
Source: Spanish Communities

Tags: analytic geometry, combinatorics unsolved, combinatorics

Let $n \geq2$ be an integer number and $D_n$ the set of all the points $(x,y)$ in the plane such that its coordinates are integer numbers with: $-n \le x \le n$ and $-n \le y \le n$. (a) There are three possible colors in which the points of $D_n$ are painted with (each point has a unique color). Show that with any distribution of the colors, there are always two points of $D_n$ with the same color such that the line that contains them does not go through any other point of $D_n$. (b) Find a way to paint the points of $D_n$ with 4 colors such that if a line contains exactly two points of $D_n$, then, this points have different colors.