Source: IMO ShortList 2003, combinatorics problem 1
Tags: algorithm, IMO, IMO 2003, combinatorics, greedy, independent sets, IMO Shortlist
15.07.2003 15:18
Assume that we have already found t_1, t_2, ..., t_k (k<=99) and are searching for t_{k+1}. We can not take t_{k+1} only of form t_i+a_j-a_l, where 1<=i<=k and a_j and a_l are elements of A. So, we have k*101*100 forbidden values of t_{k+1}, which correspond to a_j<>a_l, and k forbidden values which correspond to a_j=a_l. So, at most 99*101*100+99=1000000-1 forbidden values, and at least 1 admissible.
18.07.2003 19:00
Notice that if instead of taking an arbitrary t_{k+1}, you always take the smallest t_{k+1} that is not forbidden, you will only have to make sure that t_{k+1} is distinct from all t_i+a_j-a_l with a_j>a_l. This is true because the values with a_j<a_l are all <=t_k, and so have been forbidden at some earlier step. This gives you ceiling(1000000/5051) = 198 t_i's. However, Fedor's proof also shows that you can choose 100 t_i's such that the sets are parwise disjoint even when taken mod 10^6.
19.07.2003 02:45
Let A = {a1 < a2 < ... < a101}. Draw an undirected graph and put a vertex between i and j iff the sets (A+i) and (A+j) are disjoint . The graph will have 10^6 vertices . For an arbitrary vertex x to be joined with y , x-y must not be one of the numbers ai - aj (i<>j) , which are 101*100 numbers . So the vertex x has degree at least 10^6 - 101*100 . But this means that the graph has at least 10^6(10^6 - 101*100)/2 edges. The problem asks to prove that there is an 100-clique in the graph. But by Turan's theorem , there is a k-clique in a graph with n vertices iff the number of edges is strictly greater than : M(n,k) = (k-2)/(k-1) * (n^2 - r^2)/2 + r*(r-1)/2 where we have taken r to be the remainder of n when divided by k-1. In our case n=10^6 , k=100 and r=1. A simple calculation shows that the number of vertices is greater than M(10^6,100)+1 and thus we are done. P.S. : in an IMO paper , should one prove Turan's theorem or not ? I guess so ..
05.08.2003 01:59
Fedor Petrov wrote: Assume that we have already found t_1, t_2, ..., t_k (k<=99) and are searching for t_{k+1}. We can not take t_{k+1} only of form t_i+a_j-a_l, where 1<=i<=k and a_j and a_l are elements of A. So, we have k*101*100 forbidden values of t_{k+1}, which correspond to a_j<>a_l, and k forbidden values which correspond to a_j=a_l. So, at most 99*101*100+99=1000000-1 forbidden values, and at least 1 admissible. so it is right to assume that for every K there exists a number such that \lim \lambda
10.06.2006 22:38
Fedor Petrov wrote: Assume that we have already found $\{t_k\}_{1=k}^{99}$ and are searching for $t_{k+1}$. We can not take $t_{k+1}$ only of form $t_i+a_j-a_l \ | \ 1\leq i\leq k \ \ a_j, a_l \in A$. So, we have $k*101*100$ forbidden values of $t_{k+1}$, which correspond to $a_j<>a_l$, and $k$ forbidden values which correspond to $a_j=a_l$. So, at most $99*101*100+99=1000000-1$ forbidden values, and at least $1$ admissible. Alison wrote: Notice that if instead of taking an arbitrary $t_{k+1}$, you always take the smallest $t_{k+1}$ that is not forbidden, you will only have to make sure that $t_{k+1}$ is distinct from all $t_i+a_j-a_l \ | \ a_j>a_l$. This is true because the values with $a_j<a_l$ are all $\leq t_k$, and so have been forbidden at some earlier step. This gives you $\lceil 1000000/5051 \rceil = 198 t_i's$. However, Fedor's proof also shows that you can choose $100 t_i's$ such that the sets are parwise disjoint even when taken $mod 10^6$. Guest wrote: Let $A = {a_1 < a_2 < ... < a_{101}}$. Draw an undirected graph and put a vertex between $i, j$ iff the sets $(A+i)$ and $(A+j)$ are disjoint . The graph will have $10^6$ vertices . For an arbitrary vertex $x$ to be joined with $y$ , $x-y$ must not be one of the numbers $ai - aj (i<>j)$ , which are $101*100$ numbers . So the vertex $x$ has degree at least $10^6 - 101*100$ . But this means that the graph has at least $10^6(10^6 - 101*100)/2$ edges. The problem asks to prove that there is an $100-clique$ in the graph. But by Turan's theorem , there is a $k-clique$ in a graph with $n$ vertices iff the number of edges is strictly greater than : $M(n,k) = (k-2)/(k-1) * (n^2 - r^2)/2 + r*(r-1)/2$ where we have taken $r$ to be the remainder of $n$ when divided by $k-1$. In our case $n=10^6 , k=100 , r=1$. A simple calculation shows that the number of vertices is greater than $M(10^6,100)+1$ and thus we are done. P.S. : in an IMO paper , should one prove Turan's theorem or not ? I guess so ..
