2004 Junior Balkan Team Selection Tests - Romania

Day 1


Find all positive reals $a,b,c$ which fulfill the following relation \[ 4(ab+bc+ca)-1 \geq a^2+b^2+c^2 \geq 3(a^3+b^3+c^3) . \] created by Panaitopol Laurentiu.


For each positive integer $n\leq 49$ we define the numbers $a_n = 3n+\sqrt{n^2-1}$ and $b_n=2(\sqrt{n^2+n}+\sqrt{n^2-n})$. Prove that there exist two integers $A,B$ such that \[ \sqrt{a_1-b_1}+\sqrt{a_2-b_2} + \cdots + \sqrt{a_{49}-b_{49}} = A+B\sqrt2. \]


Let $V$ be a point in the exterior of a circle of center $O$, and let $T_1,T_2$ be the points where the tangents from $V$ touch the circle. Let $T$ be an arbitrary point on the small arc $T_1T_2$. The tangent in $T$ at the circle intersects the line $VT_1$ in $A$, and the lines $TT_1$ and $VT_2$ intersect in $B$. We denote by $M$ the intersection of the lines $TT_1$ and $AT_2$. Prove that the lines $OM$ and $AB$ are perpendicular.


Consider a cube and let$ M, N$ be two of its vertices. Assign the number $1$ to these vertices and $0$ to the other six vertices. We are allowed to select a vertex and to increase with a unit the numbers assigned to the $3$ adjiacent vertices - call this a movement. Prove that there is a sequence of movements after which all the numbers assigned to the vertices of the cube became equal if and only if $MN$ is not a diagonal of a face of the cube. Marius Ghergu, Dinu Serbanescu

Day 2


Let $ABC$ be a triangle, having no right angles, and let $D$ be a point on the side $BC$. Let $E$ and $F$ be the feet of the perpendiculars drawn from the point $D$ to the lines $AB$ and $AC$ respectively. Let $P$ be the point of intersection of the lines $BF$ and $CE$. Prove that the line $AP$ is the altitude of the triangle $ABC$ from the vertex $A$ if and only if the line $AD$ is the angle bisector of the angle $CAB$.


Let $ABC$ be a triangle with side lengths $a,b,c$, such that $a$ is the longest side. Prove that $\angle BAC = 90^\circ$ if and only if \[ (\sqrt { a+b } + \sqrt { a-b} )(\sqrt {a+c } + \sqrt { a-c } ) = (a+b+c) \sqrt 2. \]


Let $A$ be a $8\times 8$ array with entries from the set $\{-1,1\}$ such that any $2\times 2$ sub-square of the array has the absolute value of the sum of its element equal with 2. Prove that the array must have at least two identical lines.


Find all positive integers $n$ for which there exist distinct positive integers $a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_n$ such that \[ \frac 1{a_1} + \frac 2{a_2} + \cdots + \frac n { a_n} = \frac { a_1 + a_2 + \cdots + a_n } n. \]

Day 3


At a chess tourney, each player played with all the other players two matches, one time with the white pieces, and one time with the black pieces. One point was given for a victory, and 0,5 points were given for a tied game. In the end of the tourney all the players had the same number of points. a) Prove that there exist two players with the same number of tied games; b) Prove that there exist two players which have the same number of lost games when playing with the white pieces.


Let $ABC$ be an isosceles triangle with $AB=AC$. Consider a variable point $P$ on the extension of the segment $BC$ beyound $B$ (in other words, $P$ lies on the line $BC$ such that the point $B$ lies inside the segment $PC$). Let $r_{1}$ be the radius of the incircle of the triangle $APB$, and let $r_{2}$ be the radius of the $P$-excircle of the triangle $APC$. Prove that the sum $r_{1}+r_{2}$ of these two radii remains constant when the point $P$ varies. Remark. The $P$-excircle of the triangle $APC$ is defined as the circle which touches the side $AC$ and the extensions of the sides $AP$ and $CP$.


Let $p, q, r$ be primes and let $n$ be a positive integer such that $p^n + q^n = r^2$. Prove that $n = 1$. Laurentiu Panaitopol


One considers the positive integers $a < b \leq c < d $ such that $ad=bc$ and $\sqrt d - \sqrt a \leq 1 $. Prove that $a$ is a perfect square.

Day 4


Let $ABC$ be a triangle inscribed in the circle $K$ and consider a point $M$ on the arc $BC$ that do not contain $A$. The tangents from $M$ to the incircle of $ABC$ intersect the circle $K$ at the points $N$ and $P$. Prove that if $\angle BAC = \angle NMP$, then triangles $ABC$ and $MNP$ are congruent. Valentin Vornicu about Romania JBMO TST 2004 in aopsI found the Romania JBMO TST 2004 links here but they were inactive. So I am asking for solution for the only geo I couldn't find using search. The problems were found here.


The real numbers $a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_{100}$ satisfy the relationship \[ a_1^2+ a_2^2 + \cdots +a_{100}^2 + ( a_1+a_2 + \cdots + a_{100})^2 = 101. \] Prove that $|a_k|\leq 10$, for all $k=1,2,\ldots,100$.


A finite set of positive integers is called isolated if the sum of the numbers in any given proper subset is co-prime with the sum of the elements of the set. a) Prove that the set $A=\{4,9,16,25,36,49\}$ is isolated; b) Determine the composite numbers $n$ for which there exist the positive integers $a,b$ such that the set \[ A=\{(a+b)^2, (a+2b)^2,\ldots, (a+nb)^2\}\] is isolated.


A regular polygon with $1000$ sides has the vertices colored in red, yellow or blue. A move consists in choosing to adjiacent vertices colored differently and coloring them in the third color. Prove that there is a sequence of moves after which all the vertices of the polygon will have the same color. Marius Ghergu

Day 5


We consider the following triangular array \[ \begin{array}{cccccccc} 0 & 1 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 5 & 8 & \ldots \\ \ & 0 & 1 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 5 & \ldots \\ \ & \ & 2 & 3 & 5 & 8 & 13 & \ldots \\ \ & \ & \ & 4 & 7 & 11 & 18 & \ldots \\ \ & \ & \ & \ & 12 & 19 & 31 & \ldots \\ \end{array} \] which is defined by the conditions i) on the first two lines, each element, starting with the third one, is the sum of the preceding two elements; ii) on the other lines each element is the sum of the two numbers found on the same column above it. a) Prove that all the lines satisfy the first condition i); b) Let $a,b,c,d$ be the first elements of 4 consecutive lines in the array. Find $d$ as a function of $a,b,c$.


Let $M,N, P$ be the midpoints of the sides $BC,CA,AB$ of the triangle $ABC$, respectively, and let $G$ be the centroid of the triangle. Prove that if $BMGP$ is cyclic and $2BN = \sqrt3 AB$ , then triangle $ABC$ is equilateral.


Let $A$ be a set of positive integers such that a) if $a\in A$, the all the positive divisors of $a$ are also in $A$; b) if $a,b\in A$, with $1<a<b$, then $1+ab \in A$. Prove that if $A$ has at least 3 elements, then $A$ is the set of all positive integers.


Given is a convex polygon with $n\geq 5$ sides. Prove that there exist at most $\displaystyle \frac{n(2n-5)}3$ triangles of area 1 with the vertices among the vertices of the polygon.