2018 Junior Balkan Team Selection Tests - Romania

Set 1


Prove that the equation $x^2+y^2+z^2 = x+y+z+1$ has no rational solutions.


Let $a, b, c$ be positive real numbers such that $a^2 + b^2 + c^2 = 3$. Prove that $$\frac{1}{a}+\frac{3}{b}+\frac{5}{c} \ge 4a^2 + 3b^2 + 2c^2$$When does the equality hold? Marius Stanean


Let $ABC$ be a triangle with $AB > AC$. Point $P \in (AB)$ is such that $\angle ACP = \angle ABC$. Let $D$ be the reflection of $P$ into the line $AC$ and let $E$ be the point in which the circumcircle of $BCD$ meets again the line $AC$. Prove that $AE = AC$.


What is the maximum number of rooks one can place on a chessboard such that any rook attacks exactly two other rooks? (We say that two rooks attack each other if they are on the same line or on the same column and between them there are no other rooks.) Alexandru Mihalcu

Set 2


Determine the positive integers $n \ge 3$ such that, for every integer $m \ge 0$, there exist integers $a_1, a_2,..., a_n$ such that $a_1 + a_2 +...+ a_n = 0$ and $a_1a_2 + a_2a_3 + ...+a_{n-1}a_n + a_na_1 = -m$ Alexandru Mihalcu


Let $x, y,z$ be positive real numbers satisfying $2x^2+3y^2+6z^2+12(x+y+z) =108$. Find the maximum value of $x^3y^2z$. Alexandru Gırban


Let $D$ be a unique point on segment $BC$, in $ABC$. If $AD^2 = BD \cdot CD$, show that $AB + AC = \sqrt{2}BC$.


For $n \ge 2$, consider $n$ boxes aligned from left to right. In each box, one puts a ball that can be red, blue or white such that the following condition is fullled: Each box is neighboring at least one box containing a ball of the same color. We denote by $I_n$ the number of such congurations. a) Determine $I_{11}$. Justify your answer. b) Find, with proof, the general formula for $I_n$.

Set 3


Determine all triples of real numbers $(a,b,c)$ that satisfy simultaneously the equations: $$\begin{cases} a(b^2 + c) = c(c + ab) \\ b(c^2 + a) = a(a + bc) \\ c(a^2 + b) = b(b + ca) \end{cases}$$


In an acute traingle $ABC$ with $AB< BC$ let $BH_b$ be its altitude, and let $O$ be the circumcenter. A line through $H_b$ parallel to $CO$ meets $BO$ at $X$. Prove that $X$ and the midpoints of $AB$ and $AC$ are collinear.


Let $A =\left\{a = q + \frac{1}{q }/ q \in Q^*,q > 0 \right\}$, $A + A = \{a + b |a,b \in A\}$,$A \cdot A =\{a \cdot b | a, b \in A\}$. Prove that: i) $A + A \ne A \cdot A$ ii) $(A + A) \cap N = (A \cdot A) \cap N$. Vasile Pop


Consider a $ 2018\times 2018$. board. An "LC-tile" is a tile consisting of $9$ unit squares, having the shape as in the gure below. What is the maximum number of "LC-tiles" that can be placed on the board without superposing them? (Each of the $9$ unit squares of the tile must cover one of the unit squares of the board; a tile may be rotated, turned upside down, etc.) Alexandru Girban

Set 4


Determine the prime numbers $p$ for which the number $a = 7^p - p - 16$ is a perfect square. Lucian Petrescu


Let $ABC$ be an acute triangle, with $AB \ne AC$. Let $D$ be the midpoint of the line segment $BC$, and let $E$ and $F$ be the projections of $D$ onto the sides $AB$ and $AC$, respectively. If $M$ is the midpoint of the line segment $EF$, and $O$ is the circumcenter of triangle $ABC$, prove that the lines $DM$ and $AO$ are parallel. PSAs source was given Caucasus MO, but I was unable to find this problem in the contest collections


Let $ABCD$ be a cyclic quadrilateral. The line parallel to $BD$ passing through $A$ meets the line parallel to $AC$ passing through $B$ at $E$. The circumcircle of triangle $ABE$ meets the lines $EC$ and $ED$, again, at $F$ and $G$, respectively. Prove that the lines $AB, CD$ and $FG$ are either parallel or concurrent.


