2011 Belarus Team Selection Test

Test 1


Find all real $a$ such that there exists a function $f: R \to R$ satisfying the equation $f(\sin x )+ a f(\cos x) = \cos 2x$ for all real $x$. I.Voronovich


Points $L$ and $H$ are marked on the sides $AB$ of an acute-angled triangle ABC so that $CL$ is a bisector and $CH$ is an altitude. Let $P,Q$ be the feet of the perpendiculars from $L$ to $AC$ and $BC$ respectively. Prove that $AP \cdot BH = BQ \cdot AH$. I. Gorodnin


Any natural number $n, n\ge 3$ can be presented in different ways as a sum several summands (not necessarily different). Find the greatest possible value of these summands. Folklore


Given a $n \times n$ square table. Exactly one beetle sits in each cell of the table. At $12.00$ all beetles creeps to some neighbouring cell (two cells are neighbouring if they have the common side). Find the greatest number of cells which can become empty (i.e. without beetles) if a) $n=8$ b) $n=9$ Problem Committee of BMO 2011

Test 2


Is it possible to arrange the numbers $1,2,...,2011$ over the circle in some order so that among any $25$ successive numbers at least $8$ numbers are multiplies of $5$ or $7$ (or both $5$ and $7$) ? I. Gorodnin


Two different points $X,Y$ are marked on the side $AB$ of a triangle $ABC$ so that $\frac{AX \cdot BX}{CX^2}=\frac{AY \cdot BY}{CY^2}$ . Prove that $\angle ACX=\angle BCY$. I.Zhuk


Find all functions $f: R \to R ,g: R \to R$ satisfying the following equality $f(f(x+y))=xf(y)+g(x)$ for all real $x$ and $y$. I. Gorodnin


Given nonzero real numbers a,b,c with $a+b+c=a^2+b^2+c^2=a^3+b^3+c^3$. ($*$) a) Find $\left(\frac{1}{a}+\frac{1}{b}+\frac{1}{b}\right)(a+b+c-2)$ b) Do there exist pairwise different nonzero $a,b,c$ satisfying ($*$)? D. Bazylev

Test 3


Given natural number $a>1$ and different odd prime numbers $p_1,p_2,...,p_n$ with $a^{p_1}\equiv 1$ (mod $p_2$), $a^{p_2}\equiv 1$ (mod $p_3$), ..., $a^{p_n}\equiv 1$(mod $p_1$). Prove that a) $(a-1)\vdots p_i$ for some $i=1,..,n$ b) Can $(a-1)$ be divisible by $p_i $for exactly one $i$ of $i=1,...,n$? I. Bliznets


The external angle bisector of the angle $A$ of an acute-angled triangle $ABC$ meets the circumcircle of $\vartriangle ABC$ at point $T$. The perpendicular from the orthocenter $H$ of $\vartriangle ABC$ to the line $TA$ meets the line $BC$ at point $P$. The line $TP$ meets the circumcircce of $\vartriangle ABC$ at point $D$. Prove that $AB^2+DC^2=AC^2+BD^2$ A. Voidelevich


In a concert, 20 singers will perform. For each singer, there is a (possibly empty) set of other singers such that he wishes to perform later than all the singers from that set. Can it happen that there are exactly 2010 orders of the singers such that all their wishes are satisfied? Proposed by Gerhard Wöginger, Austria

Test 4


Let $A$ be the sum of all $10$ distinct products of the sides of a convex pentagon, $S$ be the area of the pentagon. a) Prove thas $S \le \frac15 A$. b) Does there exist a constant $c<\frac15$ such that $S \le cA$ ? I.Voronovich


Find the least positive integer $n$ for which there exists a set $\{s_1, s_2, \ldots , s_n\}$ consisting of $n$ distinct positive integers such that \[ \left( 1 - \frac{1}{s_1} \right) \left( 1 - \frac{1}{s_2} \right) \cdots \left( 1 - \frac{1}{s_n} \right) = \frac{51}{2010}.\] Proposed by Daniel Brown, Canada


Let $a, b$ be integers, and let $P(x) = ax^3+bx.$ For any positive integer $n$ we say that the pair $(a,b)$ is $n$-good if $n | P(m)-P(k)$ implies $n | m - k$ for all integers $m, k.$ We say that $(a,b)$ is $very \ good$ if $(a,b)$ is $n$-good for infinitely many positive integers $n.$ (a) Find a pair $(a,b)$ which is 51-good, but not very good. (b) Show that all 2010-good pairs are very good. Proposed by Okan Tekman, Turkey

