
Source: Centroamerican and Caribbean Math Olympiad 2024 P1

Tags: OMCC, number theory

Let $n$ be a positive integer with $k$ digits. A number $m$ is called an $alero$ of $n$ if there exist distinct digits $a_1$, $a_2$, $\dotsb$, $a_k$, all different from each other and from zero, such that $m$ is obtained by adding the digit $a_i$ to the $i$-th digit of $n$, and no sum exceeds 9. For example, if $n$ $=$ $2024$ and we choose $a_1$ $=$ $2$, $a_2$ $=$ $1$, $a_3$ $=$ $5$, $a_4$ $=$ $3$, then $m$ $=$ $4177$ is an alero of $n$, but if we choose the digits $a_1$ $=$ $2$, $a_2$ $=$ $1$, $a_3$ $=$ $5$, $a_4$ $=$ $6$, then we don't obtain an alero of $n$, because $4$ $+$ $6$ exceeds $9$. Find the smallest $n$ which is a multiple of $2024$ that has an alero which is also a multiple of $2024$.