If $x_1,x_2,...,x_n>0 $ and $x_1^2+x_2^2+...+x_n^2=\dfrac{1}{n}$,prove that $\sum x_i+\sum \dfrac{1}{x_i \cdot x_{i+1}} \ge n^3+1.$
2016 Moldova Team Selection Test
Day 1
Let $p$ be a prime number of the form $4k+1$. Show that \[\sum^{p-1}_{i=1}\left( \left \lfloor \frac{2i^{2}}{p}\right \rfloor-2\left \lfloor \frac{i^{2}}{p}\right \rfloor \right) = \frac{p-1}{2}.\]
Let $ABC$ be a triangle with $\angle C=90$. The tangent points of the inscribed circle with the sides $BC, CA$ and $AB$ are $M, N$ and $P.$ Points $M_1, N_1, P_1$ are symmetric to points $M, N, P$ with respect to midpoints of sides $BC, CA$ and $AB.$ Find the smallest value of $\frac{AO_1+BO_1}{AB},$ where $O_1$ is the circumcenter of triangle $M_1N_1P_1.$
Show that for every prime number $p$ and every positive integer $n\geq2$ there exists a positive integer $k$ such that the decimal representation of $p^k$ contains $n$ consecutive equal digits.
Day 2
The sequence of polynomials $\left( P_{n}(X)\right)_{n\in Z_{>0}}$ is defined as follows: $P_{1}(X)=2X$ $P_{2}(X)=2(X^2+1)$ $P_{n+2}(X)=2X\cdot P_{n+1}(X)-(X^2-1)P_{n}(X)$, for all positive integers $n$. Find all $n$ for which $X^2+1\mid P_{n}(X)$
Let $n\in \mathbb{Z}_{> 0}$. The set $S$ contains all positive integers written in decimal form that simultaneously satisfy the following conditions: each element of $S$ has exactly $n$ digits; each element of $S$ is divisible by $3$; each element of $S$ has all its digits from the set $\{3,5,7,9\}$ Find $\mid S\mid$
Let $\Omega$ and $O$ be the circumcircle of acute triangle $ABC$ and its center, respectively. $M\ne O$ is an arbitrary point in the interior of $ABC$ such that $AM$, $BM$, and $CM$ intersect $\Omega$ at $A_{1}$, $B_{1}$, and $C_{1}$, respectiuvely. Let $A_{2}$, $B_{2}$, and $C_{2}$ be the circumcenters of $MBC$, $MCA$, and $MAB$, respectively. It is to be proven that $A_{1}A_{2}$, $B_{1}B_{2}$, $C_{1}C{2}$ concur.
Let us have $n$ ( $n>3$) balls with different rays. On each ball it is written an integer number. Determine the greatest natural number $d$ such that for any numbers written on the balls, we can always find at least 4 different ways to choose some balls with the sum of the numbers written on them divisible by $d$.
Day 3
Let $\alpha \in \left( 0, \dfrac{\pi}{2}\right)$.Find the minimum value of the expression $$ P = (1+\cos\alpha)\left(1+\frac{1}{\sin \alpha} \right)+(1+\sin \alpha)\left(1+\frac{1}{\cos \alpha} \right) .$$
Let $A_{1}A_{2} \cdots A_{14}$ be a regular $14-$gon. Prove that $A_{1}A_{3}\cap A_{5}A_{11}\cap A_{6}A_{9}\ne \emptyset$.
Let $ABCD$ be a cyclic quadrilateral. Circle with diameter $AB$ intersects $CA$, $CB$, $DA$, and $DB$ in $E$, $F$, $G$, and $H$, respectively (all different from $A$ and $B$). The lines $EF$ and $GH$ intersect in $I$. Prove that the bisector of $\angle GIF$ and the line $CD$ are perpendicular.
There are $2015$ distinct circles in a plane, with radius $1$. Prove that you can select $27$ circles, which form a set $C$, which satisfy the following. For two arbitrary circles in $C$, they intersect with each other or For two arbitrary circles in $C$, they don't intersect with each other.