2019 German National Olympiad

Day 1


Determine all real solutions $(x,y)$ of the following system of equations: \begin{align*} x&=3x^2y-y^3,\\ y &= x^3-3xy^2 \end{align*}


Let $a$ and $b$ be two circles, intersecting in two distinct points $Y$ and $Z$. A circle $k$ touches the circles $a$ and $b$ externally in the points $A$ and $B$. Show that the angular bisectors of the angles $\angle ZAY$ and $\angle YBZ$ intersect on the line $YZ$.


In the cartesian plane consider rectangles with sides parallel to the coordinate axes. We say that one rectangle is below another rectangle if there is a line $g$ parallel to the $x$-axis such that the first rectangle is below $g$, the second one above $g$ and both rectangles do not touch $g$. Similarly, we say that one rectangle is to the right of another rectangle if there is a line $h$ parallel to the $y$-axis such that the first rectangle is to the right of $h$, the second one to the left of $h$ and both rectangles do not touch $h$. Show that any finite set of $n$ pairwise disjoint rectangles with sides parallel to the coordinate axes can be enumerated as a sequence $(R_1,\dots,R_n)$ so that for all indices $i,j$ with $1 \le i<j \le n$ the rectangle $R_i$ is to the right of or below the rectangle $R_j$

Day 2


Show that for each non-negative integer $n$ there are unique non-negative integers $x$ and $y$ such that we have \[n=\frac{(x+y)^2+3x+y}{2}.\]


We are given two positive integers $p$ and $q$. Step by step, a rope of length $1$ is cut into smaller pieces as follows: In each step all the currently longest pieces are cut into two pieces with the ratio $p:q$ at the same time. After an unknown number of such operations, the currently longest pieces have the length $x$. Determine in terms of $x$ the number $a(x)$ of different lengths of pieces of rope existing at that time.


Suppose that real numbers $x,y$ and $z$ satisfy the following equations: \begin{align*} x+\frac{y}{z} &=2,\\ y+\frac{z}{x} &=2,\\ z+\frac{x}{y} &=2. \end{align*} Show that $s=x+y+z$ must be equal to $3$ or $7$. Note: It is not required to show the existence of such numbers $x,y,z$.