2019 Silk Road


The altitudes of the acute-angled non-isosceles triangle $ ABC $ intersect at the point $ H $. On the segment $ C_1H $, where $ CC_1 $ is the altitude of the triangle, the point $ K $ is marked. Points $ L $ and $ M $ are the feet of perpendiculars from point $ K $ on straight lines $ AC $ and $ BC $, respectively. The lines $ AM $ and $ BL $ intersect at $ N $. Prove that $ \angle ANK = \angle HNL $.


Let $ a_1, $ $ a_2, $ $ \ldots, $ $ a_ {99} $ be positive real numbers such that $ ia_j + ja_i \ge i + j $ for all $ 1 \le i <j \le 99. $ Prove , that $ (a_1 + 1) (a_2 + 2) \ldots (a_ {99} +99) \ge 100!$ .


Find all pairs of $ (a, n) $ natural numbers such that $ \varphi (a ^ n + n) = 2 ^ n. $ ($ \varphi (n) $ is the Euler function, that is, the number of integers from $1$ up to $ n $, relative prime to $ n $)


The sequence $ \{a_n \} $ is defined as follows: $ a_0 = 1 $ and $ {a_n} = \sum \limits_ {k = 1} ^ {[\sqrt n]} {{a_ {n - {k ^ 2 }}}} $ for $ n \ge 1. $ Prove that among $ a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_ {10 ^ 6} $ there are at least $500$ even numbers. (Here, $ [x] $ is the largest integer not exceeding $ x $.)