2015 Romania Team Selection Tests

Day 1


Let ABC be a triangle, let O be its circumcenter, let A be the orthogonal projection of A on the line BC, and let X be a point on the open ray AA emanating from A. The internal bisectrix of the angle BAC meets the circumcircle of ABC again at D. Let M be the midpoint of the segment DX. The line through O and parallel to the line AD meets the line DX at N. Prove that the angles BAM and CAN are equal.


Let ABC be a triangle, and let r denote its inradius. Let RA denote the radius of the circle internally tangent at A to the circle ABC and tangent to the line BC; the radii RB and RC are defined similarly. Show that 1RA+1RB+1RC2r.


A Pythagorean triple is a solution of the equation x2+y2=z2 in positive integers such that x<y. Given any non-negative integer n , show that some positive integer appears in precisely n distinct Pythagorean triples.


Let k be a positive integer congruent to 1 modulo 4 which is not a perfect square and let a=1+k2. Show that {a2naan:nN>0}={1,2,,a}.


Given an integer N4, determine the largest value the sum k2+1i=1(ni2+1) may achieve, where k,n1,,nk run through the integers subject to k3, n1nk1 and n1++nk=N.

Day 2


Let a be an integer and n a positive integer . Show that the sum : nk=1a(k,n) is divisible by n , where (x,y) is the greatest common divisor of the numbers x and y .


Let ABC be a triangle . Let A be the center of the circle through the midpoint of the side BC and the orthogonal projections of B and C on the lines of support of the internal bisectrices of the angles ACB and ABC , respectively ; the points B and C are defined similarly . Prove that the nine-point circle of the triangle ABC and the circumcircle of ABC are concentric.


Given a positive real number t , determine the sets A of real numbers containing t , for which there exists a set B of real numbers depending on A , |B|4 , such that the elements of the set AB={abaA,bB} form a finite arithmetic progression .


Consider the integral lattice Zn, n2, in the Euclidean n-space. Define a line in Zn to be a set of the form a1××ak1×Z×ak+1××an where k is an integer in the range 1,2,,n, and the ai are arbitrary integers. A subset A of Zn is called admissible if it is non-empty, finite, and every line in Zn which intersects A contains at least two points from A. A subset N of Zn is called null if it is non-empty, and every line in Zn intersects N in an even number of points (possibly zero). (a) Prove that every admissible set in Z2 contains a null set. (b) Exhibit an admissible set in Z3 no subset of which is a null set .

Day 3


Two circles γ and γ cross one another at points A and B . The tangent to γ at A meets γ again at C , the tangent to γ at A meets γ again at C , and the line CC separates the points A and B . Let Γ be the circle externally tangent to γ , externally tangent to γ , tangent to the line CC, and lying on the same side of CC as B . Show that the circles γ and γ intercept equal segments on one of the tangents to Γ through A .


Let (an)n0 and (bn)n0 be sequences of real numbers such that a0>12 , an+1an and bn+1=an(bn+bn+2) for all non-negative integers n . Show that the sequence (bn)n0 is bounded .


If k and n are positive integers , and kn , let M(n,k) denote the least common multiple of the numbers n,n1,,nk+1.Let f(n) be the largest positive integer kn such that M(n,1)<M(n,2)<<M(n,k) . Prove that : (a) f(n)<3n for all positive integers n . (b) If N is a positive integer , then f(n)>N for all but finitely many positive integers n.


Given two integers h1 and p2, determine the minimum number of pairs of opponents an hp-member parliament may have, if in every partition of the parliament into h houses of p member each, some house contains at least one pair of opponents.

Day 4


Let ABC and ABD be coplanar triangles with equal perimeters. The lines of support of the internal bisectrices of the angles CAD and CBD meet at P. Show that the angles APC and BPD are congruent.


Given an integer k2, determine the largest number of divisors the binomial coefficient \binom{n}{k} may have in the range n-k+1, \ldots, n , as n runs through the integers greater than or equal to k.


Let n be a positive integer . If \sigma is a permutation of the first n positive integers , let S(\sigma) be the set of all distinct sums of the form \sum_{i=k}^{l} \sigma(i) where 1 \leq k \leq l \leq n . (a) Exhibit a permutation \sigma of the first n positive integers such that |S(\sigma)|\geq \left \lfloor{\frac{(n+1)^2}{4}}\right \rfloor . (b) Show that |S(\sigma)|>\frac{n\sqrt{n}}{4\sqrt{2}} for all permutations \sigma of the first n positive integers .

Day 5


Let ABC be a triangle. Let P_1 and P_2 be points on the side AB such that P_2 lies on the segment BP_1 and AP_1 = BP_2; similarly, let Q_1 and Q_2 be points on the side BC such that Q_2 lies on the segment BQ_1 and BQ_1 = CQ_2. The segments P_1Q_2 and P_2Q_1 meet at R, and the circles P_1P_2R and Q_1Q_2R meet again at S, situated inside triangle P_1Q_1R. Finally, let M be the midpoint of the side AC. Prove that the angles P_1RS and Q_1RM are equal.


Let n be an integer greater than 1, and let p be a prime divisor of n. A confederation consists of p states, each of which has exactly n airports. There are p air companies operating interstate flights only such that every two airports in different states are joined by a direct (two-way) flight operated by one of these companies. Determine the maximal integer N satisfying the following condition: In every such confederation it is possible to choose one of the p air companies and N of the np airports such that one may travel (not necessarily directly) from any one of the N chosen airports to any other such only by flights operated by the chosen air company.


Define a sequence of integers by a_0=1 , and a_n=\sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \binom{n}{k}a_k , n \geq 1 . Let m be a positive integer , let p be a prime , and let q and r be non-negative integers . Prove that : a_{p^mq+r} \equiv a_{p^{m-1}q+r} \pmod{p^m}