2021 Azerbaijan EGMO TST

Day 1


Let $n$ be an even positive integer. There are $n$ real numbers written on the blackboard. In every step, we choose two numbers, erase them, and replace each of them with their product. Show that for any initial $n$-tuple it is possible to obtain $n$ equal numbers on the blackboard after a finite number of steps.


Let $\omega$ be a circle with center $O,$ and let $A$ be a point with tangents $AP$ and $AQ$ to the circle. Denote by $K$ the intersection point of $AO$ and $PQ.$ $l_1$ and $l_2$ are two lines passing through $A$ that intersect $\omega.$ Call $B$ the intersection point of $l_1$ with $\omega,$ which is located nearer to $A$ on $l_1.$ Call $C$ the intersection point of $l_2$ with $\omega,$ which is located further to $A$ on $l_2.$ Prove that $\angle PAB = \angle QAC$ if and only if the points $B, K, C$ are on line.


Given an integer $k\geq 2$, determine all functions $f$ from the positive integers into themselves such that $f(x_1)!+f(x_2)!+\cdots f(x_k)!$ is divisibe by $x_1!+x_2!+\cdots x_k!$ for all positive integers $x_1,x_2,\cdots x_k$. $Albania$


Let $P(x), Q(x)$ be distinct polynomials of degree $2020$ with non-zero coefficients. Suppose that they have $r$ common real roots counting multiplicity and $s$ common coefficients. Determine the maximum possible value of $r + s$. Demetres Christofides, Cyprus

Day 2


p is a prime number, k is a positive integer Find all (p, k): $k!=(p^3-1)(p^3-p)(p^3-p^2)$


Given a non-decreasing unbounded sequence $a_n,$ construct a new sequence $b_n$ as follows $$b_n = \frac{a_2 - a_1}{a_2} + \frac{a_3 - a_2}{a_3} + ... + \frac{a_n - a_{n-1}}{a_n}$$Prove that $b_n$ is also unbounded.


Let $s \geq 2$ and $n \geq k \geq 2$ be integes, and let $A$ be a subset of $\{1, 2, . . . , n\}^k$ of size at least $2sk^2n^{k-2}$ such that any two members of $A$ share some entry. Prove that there are an integer $p \leq k$ and $s+2$ members $A_1, A_2, . . . , A_{s+2}$ of $A$ such that $A_i$ and $A_j$ share the $p$-th entry alone, whenever $i$ and $j$ are distinct. Miroslav Marinov, Bulgaria


Let $ABC$ be an acute, non isosceles with $I$ is its incenter. Denote $D, E$ as tangent points of $(I)$ on $AB,AC$, respectively. The median segments respect to vertex $A$ of triangles $ABE$ and $ACD$ meet$ (I)$ at$ P,Q,$ respectively. Take points $M, N$ on the line $DE$ such that $AM \perp BE$ and $AN \perp C D$ respectively. a) Prove that $A$ lies on the radical axis of $(MIP)$ and $(NIQ)$. b) Suppose that the orthocenter $H$ of triangle $ABC$ lies on $(I)$. Prove that there exists a line which is tangent to three circles of center $A, B, C$ and all pass through $H$.