For a given positive integer $k$ find, in terms of $k$, the minimum value of $N$ for which there is a set of $2k + 1$ distinct positive integers that has sum greater than $N$ but every subset of size $k$ has sum at most $\tfrac{N}{2}.$
Source: USAMO 2006, Problem 2, proposed by Dick Gibbs
Tags: inequalities, algebra, combinatorics
21.04.2006 01:23
21.04.2006 02:05
amirhtlusa wrote:
It's easier to group the integers and find the (k+1)st integer. Then you can just say the k integers larger than it must be consecutive, and u are done.
21.04.2006 22:55
let $a_1 < a_2 < ... < a_{k+1} < a_{k+2} < ... < a_{2k+1}$ be distinct positive integers such that they sum to more than $N$ and any subset of $k$ of them has sum at most $N/2$. let $a_{k+2} = L$. we may then assume that $(a_1, ..., a_{k+1}) = (L-(k+1), ..., L - 1)$. (if not, replacing them with these numbers still produces a set satisfying the above conditions, because the $k$ largest elements remain unchanged.) Let $a_{k+2} +...+ a_{2k+1} = \frac{N}{2} - r$, where $r \geq 0$. Then because $\sum a_i > N$, we must have $\frac{N}{2} + r + 1 \leq a_1 + ... +a_{k+1} = L(k+1) - \frac{(k+1)(k+2)}{2} = S$ (**) Note also that $L = a_{k+2},\ L \leq a_{k+3} - 1,\ \cdots,\ L \leq a_{2k+1} - (k-1)$, so we get $S \leq a_{k+2} (k+1) - \frac{(k+1)(k+2)}{2}$, $S \leq (a_{k+3} - 1)(k+1) - \frac{(k+1)(k+2)}{2}$, ... $S \leq (a_{2k+1} - (k-1))(k+1) - \frac{(k+1)(k+2)}{2}$, and adding we get $kS \leq (k+1)(a_{k+2} + ... + a_{2k+1}) - \frac{(k+1)(k-1)k}{2} - \frac{k(k+1)(k+2)}{2}$, from which $S \leq \frac{k+1}{k}(\frac{N}{2}-r)-\frac{(k+1)(k-1)}{2} - \frac{(k+1)(k+2)}{2}$. together with (**) this gives $\frac{N}{2} + r + 1 \leq \frac{k+1}{k}(\frac{N}{2}-r)-\frac{(k+1)(k-1)}{2} - \frac{(k+1)(k+2)}{2}$; $\frac{(k+1)(k-1)}{2} + \frac{(k+1)(k+2)}{2} + r + r\frac{k+1}{k} + 1\leq \frac{N}{2k}$; $N \geq k(k+1)(k-1) + k(k+1)(k+2) + 2k = 2k^3+3k^2+3k$. equality is achieved when the $a_i$ are consecutive and their sum is exactly $2k^3+3k^2+3k+1$... i.e., when the numbers are $\{k^2+1, ..., k^2+2k+1\}$
22.04.2006 00:02
Let $a_1 < ... <a_k< a_{k+1} < a_{k+2} < ... < a_{2k+1}$ be distinct positive integers such that they sum to more than $N$ and any subset of $k$ of them has sum at most $\frac{N}{2}$. It's clear that $a_{i+1} - a_i\ge 1$, so $a_{i+j} - a_i\ge j$. By assumption, we have, $(a_1 +\cdots+a_k)+ a_{k+1} +(a_{k+2} +\cdots+ a_{2k+1}) \ge N+1$ $= 2\cdot \frac{N}{2} + 1 \ge 2(a_{k+2} +\cdots+ a_{2k+1})+1$ So, $a_{k+1}\ge (a_{k+2} +\cdots+ a_{2k+1}) - (a_1 +\cdots+a_k) + 1$ $=(a_{k+2}-a_1) + \cdots+ (a_{2k+1} - a_k)+1 \ge k(k+1)+1=k^2+k+1$ Therefore, $\frac{N}{2} \ge a_{k+2} +\cdots+ a_{2k+1} =(a_{k+2}-a_{k+1}) + \cdots+ (a_{2k+1} - a_{k+1})+k a_{k+1}$ $\ge (1+\cdots+k) + k(k^2+k+1)$ That is, $N\geq k(k+1)+ 2k(k^2+k+1)= 2k^3+3k^2+3k$. For $N= 2k^3+3k^2+3k$, it's easy to verify that $k^2+1,\ldots, k^2+2k+1$ has sum $N+1$ and the sum of the last $k$ of them (which is the largest) is $\frac{N}{2}$.
