
Source: China TST 2003

Tags: function, induction, algebra unsolved, algebra

Let $S$ be a finite set. $f$ is a function defined on the subset-group $2^S$ of set $S$. $f$ is called $\textsl{monotonic decreasing}$ if when $X \subseteq Y\subseteq S$, then $f(X) \geq f(Y)$ holds. Prove that: $f(X \cup Y)+f(X \cap Y ) \leq f(X)+ f(Y)$ for $X, Y \subseteq S$ if and only if $g(X)=f(X \cup \{ a \}) - f(X)$ is a $\textsl{monotonic decreasing}$ funnction on the subset-group $2^{S \setminus \{a\}}$ of set $S \setminus \{a\}$ for any $a \in S$.