
Source: Own. District stage of the Olympiad in Romania (JBMO TST), 2004.

Tags: geometry, trapezoid, incenter, rectangle, trigonometry, angle bisector, perpendicular bisector

Let $ABC$ be an isosceles triangle with $AB=AC$. Consider a variable point $P$ on the extension of the segment $BC$ beyound $B$ (in other words, $P$ lies on the line $BC$ such that the point $B$ lies inside the segment $PC$). Let $r_{1}$ be the radius of the incircle of the triangle $APB$, and let $r_{2}$ be the radius of the $P$-excircle of the triangle $APC$. Prove that the sum $r_{1}+r_{2}$ of these two radii remains constant when the point $P$ varies. Remark. The $P$-excircle of the triangle $APC$ is defined as the circle which touches the side $AC$ and the extensions of the sides $AP$ and $CP$.