2018 Puerto Rico Team Selection Test

OMCC - CentroAmericam TST


Find all pairs $(a, b)$ of positive integers that satisfy the equation $a^2 -3 \cdot 2^b = 1$.


Let $A = \{a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4, a_5\}$ be a set of $5$ positive integers. Show that for any rearrangement of $A$, $a_{i1}$, $a_{i2}$, $a_{i3}$, $a_{i4}$, $a_{i5}$, the product $$(a_{i1} -a_1) (a_{i2} -a_2) (a_{i3} -a_3) (a_{i4} -a_4) (a_{i5} -a_5)$$is always even.


Let $M$ be the point of intersection of diagonals $AC$ and $BD$ of the convex quadrilateral $ABCD$. Let $K$ be the point of intersection of the extension of side $AB$ (beyond$A$) with the bisector of the angle $ACD$. Let $L$ be the intersection of $KC$ and $BD$. If $MA \cdot CD = MB \cdot LD$, prove that the angle $BKC$ is equal to the angle $CDB$.


On a circumference of a circle, seven points are selected, at which different positive integers are assigned to each of them. Then fit simultaneously, each number is replaced by the least common multiple of the two neighboring numbers to it. If the same number $n$ is obtained in each of the seven points, determine the smallest possible value for $n$. original wordingSobre una circunferencia de un círculo, se seleccionan siete puntos, a los cuales se le asignan enteros positivos distintos a cada uno de ellos. Luego, en forma simultánea, cada número se reemplaza por el mínimo común múltiplo de los dos números vecinos a él. Si se obtiene el mismo número n en cada uno de los siete puntos, determine el menor valor posible para n.[/url]

IberoAmerican IMO TST


Omar made a list of all the arithmetic progressions of positive integer numbers such that the difference is equal to $2$ and the sum of its terms is $200$. How many progressions does Omar's list have?


Let $ABC$ be an acute triangle and let $P,Q$ be points on $BC$ such that $\angle QAC =\angle ABC$ and $\angle PAB = \angle ACB$. We extend $AP$ to $M$ so that $ P$ is the midpoint of $AM$ and we extend $AQ$ to $N$ so that $Q$ is the midpoint of $AN$. If T is the intersection point of $BM$ and $CN$, show that quadrilateral $ABTC$ is cyclic.


Let $A$ be a set of $m$ positive integers where $m\ge 1$. Show that there exists a nonempty subset $B$ of $A$ such that the sum of all the elements of $B$ is divisible by $m$.


There are $4$ piles of stones with the following quantities: $1004$, $1005$, $2009$ and $2010$. A legitimate move is to remove a stone from each from $3$ different piles. Two players $A$ and $B$ play in turns. $A$ begins the game . The player who, on his turn, cannot make a legitimate move, loses. Determine which of the players has a winning strategy and give a strategy for that player.


In the square shown in the figure, find the value of $x$.


Starting from an equilateral triangle with perimeter $P_0$, we carry out the following iterations: the first iteration consists of dividing each side of the triangle into three segments of equal length, construct an exterior equilateral triangle on each of the middle segments, and then remove these segments (bases of each new equilateral triangle formed). The second iteration consists of apply the same process of the first iteration on each segment of the resulting figure after the first iteration. Successively, follow the other iterations. Let $A_n$ be the area of the figure after the $n$- th iteration, and let $P_n$ the perimeter of the same figure. If $A_n = P_n$, find the value of $P_0$ (in its simplest form).