2019 Greece National Olympiad


Define the sequnce ${(a_n)}_{n\ge1}$ by $a_1=1$ and $a_n=5a_{n-1}+3^{n-1}$ for $n\ge2$. Find the greatest power of $2$ that divides $a_{2^{2019}}$.


Let $ABC$ be a triangle with $AB<AC<BC$.Let $O$ be the center of it's circumcircle and $D$ be the center of minor arc $\overarc{AB}$.Line $AD$ intersects $BC$ at $E$ and the circumcircle of $BDE$ intersects $AB$ at $Z$ ,($Z\not=B$).The circumcircle of $ADZ$ intersects $AC$ at $H$ ,($H\not=A$),prove that $BE=AH$.


Find all positive rational $(x,y)$ that satisfy the equation : $$yx^y=y+1$$


Given a $n\times m$ grid we play the following game . Initially we place $M$ tokens in each of $M$ empty cells and at the end of the game we need to fill the whole grid with tokens.For that purpose we are allowed to make the following move:If an empty cell shares a common side with at least two other cells that contain a token then we can place a token in this cell.Find the minimum value of $M$ in terms of $m,n$ that enables us to win the game.