
Source: 2018 Saudi Arabia BMO TST I p4

Tags: geometry, circles, orthocenter, perpendicular, incenter, AZE EGMO TST

Let $ABC$ be an acute, non isosceles with $I$ is its incenter. Denote $D, E$ as tangent points of $(I)$ on $AB,AC$, respectively. The median segments respect to vertex $A$ of triangles $ABE$ and $ACD$ meet$ (I)$ at$ P,Q,$ respectively. Take points $M, N$ on the line $DE$ such that $AM \perp BE$ and $AN \perp C D$ respectively. a) Prove that $A$ lies on the radical axis of $(MIP)$ and $(NIQ)$. b) Suppose that the orthocenter $H$ of triangle $ABC$ lies on $(I)$. Prove that there exists a line which is tangent to three circles of center $A, B, C$ and all pass through $H$.