2024 Centroamerican and Caribbean Math Olympiad

Day 1


Let $n$ be a positive integer with $k$ digits. A number $m$ is called an $alero$ of $n$ if there exist distinct digits $a_1$, $a_2$, $\dotsb$, $a_k$, all different from each other and from zero, such that $m$ is obtained by adding the digit $a_i$ to the $i$-th digit of $n$, and no sum exceeds 9. For example, if $n$ $=$ $2024$ and we choose $a_1$ $=$ $2$, $a_2$ $=$ $1$, $a_3$ $=$ $5$, $a_4$ $=$ $3$, then $m$ $=$ $4177$ is an alero of $n$, but if we choose the digits $a_1$ $=$ $2$, $a_2$ $=$ $1$, $a_3$ $=$ $5$, $a_4$ $=$ $6$, then we don't obtain an alero of $n$, because $4$ $+$ $6$ exceeds $9$. Find the smallest $n$ which is a multiple of $2024$ that has an alero which is also a multiple of $2024$.


There is a row with $2024$ cells. Ana and Beto take turns playing, with Ana going first. On each turn, the player selects an empty cell and places a digit in that space. Once all $2024$ cells are filled, the number obtained from reading left to right is considered, ignoring any leading zeros. Beto wins if the resulting number is a multiple of $99$, otherwise Ana wins. Determine which of the two players has a winning strategy and describe it.


Let $ABC$ be a triangle, $H$ its orthocenter, and $\Gamma$ its circumcircle. Let $J$ be the point diametrically opposite to $A$ on $\Gamma$. The points $D$, $E$ and $F$ are the feet of the altitudes from $A$, $B$ and $C$, respectively. The line $AD$ intersects $\Gamma$ again at $P$. The circumcircle of $EFP$ intersects $\Gamma$ again at $Q$. Let $K$ be the second point of intersection of $JH$ with $\Gamma$. Prove that $K$, $D$ and $Q$ are collinear.

Day 2


Let $ABC$ be a triangle, $I$ its incenter, and $\Gamma$ its circumcircle. Let $D$ be the second point of intersection of $AI$ with $\Gamma$. The line parallel to $BC$ through $I$ intersects $AB$ and $AC$ at $P$ and $Q$, respectively. The lines $PD$ and $QD$ intersect $BC$ at $E$ and $F$, respectively. Prove that triangles $IEF$ and $ABC$ are similar.


Let \(x\) and \(y\) be positive real numbers satisfying the following system of equations: \[ \begin{cases} \sqrt{x}\left(2 + \dfrac{5}{x+y}\right) = 3 \\\\ \sqrt{y}\left(2 - \dfrac{5}{x+y}\right) = 2 \end{cases} \]Find the maximum value of \(x + y\).


Let $n$ $\geq$ $2$ and $k$ $\geq$ $2$ be positive integers. A cat and a mouse are playing Wim, which is a stone removal game. The game starts with $n$ stones and they take turns removing stones, with the cat going first. On each turn they are allowed to remove $1$, $2$, $\dotsb$, or $k$ stones, and the player who cannot remove any stones on their turn loses. A raccoon finds Wim very boring and creates Wim 2, which is Wim but with the following additional rule: You cannot remove the same number of stones that your opponent removed on the previous turn. Find all values of $k$ such that for every $n$, the cat has a winning strategy in Wim if and only if it has a winning strategy in Wim 2.