15.08.2009 00:02
This problem has been proposed by Carlos Gustavo Tamm de Araujo Moreira, from Brazil.
15.08.2009 00:13 It already says so in the Wiki. If you know an author which isn't listed there, please contribute!
16.06.2012 08:31
May be my solution is wrong but it seems to me that we just need $|S|\geq 99\binom{101}{2}+100$. Please help me if you find any bug in my solution SOLUTION
16.06.2012 10:22
Dragonboy wrote: Make a set $S_{i+1}\subset S_i$ such that $S_{i+1}$ doesn't contain $t_{i+1}$ and any element $K$ satisfying $K-t_{i+1}=|x-y|$ for any distinct $x,y\in A$ In here, you are just striking out the elements such that $K-t_{i+1}=|x-y|$, but the case remains where $K-t_{i+1}=-|x-y|$, which can also satisfy $y+t_i=x+t_j$ instead of $y+t_j=x+t_i$. So the limit is (about) doubled and it reaches near $10^6$, which can be achieved with a little more strict bounding. Although, nice approach with algorithmic way
16.06.2012 11:17
Mahi wrote: Dragonboy wrote: Make a set $S_{i+1}\subset S_i$ such that $S_{i+1}$ doesn't contain $t_{i+1}$ and any element $K$ satisfying $K-t_{i+1}=|x-y|$ for any distinct $x,y\in A$ In here, you are just striking out the elements such that $K-t_{i+1}=|x-y|$, but the case remains where $K-t_{i+1}=-|x-y|$, which can also satisfy $y+t_i=x+t_j$ instead of $y+t_j=x+t_i$. So the limit is (about) doubled and it reaches near $10^6$, which can be achieved with a little more strict bounding. Although, nice approach with algorithmic way I think i have mentioned that $t_{i+1}$ is the smallest element in $S_i$ and any other element $K$ in $S_i$ is greater than $t_{i+1}$.So, there is no $K$ satisfying $K-t_{i+1}=-|x-y|$
16.06.2012 11:47
Yes, if you choose $t_i$'s in increasing sequence, then it reduces to $t_i-t_j=y-x$ where $i>j$ which implies $y>x$ and thus the strategy is optimized by two
16.06.2012 12:31
Mahi wrote: Yes, if you choose $t_i$'s in increasing sequence, then it reduces to $t_i-t_j=y-x$ where $i>j$ which implies $y>x$ and thus the strategy is optimized by two I'm not understanding what you're saying. Let me make it more clear for you (As much as i can) After choosing all $t_i$ by the algorithm, for the sake of contradiction , let's assume there exists $t_i>t_j$ and $x>y$ such that $t_i-t_j=x-y$. But It's not possible since we've banished such $t_i$ when we choose $t_{j+1}$ (According to algorithm). Is it clear now?
16.06.2012 17:52
In my last post, I just shared my opinion about the algorithm. I understood it earlier. It was clear to me after I noticed the part "greatest in the set $S_i$". Thanks for your concern. By the way, something similar was also told by Alison in a previous post.
