1999 Czech and Slovak Match

Day 1


Leta,b,c are postive real numbers,proof that $ \frac{a}{b+2c}+\frac{b}{c+2a}+\frac{c}{a+2b}\geq1$


The altitudes through the vertices $A,B,C$ of an acute-angled triangle $ABC$ meet the opposite sides at $D,E,F,$ respectively. The line through $D$ parallel to $EF$ meets the lines $AC$ and $AB$ at $Q$ and $R$, respectively. The line $EF$ meets $BC$ at $P$. Prove that the circumcircle of the triangle $PQR$ passes through the midpoint of $BC$.


Find all natural numbers $k$ for which there exists a set $M$ of ten real numbers such that there are exactly $k$ pairwise non-congruent triangles whose side lengths are three (not necessarily distinct) elements of $M$.

Day 2


Find all positive integers $k$ for which the following assertion holds: If $F(x)$ is polynomial with integer coefficients ehich satisfies $0 \leq F(c) \leq k$ for all $c \in \{0,1, \cdots,k+1 \}$, then \[F(0)= F(1) = \cdots =F(k+1).\]


Find all functions $f: (1,\infty)\text{to R}$ satisfying $f(x)-f(y)=(y-x)f(xy)$ for all $x,y>1$. hintyou may try to find $f(x^5)$ by two ways and then continue the solution. I have also solved by using this method.By finding $f(x^5)$ in two ways I found that $f(x)=xf(x^2)$ for all $x>1$.


Prove that for any integer $n \ge 3$, the least common multiple of the numbers $1,2, ... ,n$ is greater than $2^{n-1}$.