2014 Argentina Cono Sur TST

Day 1


A positive integer $N$ is written on a board. In a step, the last digit $c$ of the number on the board is erased, and after this, the remaining number $m$ is erased and replaced with $|m-3c|$ (for example, if the number $1204$ is on the board, after one step, we will replace it with $120 - 3 \cdot 4 = 108$). We repeat this until the number on the board has only one digit. Find all positive integers $N$ such that after a finite number of steps, the remaining one-digit number is $0$.


The numbers $1$ through $9$ are written on a $3 \times 3$ board, without repetitions. A valid operation is to choose a row or a column of the board, and replace its three numbers $a, b, c$ (in order, i.e., the first number of the row/column is $a$, the second number of the row/column is $b$, the third number of the row/column is $c$) with either the three non-negative numbers $a-x, b-x, c+x$ (in order) or with the three non-negative numbers $a+x, b-x, c-x$ (in order), where $x$ is a real positive number which may vary in each operation . a) Determine if there is a way of getting all $9$ numbers on the board to be the same, starting with the following board: $\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline 1 & 2 & 3 \\ \hline 4 & 5 & 6 \\ \hline 7 & 8 & 9 \\ \hline \end{array}$ b) For all posible configurations such that it is possible to get all $9$ numbers to be equal to a number $m$ using the valid operations, determine the maximum value of $m$.


All diagonals of a convex pentagon are drawn, dividing it in one smaller pentagon and $10$ triangles. Find the maximum number of triangles with the same area that may exist in the division.

Day 2


Find all pairs of positive prime numbers $(p,q)$ such that $p^5+p^3+2=q^2-q$


In an acute triangle $ABC$, let $D$ be a point in $BC$ such that $AD$ is the angle bisector of $\angle{BAC}$. Let $E \neq B$ be the point of intersection of the circumcircle of triangle $ABD$ with the line perpendicular to $AD$ drawn through $B$. Let $O$ be the circumcenter of triangle $ABC$. Prove that $E$, $O$, and $A$ are collinear.


$120$ bags with $100$ coins are placed on the floor. One bag has coins that weigh $9$ grams, the other bags have coins that weigh $10$ grams. One may place some coins (not necessarily from the same bag) on a weighing scale, but it will only properly display the weight if it is less than $1000$ grams. Determine the minimum number of times that the weighing scale may be used in order to identify the bag that has the $9$-gram coins.