04.08.2014 20:20
Let each element of $ S $ be the vertex of a graph where two vertices $ u, v $ are connected by an edge if and only if the sets $ A + u $ and $ A + v $ are disjoint. Consider an arbitrary vertex $ v $. Since the $ |A + v| = 101 $ the maximum number of vertices $ w $ such that sets $ A + v $ and $ A + w $ are not disjoint is $ 100 * 101 $. Therefore every vertex of the graph has degree at least $ 10^6 - 100*101 - 1. $ Therefore the graph has at least $ \frac{10^6(10^6 - 100*101 - 1)}{2} $ edges. It suffices to show that this graph contains $ K_{100} $ as a subgraph. Now, by Turan's Theorem, the maximum number of edges a graph with $ 10^6 $ vertices that does not contain $ K_{100} $ may contain is obtained when the graph is a complete $ 99 $-partite graph with $ 98 $ independent sets of size $ 10101 $ and $ 1 $ independent set of size $ 10102 $. It is easy to compute that this graph has $ \binom{98}{2}10101^2 + 98 \cdot 10101 \cdot 10102 = 494949494949 $ edges. But since $ \frac{10^6(10^6 - 100*101 - 1)}{2} = 494949500000 > 494949494949 $ we have the desired result.
29.12.2014 23:51
Please let me know if the following solution is correct. I think its equivalent to what Fedor Petrov said, but then we have some complicated solutions using Turan's theorem, so I don't understand why we need that. I must be misunderstanding the problem, otherwise it is trivial... Choose $t_1$ arbitrarily from $S$. For $1<i \le 100$, we must choose $t_i$ such that $t_i \neq t_j +(a_k-a_l)$ for $1 \le j <i$ and $1 \le k,l \le 101$. The RHS assumes at most $101^2-100$ distinct values for each $j$, where $100$ is subtracted to remove the cases where $k=l$. Thus RHS assumes at most $(101^2-100)(i-1)$ values for each $i$. Thus there are at least $10^6-(101^2-100)(i-1) \ge 10^6-(101^2-100)(100)=1$ choice(s) for each $t_i$.
01.07.2015 12:06
I think you are right, viperstrike. Remember this is from 11 years ago! AoPS was just in its infancy back then. I think you forgot to add 99...
19.01.2016 05:33
30.03.2016 15:09
General problem. Let $A$ be a $n+1$-element subset of set $S= \left \{ 1,2, \cdots ,n^3 \right \}$. Prove that there exist numbers $t_1,t_2, \cdots , t_n$ in $S$ such that the sets $$A_j = \{ x+t_j | x \in A \}, \qquad j=1,2, \cdots , n$$are pairwise disjoint.
12.10.2016 14:15
iandrei wrote: Let $A$ be a $101$-element subset of the set $S=\{1,2,\ldots,1000000\}$. Prove that there exist numbers $t_1$, $t_2, \ldots, t_{100}$ in $S$ such that the sets \[ A_j=\{x+t_j\mid x\in A\},\qquad j=1,2,\ldots,100 \]are pairwise disjoint. We can get a better bound! Prove that $|S|\geq 198$
31.07.2023 07:00
Solved on OTIS Excerpts. Very standard and straightforward counting problem. There will only be no way to add another $t_j$, from where there are $10^6$ choices, into the set T that contains all $t_k$s if the value is already in the set, or if there would then be some overlap between two sets $A_i$ and $A_j$; that is, $x+t_i=y+t_j$, for some distinct x and y in A. There are k of the first type; of the second type, |A|(|A|-1) ways for x and y, and |T| ways for there to exist some t_i such that there would be some overlap. Hence we have $$k+|A|(|A|-1)|T|=k+101*100k\ge 10^6.$$It is now easily checked (by, for example, estimating the LHS=10^4k+k) that k=99 is too small, hence $\boxed{k\ge 100}$, as desired. $\blacksquare$
20.08.2023 23:59
Suppose that we have chosen a maximal number $k$ of $t_i$. This means that for all $10^6-k$ numbers $m$ in $S$ not among the $t_i$, there exists $t_i$ and $x, y \in A$ such that $t_i + x = m + y$. On the other hand, the number of triplets $(t_i, x, y)$ is bounded above by $10100k$, so it follows that $10100k \geq 10^6 - k$, enough to imply $k \geq 100$ (rounding up).
