2022 Canadian Mathematical Olympiad Qualification


Let $n \geq 2$ be a positive integer. On a spaceship, there are $n$ crewmates. At most one accusation of being an imposter can occur from one crewmate to another crewmate. Multiple accusations are thrown, with the following properties: • Each crewmate made a different number of accusations. • Each crewmate received a different number of accusations. • A crewmate does not accuse themself. Prove that no two crewmates made accusations at each other.


Determine all pairs of integers $(m, n)$ such that $m^2 + n$ and $n^2 + m$ are both perfect squares.


Consider n real numbers $x_0, x_1, . . . , x_{n-1}$ for an integer $n \ge 2$. Moreover, suppose that for any integer $i$, $x_{i+n} = x_i$ . Prove that $$\sum^{n-1}_{i=0} x_i(3x_i - 4x_{i+1} + x_{i+2}) \ge 0.$$


For a non-negative integer $n$, call a one-variable polynomial $F$ with integer coefficients $n$-good if: (a) $F(0) = 1$ (b) For every positive integer $c$, $F(c) > 0$, and (c) There exist exactly $n$ values of $c$ such that $F(c)$ is prime. Show that there exist infinitely many non-constant polynomials that are not $n$-good for any $n$.


Alice has four boxes, $327$ blue balls, and $2022$ red balls. The blue balls are labeled $1$ to $327$. Alice first puts each of the balls into a box, possibly leaving some boxes empty. Then, a random label between $1$ and $327$ (inclusive) is selected, Alice finds the box the ball with the label is in, and selects a random ball from that box. What is the maximum probability that she selects a red ball?


Let $a,b,c$ be real numbers, which are not all equal, such that $$a+b+c=\dfrac{1}{a}+\dfrac{1}{b}+\dfrac{1}{c}=3.$$Prove that at least one of $a, b, c$ is negative.


Let $ABC$ be a triangle with $|AB| < |AC|$, where $| · |$ denotes length. Suppose $D, E, F$ are points on side $BC$ such that $D$ is the foot of the perpendicular on $BC$ from $A$, $AE$ is the angle bisector of $\angle BAC$, and $F$ is the midpoint of $BC$. Further suppose that $\angle BAD = \angle DAE = \angle EAF = \angle FAC$. Determine all possible values of $\angle ABC$.


Let $\{m, n, k\}$ be positive integers. $\{k\}$ coins are placed in the squares of an $m \times n$ grid. A square may contain any number of coins, including zero. Label the $\{k\}$ coins $C_1, C_2, · · · C_k$. Let $r_i$ be the number of coins in the same row as $C_i$, including $C_i$ itself. Let $s_i$ be the number of coins in the same column as $C_i$, including $C_i$ itself. Prove that \[\sum_{i=1}^k \frac{1}{r_i+s_i} \leq \frac{m+n}{4}\]