Consider $n$ weights, $n \ge 2$, of masses $m_1, m_2, ..., m_n$, where $m_k$ are positive integers such that $1 \le m_ k \le k$ for all $k \in \{1,2,...,n\} $: Prove that we can place the weights on the two pans of a balance such that the pans stay in equilibrium if and only if the number $m_1 + m_2 + ...+ m_n$ is even. Estonian Olympiad

Set 5


Prove that a positive integer $A$ is a perfect square if and only if, for all positive integers $n$, at least one of the numbers $(A + 1)^2 - A, (A + 2)^2 - A, (A + 3)^2 - A,.., (A + n)^2- A$ is a multiple of $n$.


If $a, b, c$ are positive real numbers, prove that $$\frac{a}{\sqrt{(a + 2b)^3}}+\frac{b}{\sqrt{(b + 2c)^3}} +\frac{c} {\sqrt{(c + 2a)^3}} \ge \frac{1}{\sqrt{a + b + c}}$$Alexandru Mihalcu


Alina and Bogdan play the following game. They have a heap and $330$ stones in it. They take turns. In one turn it is allowed to take from the heap exactly $1$, exactly $n$ or exactly $m$ stones. The player who takes the last stone wins. Before the beginning Alina says the number $n$, ($1 < n < 10$). After that Bogdan says the number $m$, ($m \ne n, 1 < m < 10$). Alina goes first. Which of the two players has a winning strategy? What if initially there are 2018 stones in the heap? adapted from a Belarus Olympiad problem


Let $ABC$ be a triangle, and let $E$ and $F$ be two arbitrary points on the sides $AB$ and $AC$, respectively. The circumcircle of triangle $AEF$ meets the circumcircle of triangle $ABC$ again at point $M$. Let $D$ be the reflection of point $M$ across the line $EF$ and let $O$ be the circumcenter of triangle $ABC$. Prove that $D$ is on $BC$ if and only if $O$ belongs to the circumcircle of triangle $AEF$.

Set 6


Let $ p$ be a prime number with $ p>5$. Consider the set $ X = \left\{p - n^2 \mid n\in \mathbb{N} ,\ n^2 < p\right\}$. Prove that the set $ X$ has two distinct elements $ x$ and $ y$ such that $ x\neq 1$ and $ x\mid y$. Albania


Let $k > 2$ be a real number. a) Prove that for all positive real numbers $x,y$ and $z$ the following inequality holds: $$\sqrt{x + y }+\sqrt{y + z }+\sqrt{z + x} > 2\sqrt{\frac{(x + y)(y + z)(z + x)}{xy + yz + zx}}$$b) Prove that there exist positive real numbers $x, y$ and $z$ such that $$\sqrt{x + y }+\sqrt{y + z}+\sqrt{z + x} <k\sqrt{\frac{(x + y)(y + z)(z + x)}{xy + yz + zx}}$$Leonard Giugiuc


Given an acute triangle $ABC$ with $AB < AC$.Let $\Omega $ be the circumcircle of $ ABC$ and $M$ be centeriod of triangle $ABC$.$AH$ is altitude of $ABC$.$MH$ intersect with $\Omega $ at $A'$.prove that circumcircle of triangle $A'HB$ is tangent to $AB$. A.I.Golovanov, A. Yakubov


In $n$ transparent boxes there are red balls and blue balls. One needs to choose $50$ boxes such that, together, they contain at least half of the red balls and at least half of the blue balls. Is such a choice possible irrespective on the number of balls and on the way they are distributed in the boxes, if: a) $n = 100$ b) $n = 99$?