2016 Oral Moscow Geometry Olympiad

grades 8-9


Angles are equal in a hexagon, three main diagonals are equal and the other six diagonals are also equal. Is it true that it has equal sides?


In the rectangle there is a broken line, the neighboring links of which are perpendicular and equal to the smaller side of the rectangle (see the figure). Find the ratio of the sides of the rectangle.


A circle with center $O$ passes through the ends of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle and intersects its legs at points $M$ and $K$. Prove that the distance from point $O$ to line $MK$ is half the hypotenuse.


Let $M$ and $N$ be the midpoints of the hypotenuse $AB$ and the leg $BC$ of a right triangles $ABC$ respectively. The excircle of the triangle $ACM$ touches the side $AM$ at point $Q$, and line $AC$ at point $P$. Prove that points $P, Q$ and $N$ lie on one straight line.


Points $I_A, I_B, I_C$ are the centers of the excircles of $ABC$ related to sides $BC, AC$ and $AB$ respectively. Perpendicular from $I_A$ to $AC$ intersects the perpendicular from $I_B$ to $B_C$ at point $X_C$. The points $X_A$ and $X_B$. Prove that the lines $I_AX_A, I_BX_B$ and $I_CX_C$ intersect at the same point.


Given a square sheet of paper with a side of $2016$. Is it possible to bend its not more than ten times, construct a segment of length $1$?

grades 10-11


The line passing through the center $I$ of the inscribed circle of a triangle $ABC$, perpendicular to $AI$ and intersects sides $AB$ and $AC$ at points $C'$ and $B'$, respectively. In the triangles $BC'I$ and $CB'I$, the altitudes $C'C_1$ and $B'B_1$ were drawn, respectively. Prove that the midpoint of the segment $B_1C_1$ lies on a straight line passing through point $I$ and perpendicular to $BC$.


A regular heptagon $A_1A_2A_3A_4A_5A_6A_7$ is given. Straight $A_2A_3$ and $A_5A_6$ intersect at point $X$, and straight lines $A_3A_5$ and $A_1A_6$ intersect at point $Y$. Prove that lines $A_1A_2$ and $XY$ are parallel.


Two squares are arranged as shown in the picture. Prove that the areas of shaded quadrilaterals are equal.


In a convex $n$-gonal prism all sides are equal. For what $n$ is this prism right?


From point $A$ to circle $\omega$ tangent $AD$ and arbitrary a secant intersecting a circle at points $B$ and $C$ (B lies between points $A$ and $C$). Prove that the circle passing through points $C$ and $D$ and touching the straight line $BD$, passes through a fixed point (other than $D$).


Given an acute triangle $ABC$. Let $A'$ be a point symmetric to $A$ with respect to $BC, O_A$ is the center of the circle passing through $A$ and the midpoints of the segments $A'B$ and $A'C. O_B$ and $O_C$ points are defined similarly. Find the ratio of the radii of the circles circumscribed around the triangles $ABC$ and $O_AO_BO_C$.