Let n be a natural number. The finite sequence α of positive integer terms, there are n different numbers (α can have repeated terms). Moreover, if from one from its terms any we subtract 1, we obtain a sequence which has, between its terms, at least n different positive numbers. What's the minimum value of the sum of all the terms of α?
Source: Spanish Communities
Tags: inequalities, number theory proposed, number theory
11.05.2006 18:35
EDIT: misunderstood question.
15.05.2006 17:06
Before a solution, I think we can explain better the condition of the problem because it is not very clear... The idea is: We are given a finite sequence of positive integers. The sequence contains in total n different integers appearing on it, also, if we substract 1 from any of its terms, we get a new sequence which has at least n different integers on it. Whats the minimun sum of the elements of this sequence? The answer is n=2k, then f(n)=3k2+2k−1, n=2k+1, then f(n)=3k2+5k+1. Suppose we have an arbitrary sequence that does the job, and suppose an integer appears more than 2 times on it, clearly, leaving just 2 appearences of this integer, we get a new sequence which does the job, but with smaller sum. Hence in an optimal sequence we have every integer appearing at most 2 times. Now, if an integer m appears 2 times in the sequence, but m−1 doesnt appears, then, removing one m we decrease our sum, and get a sequence that also works (this is trivial ) . So, suppose we have a working sequence with all transformations we described, and let aj be the number of j in the sequence. we get S=1a1+2a2+3a3...+mam, now, this sequence will look like subsequences of consecutive terms appearing each two times, conected by sequences of terms with difference 2 among one and the next. (the smallest term claerly appears only once) for example, for n=6 one possible sequence is: 1,2,2,4,5,5,7,9 with sum 35. 1,3,5,7,9,11 with sum 36. Now, consider the sequence (a1,a2...,am), it is build up of blocks that can be like: 1,2,2...,2 and 0,1,0,1,0...,1,0 that alternate. Call them A and B blocks. Let A(x,y) and B(x,y) be respectively the sum that A and B sequences give, starting in x and finishing in y−1. We then have: S=A(1,n1)+B(n1,n2)+A(n2,n3)... But we also have that the number of terms in an A sequence starting in x and finishing in y−1 is y−x, and similary, in a B sequence we have y−x−12 integers. The idea is: find expresions for A(x,y) and B(x,y), and finish with an inequality, I will finish it later I will finish it in a moment, gotta go to college
15.05.2006 18:57
mmmm, new idea, same escenario.... Suppose we have an integer m appearing once, and such that it is less than the middle of n. Then change it for m−1,m−1, and substract one form every term bigger than m, we get a new sequence and the sum decreases, so its not minimal. So in the minimal sum, all terms smaller than or equal to n2 appear exactly 2 times (but 1 only once). Now, let k be the biggest number, which is bigger than the half of n and appears twice, changing it to m+1, and adding 1 to every bigger term, we get a new sequence with smaller sum. So the sequence with smallest sum must be: 1,2,2,3,3...,k,k,k+2,k+4...,3k−2,3k for n=2k and 1,2,2,3,3...,k,k,k+2,k+4...,3k,3k,3k+2 for n=2k+1.
17.11.2020 19:56
1,2,2,4,5,5,7,9 with sum 35. 1,3,5,7,9,11 with sum 36 Make 1 become 0 and it doens't work