Find all a,n∈Z+ (a>2) such that each prime divisor of an−1 is also prime divisor of a32016−1
2016 Vietnam Team Selection Test
Day 1
Let A be a set contains 2000 distinct integers and B be a set contains 2016 distinct integers. K is the numbers of pairs (m,n) satisfying {m∈A,n∈B|m−n|≤1000Find the maximum value of K
Let ABC be triangle with circumcircle (O) of fixed BC, AB≠AC and BC not a diameter. Let I be the incenter of the triangle ABC and D=AI∩BC,E=BI∩CA,F=CI∩AB. The circle passing through D and tangent to OA cuts for second time (O) at G (G≠A). GE,GF cut (O) also at M,N respectively. a) Let H=BM∩CN. Prove that AH goes through a fixed point. b) Suppose BE,CF cut (O) also at L,K respectively and AH∩KL=P. On EF take Q for QP=QI. Let J be a point of the circimcircle of triangle IBC so that IJ⊥IQ. Prove that the midpoint of IJ belongs to a fixed circle.
Day 2
Given an acute triangle ABC satisfying ∠ACB<∠ABC<∠ACB+∠BAC2. Let D be a point on BC such that ∠ADC=∠ACB+∠BAC2. Tangent of circumcircle of ABC at A hits BC at E. Bisector of ∠AEB intersects AD and (ADE) at G and F respectively, DF hits AE at H. a) Prove that circle with diameter AE,DF,GH go through one common point. b) On the exterior bisector of ∠BAC and ray AC given point K and M respectively satisfying KB=KD=KM, On the exterior bisector of ∠BAC and ray AB given point L and N respectively satisfying LC=LD=LN. Circle throughs M,N and midpoint I of BC hits BC at P (P≠I). Prove that BM,CN,AP concurrent.
Given n numbers a1,a2,...,an (n≥3) where ai∈{0,1} for all i=1,2.,,,.n. Consider n following n-tuples S1=(a1,a2,...,an−1,an)S2=(a2,a3,...,an,a1)⋮Sn=(an,a1,...,an−2,an−1).For each tuple r=(b1,b2,...,bn), let ω(r)=b1⋅2n−1+b2⋅2n−2+⋯+bn.Assume that the numbers ω(S1),ω(S2),...,ω(Sn) receive exactly k different values. a) Prove that k|n and 2n−12k−1|ω(Si)∀i=1,2,...,n. b) Let M=maxProve that M-m\geq\frac{(2^n-1)(2^{k-1}-1)}{2^k-1}.
Given 16 distinct real numbers \alpha_1,\alpha_2,...,\alpha_{16}. For each polynomial P, denote V(P)=P(\alpha_1)+P(\alpha_2)+...+P(\alpha_{16}). Prove that there is a monic polynomial Q, \deg Q=8 satisfying: i) V(QP)=0 for all polynomial P has \deg P<8. ii) Q has 8 real roots (including multiplicity).