22.04.2006 07:41
Let the elements of our set $\{a_1, a_2, \ldots , a_{2k+1}\}$ be strictly increasing. Call the "upper bound", UB, $\left(\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{2k+1}a_i\right)-1$, and call the "lower bound", LB, $2\displaystyle\sum_{i=k+2}^{2k+1}a_i$. Now suppose we have a set with a valid $N$, i.e. $LB \le N \le UB$. Then if we increase $a_i$ by 1, where $i \le k$, then LB is unaffected and UB increases by 1, so we still have a valid $N$. If we decrease $a_i$ by 1, where $i \ge k+2$, then UB decreases by 1 and LB decreases by 2. So we still have a valid $N$ value, say $N'$, and $N' = N - 2 < N$. So we "crunch" our set around $a_{k+1}$ to get a set of consecutive integers, with a valid $N$-value less than or equal to the original. So our minimum $N$ will be found among sets of consecutive integers. Now we look at the set $\{1, 2, \ldots , 2k+1\}$, where $UB = (1 + 2 + \ldots + 2k+1) - 1 = \frac{(2k+1)(2k+2)}{2} - 1 = 2k^2 + 3k$, and $\\ LB = 2\left[(k+2) + (k+3) + \ldots + (2k+1)\right] \\ = 2\left[k(k+2) + (1 + 2 + \ldots + (k-1))\right] \\ = 2k^2 + 4k + k(k-1) \\ = 3k^2 + 3k.$ Call a "bump" to process of increasing each element of our set by 1. Through bumping our set $\{1, 2, \ldots , 2k+1\}$ we will get all sets of consecutive integers. A bump increases UB by $2k+1$, and increases LB by $2k$. Thus a bump increases UB by $1$ relative to LB. Since originally $LB - UB = (3k^2 + 3k) - (2k^2 + 3k) = k^2$, we must perform at least $k^2$ bumps to satisfy $UB \ge LB$. We will find our minimum $N$ after $k^2$ bumps, when $N = LB = (3k^2 + 3k) + k^2(2k) = 2k^3 + 3k^2 + 3k.$
23.04.2006 19:10
Here's another proof, which resembles fuzzylogic's. Let $a_1$, $a_2$, $\ldots$, $a_{2k+1}$ be the $2k+1$ integers in increasing order. Then we have \begin{eqnarray*} N & = & 2k + (4k+2) \frac{N}{2} - 2k(N+1) \\ & \geq & 2k + (4k+2) \sum_{i=k+2}^{2k+1} a_i - 2k \sum_{i=1}^{2k+1} a_i \\ & = & 2k + (2k+2) \sum_{i=k+2}^{2k+1} a_i - 2k \sum_{i=1}^{k+1} a_i \\ & = & 2k + (2k+2) \sum_{i=k+2}^{2k+ 1} (a_i - a_{k+1}) + 2k \sum_{i=1}^{k+1} (a_{k+1} - a_i) \\ & \geq & 2k + (2k+2) \sum_{i=k+2}^{2k+1} (i - (k+1)) + 2k \sum_{i=1}^{k+1} (k+1 - i) \\ & = & 2k + (2k+2) \frac{k(k+1)}{2} + 2k \frac{k(k+1)}{2} \\ & = & 2k^3 + 3k^2 + 3k \, . \end{eqnarray*}
24.04.2006 04:34
I thought this problem was just too easy. let {a_1,a_2 .. a_(2k+1)}be a satisfactory set of numbers with a_i < a_j iff i<j. it is evident that N+1 =< a_1 ... + a _(2k+1) and N/2 >= a_(k+2) .. + a_2k+1 therefore: 2 ( a_(k+2) .. + a_(2k+1) ) +1 <= a_1 + .. + a_(2k+1) <--> a_(k+2) .. + a_(2k+1) + 1 <= a_1 + (a_2 + ... a_(k+1)) <--> a_1 >= [a_(k+2) - a_2] + .. + [ a_(2k+1) - a_(k+1) ] + 1 = k + k .. + 1 = k^2 + 1 so it follows a_t >= k^2 + t; the conclusion follows easily N/2 >= (k^2 + k + 2) .. + (k^2 + 2k + 1) --> N>= 2k^3 + 3k^2 + 3k, and the fact that {k^2 + 1 ... (k+1)^2 } works finishes off the problem.
07.09.2008 01:41
How did you guys find the example sequence? Guess and check?
22.09.2008 03:25
I'm not sure if this is what you are asking, but after playing with the problem for awhile, you can guess that the minimal set of $ 2k + 1$ integers is a set of consecutive integers. So the set is $ \{ a, a + 1, \ldots, a + 2k \}$ for some integer $ a$. Then use the hypotheses to figure out the best value of $ a$. That is how you can guess the minimal set. You still need a rigorous argument to settle the problem.