27.10.2023 23:23
We can see that for $a_x, a_y \in A$. We want no pairs such that $a_x - a_y = t_i - t_j$. We choose our $t_i$ greedily and by induction. Firstly we choose $t_1 =1$. For our induction step we let $t_{n+1}$ be the first value such that $t_{n+1} - t_j \neq a_x - a_y$ for all $j \in [1, n]$. We can see that there are $\binom{101}{2}$ values of $a_x - a_y$, and there are $n$ values of $j$. Thus the number of values that cannot be obtained by $t_{100}$ is bounded above by $\binom{101}{2} \cdot 100 \leq 10^6$. $\blacksquare$
30.12.2023 06:41
The "disjoint" condition is satisfied iff $a_w + t_x \neq a_y + t_z$ for all valid $(w,x,y,z)$; in other words, $|a_w - a_y| \neq |t_x - t_z|$ for all valid $w, x, y$ and $z$. There are up to $\binom{101}{2} = 5050$ distinct absolute differences between two elements of $A$. Consider just arithmetic sequences $t_1, t_2, \dots, t_{100}$ with common difference $d$, where $1 \leq d \leq 10101$. The possible values of $|t_x - t_z|$ are $\{ d, 2d, \dots, 99d \}$; as $d$ varies from $1$ to $10101$, there must be some (in fact, at least $5051$) values of $d$ for which none of $\{ d, 2d, \dots, 99d \}$ are the absolute difference between any two elements of $A$, so we just pick $d$ to be any of those values.
17.01.2024 12:10
Let $k$ be the largest size of such a set $t$. Let $t_1, t_2, \cdots, t_k$ be the numbers, and let $A_1, A_2, \cdots, A_{101}$ be the numbers. Let $n$ be the number of numbers of the form $x - y + t_j$, where $x, y \in A$. Then, we must have the inequality $10^6 - k \le n,$ since if $10^6 - k > n,$ we have at least one more valid choice to add to $t$. But, in turn, $n \le 101 \cdot 100 \cdot k$, which gives the desired inequality. EDIT: This is incorrect. I'll edit in the correct solution sometime soon. EDIT 2: Done.
22.02.2024 18:17
Suppose that we pick $n$ numbers $t_1, t_2, \ldots, t_n$ satisfying the problem conditions for maximal $n$. Then for $x \in S$ and $x \neq t_k$ for some $k$, we must have $x - t_{\ell} = a_i - a_j$ or $x = t_{\ell} + a_i - a_j$ for some integers $1 \le \ell \le n$ and $1 \le i \neq j \le 100$. For a fixed $t_\ell$, there are $101 \cdot 100 = 10100$ ways to choose $(a_i, a_j)$, which is enough to imply that $10100n \ge 10^6 - n$, or $n \ge 100$.
22.02.2024 18:18
We can prove this by contradiction. Suppose there is a $101$-element subset $A$ of $S = \{1,2,\ldots,1000000\}$ such that, for any choice of $100$ numbers $t_1, t_2, \ldots, t_{100}$ from $S$, there exist indices $i$ and $j$ ($1 \leq i < j \leq 100$) such that $A_i$ and $A_j$ have at least one common element. Let $B_1, B_2, \ldots, B_{100}$ be the sets $A_1, A_2, \ldots, A_{100}$ respectively. For each $j$, the set $B_j$ can be expressed as $B_j = A + t_j = \{x + t_j \mid x \in A\}$. Now, consider the union of all $B_j$'s for $j = 1, 2, \ldots, 100$: \[ B = B_1 \cup B_2 \cup \ldots \cup B_{100} \] Since $B_j = A + t_j$, the union $B$ is essentially the set of all elements in $S$ that can be obtained by adding an element from $A$ to any of the $100$ chosen $t_j$'s. Now, by our assumption, there must exist two indices $i$ and $j$ ($1 \leq i < j \leq 100$) such that $B_i \cap B_j \neq \emptyset$. This implies that there exists an element $x$ in $A$ such that $x + t_i = x + t_j$, which means $t_i = t_j$. However, this contradicts our assumption that any choice of $100$ numbers $t_1, t_2, \ldots, t_{100}$ must yield distinct sets $B_j$. Therefore, our assumption must be false, and there must be a $101$-element subset $A$ with the desired property.
25.02.2024 22:06
Keep on choosing $t_i$ until we get stuck(we can't pick any more $t$) for some $i = k$. This implies that for all $t \in S$, it has already been picked or that for some $a$, $b$, $t_i \in S$ we have $t = b + t_i - a$. So then there are at most $k \cdot 10100$($101$ choices for $b$ and $100$ for $a$) values for $t$, so $k \geq 100$ as desired.
02.04.2024 02:39
badly worded solution Choose $t_i$'s greedily then for all $a$, $b$ in $A$, and $1 \le j \le 100$ we cannot pick $t_j+a-b$, or $t_i-b+a$ in the list of $t$'s in the future. So for every new $t$ added we eliminate at most $101 \cdot 100 = 10100$ more $t$'s. So we can pick at least $\left \lceil \frac{10^6}{10100} \right \rceil = 100$ different $t$'s before we could be forced to stop, finishing the problem.
