Let x,y and a0,a1,a2,⋯ be integers satisfying a0=a1=0, and an+2=xan+1+yan+1for all integers n≥0. Let p be any prime number. Show that gcd is either equal to 1 or greater than \sqrt{p}.
Source: Swiss MO 2023/3
Tags: number theory, greatest common divisor
12.03.2023 15:16
Outline from Contest: Very standard idea, you can do similar things for Pisano period for Fibonacci, let q be a prime. If q is a divisor of y then q \nmid gcd(a_n,a_{n+1}) for n \geq 1 is easy to see. If gcd(q,y) = 1, then take by pigeonhole some pair of pairs (a_i,a_{i+1}) = (a_j,a_{j+1}) in \mathbb{F}_q^2 and i \neq j, i,j \leq q^2, then notice that in \mathbb{F}_q^2 ya_{i-1} \equiv a_{i+1}-xa_i-1 = a_{j+1}-xa_j-1 = ya_{j-1}which means that (a_{i-1},a_i) = (a_{j-1},a_j) in \mathbb{F}_q^2 as well, then take (i,j) to be such that i is minimal and notice that this forces i = 0 and take j \leq q^2 to be minimal such that (0,0) = (a_j,a_{j+1}), then it is easy to see that j = q_i is the minimal period of this sequence, that is, (0,0) = (a_p,a_{p+1}) means that q_i \mid p, as q_i \neq 1, we get q^2 \geq q_i = p, then as q^2 \neq p, we get q > \sqrt{p} for all prime divisors of gcd(a_p,a_{p+1}) which finishes. Remark: Problems are ordered by difficulty (mod 4), only 5 of the problems were released due to confidentiality.
31.12.2023 01:05
We uploaded our solution https://calimath.org/pdf/SwissMO2023-3.pdf on youtube https://youtu.be/AzB3Q0aSshU.