20.05.2009 04:34
I think this solution is more intuitive than some of the above (it's essentially the same idea, just phrased a bit differently).
22.07.2010 00:55
03.04.2015 21:52
$X:=a_1+a_2+\dots+a_k$, $Y:=a_{k+1}+a_{k+2}+\dots+a_{2k+1}$. $X\ge ka_k+\frac{k(k-1)}2$ and $Y\le(k+1)a_{k+1}-\frac{k(k+1)}2$ so \[\frac{N}2\ge X\ge ka_k+\frac{k(k-1)}2\ge k(a_{k+1}+1)+\frac{k(k-1)}2\ge k\left(\frac{Y}{k+1}+\frac{k}2+1\right)+\frac{k(k-1)}2\ge k\left(\frac{N/2+1}{k+1}+\frac{k}2+1\right)+\frac{k(k-1)}2\] so $N\ge k(2k^2+3k+3)$ with equality at $\{k^2+1,k^2+2,\dots,k^2+2k+1\}$
04.04.2016 19:58
Let the positive integers be $a_1<a_2<\ldots<a_{2k+1}$. The condition then becomes $a_1+a_2+\ldots+a_{2k+1}>N$ and $\frac{N}{2}\geq a_{k+2}+a_{k+3}+\ldots+a_{2k+1}$ so $a_1+a_2+\ldots+a_{k+1}>N\geq2(a_{k+2}+a_{k+3}+\ldots+a_{2k+1})$, or $a_1+a_2+\ldots+a_{k+1}>a_{k+2}+a_{k+3}+\ldots+a_{2k+1}$. This condition is equivalent because by setting $N=2(a_{k+2}+a_{k+3}+\ldots+a_{2k+1})$. Now, note that by decreasing $a_i$ by 1 where $k+2\leq i\leq 2k+1$ (if possible), the condition still holds but we decrease the value of $N$. Hence, $a_{k+1},a_{k+2},\ldots,a_{2k+1}$ are consecutive for the minimal $N$. We now have $ka_{k+1}+\frac{k(k+1)}{2}=a_{k+2}+a_{k+3}+\ldots+a_{2k+1}<a_1+a_2+\ldots+a_{k+1}\leq(k+1)a_{k+1}-\frac{k(k+1)}{2}$, so $a_{k+1}>k(k+1)$, which means that $a_{k+1}\geq k^2+k+1$. Hence, $N=2(a_{k+2}+a_{k+3}+\ldots+a_{2k+1})=2ka_{k+1}+k(k+1)\geq 2k(k^2+k+1)+k(k+1)=2k^3+3k^2+3k$. Equality holds when $a_i=k^2+i$, so the minimum possible value of $N$ is $2k^3+3k^2+3k$.
01.04.2019 23:26
The answer is $N = k(2k^2+3k+3)$ given by \[ S = \left\{ k^2+1, k^2+2, \dots, k^2+2k+1 \right\}. \] To show this is best possible, let the set be $S = \{ a_0 < a_1 < \dots < a_{2k} \}$ so that the hypothesis becomes \begin{align*} N + 1 &\le a_0 + a_1 + \dots + a_{2k} \\ N/2 &\ge a_{k+1} + \dots + a_{2k}. \end{align*}Subtracting twice the latter from the former gives \begin{align*} a_0 &\ge 1 + (a_{k+1}-a_1) + (a_{k+2}-a_2) + \dots + (a_{2k} - a_k) \\ &\ge 1 + \underbrace{k + k + \dots + k}_{k \text{ terms}} \\ &= 1 + k^2. \end{align*}Now, we have \begin{align*} N/2 &\ge a_{k+1} + \dots + a_{2k} \\ &\ge (a_0 + (k+1)) + (a_0 + (k+2)) + \dots + (a_0 + 2k) \\ &= k \cdot a_0 + \left( (k+1) + \dots + 2k \right) \\ &\ge k(k^2+1) + k \cdot \frac{3k+1}{2} \end{align*}so $N \ge k(2k^2+3k+3)$. Remark: The exact value of $N$ is therefore very superficial. From playing with these concrete examples we find out we are essentially just trying to find an increasing set $S$ obeying \[ a_0 + a_1 + \dots + a_k > a_{k+1} + \dots + a_{2k} \qquad (\star) \]and indeed given a sequence satisfying these properties one simply sets $N = 2(a_{k+1} + \dots + a_{2k})$. Therefore we can focus almost entirely on $a_i$ and not $N$. Remark: It is relatively straightforward to figure out what is going on based on the small cases. For example, one can work out by hand that $\{2,3,4\}$ is optimal for $k=1$ $\{5,6,7,8,9\}$ is optimal for $k=2$, $\{10,11,12,13,14,15,16\}$ is optimal for $k=3$. In all the examples, the $a_i$ are an arithmetic progression of difference $1$, so that $a_j - a_i \ge j-i$ is a sharp for all $i<j$, and thus this estimate may be used freely without loss of sharpness; applying it in $(\star)$ gives a lower bound on $a_0$ which is then good enough to get a lower bound on $N$ matching the equality cases we found empirically.
