2023 Switzerland - Final Round

Day 1


Let ABC be an acute triangle with incenter I. On its circumcircle, let MA, MB and MC be the midpoints of minor arcs BC,CA and AB, respectively. Prove that the reflection MA over the line IMB lies on the circumcircle of the triangle IMBMC.


The wizard Albus and Brian are playing a game on a square of side length 2n+1 meters surrounded by lava. In the centre of the square there sits a toad. In a turn, a wizard chooses a direction parallel to a side of the square and enchants the toad. This will cause the toad to jump d meters in the chosen direction, where d is initially equal to 1 and increases by 1 after each jump. The wizard who sends the toad into the lava loses. Albus begins and they take turns. Depending on n, determine which wizard has a winning strategy.


Let x,y and a0,a1,a2, be integers satisfying a0=a1=0, and an+2=xan+1+yan+1for all integers n0. Let p be any prime number. Show that gcd is either equal to 1 or greater than \sqrt{p}.


Determine the smallest possible value of the expression \frac{ab+1}{a+b}+\frac{bc+1}{b+c}+\frac{ca+1}{c+a}where a,b,c \in \mathbb{R} satisfy a+b+c = -1 and abc \leqslant -3

Day 2


Let D be the set of real numbers excluding -1. Find all functions f: D \to D such that for all x,y \in D satisfying x \neq 0 and y \neq -x, the equality (f(f(x))+y)f \left(\frac{y}{x} \right)+f(f(y))=xholds.


Find all positive integers n>2 such that n! \mid \prod_{ p<q\le n, p,q \, \text{primes}} (p+q)


In the acute-angled triangle ABC, the point F is the foot of the altitude from A, and P is a point on the segment AF. The lines through P parallel to AC and AB meet BC at D and E, respectively. Points X \ne A and Y \ne A lie on the circles ABD and ACE, respectively, such that DA = DX and EA = EY. Prove that B, C, X, and Y are concyclic.


Let n be a positive integer. We start with n piles of pebbles, each initially containing a single pebble. One can perform moves of the following form: choose two piles, take an equal number of pebbles from each pile and form a new pile out of these pebbles. Find (in terms of n) the smallest number of nonempty piles that one can obtain by performing a finite sequence of moves of this form.