The quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in a circle which has diameter BD. Points A’ and B’ are symmetric to A and B with respect to the line BD and AC respectively. If the lines A’C, BD intersect at P and AC, B’D intersect at Q, prove that PQ is perpendicular to AC.
2014 Singapore MO Open
2nd Round
Find all functions from the reals to the reals satisfying \[f(xf(y) + x) = xy + f(x)\]
Let $0<a_1<a_2<\cdots <a_n$ be real numbers. Prove that \[\left (\frac{1}{1+a_1}+\frac{1}{1+a_2}+\cdots +\frac{1}{1+a_n}\right )^2 \leq \frac{1}{a_1}+\frac{1}{a_2-a_1}+\cdots +\frac{1}{a_n-a_{n-1}}.\]
Fill up each square of a $50$ by $50$ grid with an integer. Let $G$ be the configuration of $8$ squares obtained by taking a $3$ by $3$ grid and removing the central square. Given that for any such $G$ in the $50$ by $50$ grid, the sum of integers in its squares is positive, show there exist a $2$ by $2$ square such that the sum of its entries is also positive.
Determine the largest odd positive integer $n$ such that every odd integer $k$ with $1<k<n$ and $\gcd(k, n)=1$ is a prime.