2016 Regional Olympiad of Mexico Northeast


Determine if there is any triple of nonnegative integers, not necessarily different, $(a, b, c)$ such that: $$a^3 + b^3 + c^3 = 2016$$


Let $ABC$ be a triangle with $AB = AC$ with centroid $G$. Let $M$ and $N$ be the midpoints of $AB$ and $AC$ respectively and $O$ be the circumcenter of triangle $BCN$ . Prove that $MBOG$ is a cyclic quadrilateral .


Consider a grid board of $n \times n$, with $n \ge 5$. Two unit squares are said to be far apart if they are neither on the same row nor on consecutive rows and neither in the same column nor in consecutive columns. Take $3$ rectangles with vertices and sides on the points and lines of board so that if two unit squares belong to different rectangles, then they are apart . In how many ways is it possible to do this?


Let $ABCD$ be a square. Let $P$ be a point on the semicircle of diameter $AB$ outside the square. Let $M$ and $N$ be the intersections of $PD$ and $PC$ with $AB$, respectively. Prove that $MN^2 = AM \cdot BN$.


Find all triples of reals $(a, b, c)$ such that $$a - \frac{1}{b}=b - \frac{1}{c}=c - \frac{1}{a}.$$


A positive integer $N$ is called northern if for each digit $d > 0$, there exists a divisor of $N$ whose last digit is $d$. How many northern numbers less than $2016$ are there with the fewest number of divisors as possible?