Show that for all integers $a \ge 1$,$ \lfloor \sqrt{a}+\sqrt{a+1}+\sqrt{a+2}\rfloor = \lfloor \sqrt{9a+8}\rfloor$
2020 Canadian Mathematical Olympiad Qualification
Given a set $S$, of integers, an optimal partition of S into sets T, U is a partition which minimizes the value $|t - u|$, where $t$ and $u$ are the sum of the elements of $T$ and U respectively. Let $P$ be a set of distinct positive integers such that the sum of the elements of $P$ is $2k$ for a positive integer $k$, and no subset of $P$ sums to $k$. Either show that there exists such a $P$ with at least $2020$ different optimal partitions, or show that such a $P$ does not exist.
Let $N$ be a positive integer and $A = a_1, a_2, ... , a_N$ be a sequence of real numbers. Define the sequence $f(A)$ to be $$f(A) = \left( \frac{a_1 + a_2}{2},\frac{a_2 + a_3}{2}, ...,\frac{a_{N-1} + a_N}{2},\frac{a_N + a_1}{2}\right)$$and for $k$ a positive integer define $f^k (A)$ to be$ f$ applied to $A$ consecutively $k$ times (i.e. $f(f(... f(A)))$) Find all sequences $A = (a_1, a_2,..., a_N)$ of integers such that $f^k (A)$ contains only integers for all $k$.
Determine all graphs $G$ with the following two properties: $\bullet$ G contains at least one Hamilton path. $\bullet$ For any pair of vertices, $u, v \in G$, if there is a Hamilton path from $u$ to $v$ then the edge $uv$ is in the graph $G$
We define the following sequences: • Sequence $A$ has $a_n = n$. • Sequence $B$ has $b_n = a_n$ when $a_n \not\equiv 0$ (mod 3) and $b_n = 0$ otherwise. • Sequence $C$ has $c_n =\sum_{i=1}^{n} b_i$ .• Sequence $D$ has $d_n = c_n$ when $c_n \not\equiv 0$ (mod 3) and $d_n = 0$ otherwise. • Sequence $E$ has $e_n =\sum_{i=1}^{n}d_i$ Prove that the terms of sequence E are exactly the perfect cubes.
In convex pentagon $ABCDE, AC$ is parallel to $DE, AB$ is perpendicular to $AE$, and $BC$ is perpendicular to $CD$. If $H$ is the orthocentre of triangle $ABC$ and $M$ is the midpoint of segment $DE$, prove that $AD, CE$ and $HM$ are concurrent.
Let $a, b, c$ be positive real numbers with $ab + bc + ac = abc$. Prove that $$\frac{bc}{a^{a+1}} +\frac{ac}{b^{b+1 }}+\frac{ab}{c^{c+1}} \ge \frac13$$
Find all pairs $(a, b)$ of positive rational numbers such that $\sqrt[b]{a}= ab$