2019 Bosnia and Herzegovina EGMO TST

Sarajevo, February 17th


Let $x_1,x_2, ..., x_n$ be non-negative real numbers. Solve the system of equations: $$x_k+x_{k+1}=x^2_{k+2}\,\,,\,\,\, (k =1,2,...,n),$$where $x_{n+1} = x_1$, $x_{n+2} = x_2$.


Let $1 = d_1 < d_2 < ...< d_k = n$ be all natural divisors of the natural number $n$. Find all possible values of the number $k$ if $n=d_2d_3 + d_2d_5+d_3d_5$.


The circle inscribed in the triangle $ABC$ touches the sides $AB$ and $AC$ at the points $K$ and $L$ , respectively. The angle bisectors from $B$ and $C$ intersect the altitude of the triangle from the vertex $A$ at the points $Q$ and $R$ , respectively. Prove that one of the points of intersection of the circles circumscribed around the triangles $BKQ$ and $CPL$ lies on $BC$.


Let $n$ be a natural number. There are $n$ blue points , $n$ red points and one green point on the circle . Prove that it is possible to draw $n$ lengths whose ends are in the given points, so that a maximum of one segment emerges from each point, no more than two segments intersect and the endpoints of none of the segments are blue and red points. original wordingНека je ? природан број. На кружници се налази ? плавих, ? црвених и једна зелена тачка. Доказати да је могуће повући ? дужи чији су крајеви у датим тачкама, тако да из сваке тачке излази максимално једна дуж, никоје две дужи се не сијеку и крајње тачке ниједне од дужи нису плава и црвена тачка.