Test 5


Let $g(n)$ be the number of all $n$-digit natural numbers each consisting only of digits $0,1,2,3$ (but not nessesarily all of them) such that the sum of no two neighbouring digits equals $2$. Determine whether $g(2010)$ and $g(2011)$ are divisible by $11$. I.Kozlov


Positive real $a,b,c$ satisfy the condition $$\frac{a}{b+c}+\frac{b}{a+c}+\frac{c}{a+b}=1+\frac{1}{6}\left( \frac{a}{c}+\frac{b}{a}+\frac{c}{b} \right)$$Prove that $$\frac{a^3bc}{b+c}+\frac{b^3ca}{a+c}+\frac{c^3ab}{a+b}\ge \frac{1}{6}(ab+bc+ca)^2$$I.Voronovich


Let $ABC$ be an acute triangle with $D, E, F$ the feet of the altitudes lying on $BC, CA, AB$ respectively. One of the intersection points of the line $EF$ and the circumcircle is $P.$ The lines $BP$ and $DF$ meet at point $Q.$ Prove that $AP = AQ.$ Proposed by Christopher Bradley, United Kingdom

Test 6


$AB$ and $CD$ are two parallel chords of a parabola. Circle $S_1$ passing through points $A,B$ intersects circle $S_2$ passing through $C,D$ at points $E,F$. Prove that if $E$ belongs to the parabola, then $F$ also belongs to the parabola. I.Voronovich


Do they exist natural numbers $m,x,y$ such that $$m^2 +25 \vdots (2011^x-1007^y) ?$$S. Finskii


2500 chess kings have to be placed on a $100 \times 100$ chessboard so that (i) no king can capture any other one (i.e. no two kings are placed in two squares sharing a common vertex); (ii) each row and each column contains exactly 25 kings. Find the number of such arrangements. (Two arrangements differing by rotation or symmetry are supposed to be different.) Proposed by Sergei Berlov, Russia

Test 7


In an acute-angled triangle $ABC$, the orthocenter is $H$. $I_H$ is the incenter of $\vartriangle BHC$. The bisector of $\angle BAC$ intersects the perpendicular from $I_H$ to the side $BC$ at point $K$. Let $F$ be the foot of the perpendicular from $K$ to $AB$. Prove that $2KF+BC=BH +HC$ A. Voidelevich


Find all pairs $(m,n)$ of nonnegative integers for which \[m^2 + 2 \cdot 3^n = m\left(2^{n+1} - 1\right).\] Proposed by Angelo Di Pasquale, Australia


Find all functions $f:R\to R$ such that for all real $x,y$ with $y\ne 0$ $$f(x-f(x/y))=xf(1-f(1/y))$$and a) $f(1-f(1))\ne 0$ b) $ f(1-f(1))= 0$ S. Kuzmich, I.Voronovich

Test 8


Find the least possible number of elements which can be deleted from the set $\{1,2,...,20\}$ so that the sum of no two different remaining numbers is not a perfect square. N. Sedrakian , I.Voronovich


Let $A_1A_2 \ldots A_n$ be a convex polygon. Point $P$ inside this polygon is chosen so that its projections $P_1, \ldots , P_n$ onto lines $A_1A_2, \ldots , A_nA_1$ respectively lie on the sides of the polygon. Prove that for points $X_1, \ldots , X_n$ on sides $A_1A_2, \ldots , A_nA_1$ respectively, \[\max \left\{ \frac{X_1X_2}{P_1P_2}, \ldots, \frac{X_nX_1}{P_nP_1} \right\} \geq 1.\]if a) $X_1, \ldots , X_n$ are the midpoints of the corressponding sides, b) $X_1, \ldots , X_n$ are the feet of the corressponding altitudes, c) $X_1, \ldots , X_n$ are arbitrary points on the corressponding lines. Modified version of IMO 2010 SL G3 (it was question c)


Let $x_1, \ldots , x_{100}$ be nonnegative real numbers such that $x_i + x_{i+1} + x_{i+2} \leq 1$ for all $i = 1, \ldots , 100$ (we put $x_{101 } = x_1, x_{102} = x_2).$ Find the maximal possible value of the sum $S = \sum^{100}_{i=1} x_i x_{i+2}.$ Proposed by Sergei Berlov, Ilya Bogdanov, Russia