31.07.2024 00:31
we basically just dont want any absolute difference in $A$ to also be an absolute difference in $t$ there are at most $\binom{101}{2}=5050$ distinct absolute differences in $A$ this means that every time we pick a $t_i$, at most $1+5050\cdot2=10101$ elements get eliminated from $S$ as possibilities for other $t_i$ if we pick $t_1=1$, then only at most $5051$ elements get eliminated from $S$ the first time since $5051+98\cdot 10101=989898+5051<995000$, we can pick $t_{100}$, as desired.
25.08.2024 10:08
Observe the condition is equivalent to the difference between no two $t_i$ being the difference between two $a_i$. Choose $t_i$, for each $t_i$ we automatically eliminate out of candidacy for future $t_i$ all the numbers that are a different of two $A_i$ from $t_i$, which is at most $2 \cdot \binom{101}{2}$, where the $2$ is for positve/negative, and we also eliminate the chosen number itself, for a total for $10101$ eliminations per chosen $t_i$. Now any number not eliminated can be added to $t_i$ and the condition will still be satisfied, so add the first $99$ numbers and see that we have eliminated $999999$ numbers, and there is one number remaining and we see that we can just add this and done.
30.09.2024 08:17
Suppose we have a working set: $A = \{a_1, a_2, \dots, a_{101} \}$. Note that $A_i$ and $A_j$ are disjoint if and only if \[t_i-t_j \notin \{a_p-a_q\vert 1\le p \ne q \le 101\}.\] In order to get such a set, we will proceed by a greedy algorithm. Assume that we have already picked $n$ elements in $T = \{t_1, \dots, t_n\}$ such that $T$ is as large as possible. That means every $i \in \{1,2,\dots,10^6\}$ is either in $T$ or satisfies \[i = t_i+b-a,\] for some $t_i \in T$ and $a,b \in A$. There are at most $|T| \cdot |A| \cdot (|A|-1) = 10100n$ values of $i$. Thus, \[n+10100n \ge 10^6 \implies n>99,\] as desired. $\blacksquare$
22.11.2024 16:47
Here we go: Consider the set $T$ to have $t_1, \cdots, t_n$ currently. Let $A = \{ a_1, a_2, \cdots, a_{101} \}$. Let set $D$ denote the pair-wise differences of elements of set $A$. Then, if we cant add another element $t \in S$ to $S$, then we must have: $t = t_k + d$ for some $d \in D$. Note that: $|D| \le 101*100$. Thus: $$101*100*n > 10^6 \implies n \ge 100$$and we are done.
26.11.2024 18:43
Let the elements of $A$ be $a_1, a_2, \cdots a_{101},$ and let the elements of $T$ be $t_1, t_2, \cdots, t_n.$ Since each $x+t_j, x\in A$ is distinct, then clearly for all $p, q, r, s$ $$|t_p-t_q| \neq |a_r-a_s|.$$Set $t_1=1.$ Clearly since there are at most $\binom{101}{2}=5050$ pairwise differences among the elements of $A,$ every time we add a number to the set $T$ we reduce the possible number of potential numbers to add to $T$ by at most $2 \cdot 5050 + 1 = 10101.$ (we account for both sides, and the number itself) Therefore, after choosing $99$ numbers, there are at least $$10^6 - 10101\cdot 99=1$$possible number to add to the set $T,$ so thus it is possible to have $100$ elements in $T.$ QED
26.11.2024 20:05
First choose a random $t_1\in S$. We will prove that if we have already chosen distinct $t_1,t_2,\dots,t_k$ satisfying the condition, then we can choose a $t_{k+1}$ such that the disjoint condition is satisfied. This will finish the problem. If there are any intersections, there exists a $1\le j\le k$ and $x,y\in A$ satisfying $$t_j+x=t_{k+1}+y\implies t_{k+1}=t_j+x-y.$$However, since $t_j\ne t_{k+1}$, we have $x\ne y$. Then, there are $$k\cdot 101\cdot 100=10100k$$ways to choose the right-hand side of the equation $t_{k+1}=t_j+x-y$. Since $t_{k+1}$ is not equal to any of $t_1, t_2,\dots,t_k$, there are at most $10101k$ numbers that $t_{k+1}$ cannot be. However, $$10101k\le 999999<|S|,$$so there always exists a $t_{k+1}$.