day 1


Let $P(x) = x^4-x^3+x$. a) Prove that for all positive real numbers $a$, the polynomial $P(x) - a$ has a unique positive zero. b) A sequence $(a_n)$ is defined by $a_1 = \dfrac{1}{3}$ and for all $n \geq 1$, $a_{n+1}$ is the positive zero of the polynomial $P(x) - a_n$. Prove that the sequence $(a_n)$ converges, and find the limit of the sequence.


For each non-negative integer $n$, let $u_n = \left( 2+\sqrt{5} \right)^n + \left( 2-\sqrt{5} \right)^n$. a) Prove that $u_n$ is a positive integer for all $n \geq 0$. When $n$ changes, what is the largest possible remainder when $u_n$ is divided by $24$? b) Find all pairs of positive integers $(a, b)$ such that $a, b < 500$ and for all odd positive integers $n$, $u_n \equiv a^n - b^n \pmod {1111}$.


Let $ABC$ be an acute, scalene triangle with circumcenter $O$, circumcircle $(O)$, orthocenter $H$. Line $AH$ meets $(O)$ again at $D \neq A$. Let $E, F$ be the midpoint of segments $AB, AC$ respectively. The line through $H$ and perpendicular to $HF$ meets line $BC$ at $K$. a) Line $DK$ meets $(O)$ again at $Y \neq D$. Prove that the intersection of line $BY$ and the perpendicular bisector of $BK$ lies on the circumcircle of triangle $OFY$. b) The line through $H$ and perpendicular to $HE$ meets line $BC$ at $L$. Line $DL$ meets $(O)$ again at $Z \neq D$. Let $M$ be the intersection of lines $BZ, OE$; $N$ be the intersection of lines $CY, OF$; $P$ be the intersection of lines $BY, CZ$. Let $T$ be the intersection of lines $YZ, MN$ and $d$ be the line through $T$ and perpendicular to $OA$. Prove that $d$ bisects $AP$.

26th December, 2024 - Day 2


Let $ABC$ be an acute, scalene triangle with altitudes $AD, BE, CF$ with $D \in BC, E \in CA$ and $F \in AB$. Let $H, O, I$ be the orthocenter, circumcenter, incenter of triangle $ABC$ respectively and let $M, N, P$ be the midpoint of segments $BC, CA, AB$ respectively. Let $X, Y, Z$ be the intersection of pairs of lines $(AI, NP), (BI, PM)$ and $(CI, MN)$ respectively. a) Prove that the circumcircle of triangles $AXD, BYE, CZF$ have two common points that lie on line $OH$. b) Lines $XP, YM, ZN$ meet the circumcircle of triangles $AXD, BYE, CZF$ again at $X', Y', Z'$ ($X' \neq X, Y' \neq Y, Z' \neq Z$). Let $J$ be the reflection of $I$ across $O$. Prove that $X', Y', Z'$ lie on a line perpendicular to $HJ$.


Consider a $3k \times 3k$ square grid (where $k$ is a positive integer), the cells in the grid are coordinated in terms of columns and rows: Cell $(i, j)$ is at the $i^{\text{th}}$ column from left to right and the $j^{\text{th}}$ row from bottom up. We want to place $4k$ marbles in the cells of the grid, with each cell containing at most one marble, such that - Each row and each column has at least one marble - For each marble, there is another marble placed on the same row or column with that marble. a) Assume $k=1$. Determine the number of ways to place the marbles to satisfy the above conditions (Two ways to place marbles are different if there is a cell $(i, j)$ having a marble placed in one way but not in the other way). b) Assume $k \geq 1$. Find the largest positive integer $N$ such that if we mark any $N$ cells on the board, there is always a way to place $4k$ marbles satisfying the above conditions such that none of the marbles are placed on any of the marked cells.


Let $a,b,c$ be non-negative numbers such that $a+b+c=3.$ Prove that \[\sqrt{3a^3+4bc+b+c}+\sqrt{3b^3+4ca+c+a}+\sqrt{3c^3+4ab+a+b} \geqslant 9.\]