
Source: Canada Repechage 2022/8 CMOQR

Tags: repechage, inequalities

Let $\{m, n, k\}$ be positive integers. $\{k\}$ coins are placed in the squares of an $m \times n$ grid. A square may contain any number of coins, including zero. Label the $\{k\}$ coins $C_1, C_2, · · · C_k$. Let $r_i$ be the number of coins in the same row as $C_i$, including $C_i$ itself. Let $s_i$ be the number of coins in the same column as $C_i$, including $C_i$ itself. Prove that \[\sum_{i=1}^k \frac{1}{r_i+s_i} \leq \frac{m+n}{4}\]