2019 India IMO Training Camp

Day 1


In an acute angled triangle ABC with AB<AC, let I denote the incenter and M the midpoint of side BC. The line through A perpendicular to AI intersects the tangent from M to the incircle (different from line BC) at a point P> Show that AI is tangent to the circumcircle of triangle MIP. Proposed by Tejaswi Navilarekallu


Show that there do not exist natural numbers a1,a2,,a2018 such that the numbers (a1)2018+a2,(a2)2018+a3,,(a2018)2018+a1are all powers of 5 Proposed by Tejaswi Navilarekallu


Let n be a given positive integer. Sisyphus performs a sequence of turns on a board consisting of n+1 squares in a row, numbered 0 to n from left to right. Initially, n stones are put into square 0, and the other squares are empty. At every turn, Sisyphus chooses any nonempty square, say with k stones, takes one of these stones and moves it to the right by at most k squares (the stone should say within the board). Sisyphus' aim is to move all n stones to square n. Prove that Sisyphus cannot reach the aim in less than n1+n2+n3++nnturns. (As usual, x stands for the least integer not smaller than x. )

Day 2


Let Q>0 denote the set of all positive rational numbers. Determine all functions f:Q>0Q>0 satisfying f(x2f(y)2)=f(x)2f(y)for all x,yQ>0


Let n be a natural number. A tiling of a 2n×2n board is a placing of 2n2 dominos (of size 2×1 or 1×2) such that each of them covers exactly two squares of the board and they cover all the board.Consider now two sepearate tilings of a 2n×2n board: one with red dominos and the other with blue dominos. We say two squares are red neighbours if they are covered by the same red domino in the red tiling; similarly define blue neighbours. Suppose we can assign a non-zero integer to each of the squares such that the number on any square equals the difference between the numbers on it's red and blue neighbours i.e the number on it's red neigbhbour minus the number on its blue neighbour. Show that n is divisible by 3 Proposed by Tejaswi Navilarekallu


Let f:{1,2,3,}{2,3,} be a function such that f(m+n)|f(m)+f(n) for all pairs m,n of positive integers. Prove that there exists a positive integer c>1 which divides all values of f.

Day 3


Given any set S of positive integers, show that at least one of the following two assertions holds: (1) There exist distinct finite subsets F and G of S such that xF1/x=xG1/x; (2) There exists a positive rational number r<1 such that xF1/xr for all finite subsets F of S.


Let ABC be an acute-angled scalene triangle with circumcircle Γ and circumcenter O. Suppose AB<AC. Let H be the orthocenter and I be the incenter of triangle ABC. Let F be the midpoint of the arc BC of the circumcircle of triangle BHC, containing H. Let X be a point on the arc AB of Γ not containing C, such that AXH=AFH. Let K be the circumcenter of triangle XIA. Prove that the lines AO and KI meet on Γ. Proposed by Anant Mudgal


Let k be a positive integer. The organising commitee of a tennis tournament is to schedule the matches for 2k players so that every two players play once, each day exactly one match is played, and each player arrives to the tournament site the day of his first match, and departs the day of his last match. For every day a player is present on the tournament, the committee has to pay 1 coin to the hotel. The organisers want to design the schedule so as to minimise the total cost of all players' stays. Determine this minimum cost.

Day 4


Determine all non-constant monic polynomials f(x) with integer coefficients for which there exists a natural number M such that for all nM, f(n) divides f(2n)2f(n) Proposed by Anant Mudgal


Determine all functions f:(0,)R satisfying (x+1x)f(y)=f(xy)+f(yx)for all x,y>0.


Let O be the circumcentre, and Ω be the circumcircle of an acute-angled triangle ABC. Let P be an arbitrary point on Ω, distinct from A, B, C, and their antipodes in Ω. Denote the circumcentres of the triangles AOP, BOP, and COP by OA, OB, and OC, respectively. The lines A, B, C perpendicular to BC, CA, and AB pass through OA, OB, and OC, respectively. Prove that the circumcircle of triangle formed by A, B, and C is tangent to the line OP.

TST Practice Test 1


Let a1,a2,,am be a set of m distinct positive even numbers and b1,b2,,bn be a set of n distinct positive odd numbers such that a1+a2++am+b1+b2++bn=2019Prove that 5m+12n581.


Let ABC be a triangle with A=C=30. Points D,E,F are chosen on the sides AB,BC,CA respectively so that BFD=BFE=60. Let p and p1 be the perimeters of the triangles ABC and DEF, respectively. Prove that p2p1.


Let n2 be an integer. Solve in reals: |a1a2|=2|a2a3|=3|a3a4|==n|ana1|.

TST Practice Test 2


Let the points O and H be the circumcenter and orthocenter of an acute angled triangle ABC. Let D be the midpoint of BC. Let E be the point on the angle bisector of BAC such that AEHE. Let F be the point such that AEHF is a rectangle. Prove that D,E,F are collinear.


Determine all positive integers m satisfying the condition that there exists a unique positive integer n such that there exists a rectangle which can be decomposed into n congruent squares and can also be decomposed into m+n congruent squares.


There are 2019 coins on a table. Some are placed with head up and others tail up. A group of 2019 persons perform the following operations: the first person chooses any one coin and then turns it over, the second person choses any two coins and turns them over and so on and the 2019-th person turns over all the coins. Prove that no matter which sides the coins are up initially, the 2019 persons can come up with a procedure for turning the coins such that all the coins have smae side up at the end of the operations.