02.04.2019 05:46
Let the $k$ smallest numbers be $a_1<\dots< a_k$, the $k$ largest numbers be $b_1< \dots< b_k$, and the median be $M$. Note that for all $i=1,2,\dots, k$, the inequality $b_i \ge a_i + (k+1)$ holds. Furthermore, since $\sum_{i=1}^{k} b_i \le N/2$ but the entire sum is greater than $N$, we have $M+ \sum_{i=1}^{k} a_i > \sum_{i=1}^{k} b_i$. Combining these observations, we deduce that $M>k(k+1$). Thus, we have \begin{align*} \frac{N}{2} \ge \sum_{i=1}^{k} b_i &\ge (k^2+k+2) + (k^2+k+3) + \dots + (k^2 + 2k + 1) \\ &=\frac{2k^3 + 3k^2 + 3k}{2} \end{align*}Hence, $N \ge 2k^3 + 3k^2 + 3k$. This can be achieved by the set of consecutive numbers $\{k^2+1, \dots, k^2+2k+1\}$, so this is indeed the minimal $N$. $\Box$
30.08.2019 03:09
We claim the minimum value of $N$ is $\boxed{k(2k^2+3k+3)}$. To see that this is achieved, consider the set \[\{k^2+1,k^2+2,\ldots,k^2+2k+1\}.\]Now suppose we have a set \[\{a_1>a_2>\cdots>a_{2k}>a_{2k+1}\}\]that works. We see that $a_1+\cdots+a_k\le N/2$ and $a_1+\cdots+a_{2k+1}=N$, so \[2(a_1+\cdots+a_k)\le N<a_1+\cdots+a_{2k+1},\]so \[a_1+\cdots+a_k<a_{k+1}+\cdots+a_{2k+1}.\]Thus, \[(a_{k+1}+1)+\cdots+(a_{k+1}+k)<a_{k+1}+(a_{k+1}-1)+\cdots+(a_{k+1}-k),\]so \[ka_{k+1}+\frac{k(k+1)}{2}<(k+1)a_{k+1}-\frac{k(k+1)}{2},\]so $a_{k+1}\ge k^2+k+1$. Thus, \[a_1+\cdots+a_k\ge ka_{k+1}+\frac{k(k+1)}{2}=\frac{k}{2}(2k^2+3k+3),\]so $N\ge k(2k^2+3k+3)$, as desired.
10.10.2019 09:16
We claim that the minimum value of $N$ is $N=k(2k^2+3k+3)$. We will first show that equality is achievable. Indeed, consider the set $\{k^2+1, k^2+2, \ldots, k^2+2k+1\}$. Let $a_1,\ldots,a_{2k+1}$ be the set, WLOG sorted in strictly increasing order. Then \[ a_{k+2}+\cdots+a_{2k+1} \le \frac{N}{2} \]and \[ a_1+\cdots+a_{2k+1} > N,\]so \[ a_1+\cdots+a_{k+1} > \frac{N}{2} \ge a_{k+2}+\cdots+a_{2k+1}. \]Let $b_i = a_i - a_1$. Then \begin{align*} &\qquad a_1+(a_1+b_2)+\cdots + (a_1+b_{k+1}) > (a_1+b_{k+2}) + \cdots+(a_1+b_{2k+1}) \\ &\implies (k+1)a_1 + (b_2+\cdots+b_{k+1}) > ka_1+(b_{k+2}+\cdots+b_{2k+1}) \\ &\implies a_1 > (b_{k+2}+\cdots+b_{2k+1}) - (b_2+\cdots+b_{k+1}). \end{align*}Since $\{a_i\}$ is strictly increasing, $1\le b_2<b_3<\cdots<b_{2k+1}$. So $b_i\ge i-1$ for $i=2,\ldots,2k+1$. Thus, $b_{k+1} \le b_{k+2}-1$, and $b_{k+1} - i \ge b_{k+1-i}$. Therefore, \begin{align*} b_2+\cdots+b_{k+1} &\le (b_{k+1}) + (b_{k+1}-1) + \cdots + (b_{k+1}-(k-1)) \\ &= kb_{k+1} - \frac{k(k-1)}{2} \\ &\le k(b_{k+2}-1) - \frac{k(k-1)}{2} \\ &= kb_{k+2} - \frac{k(k+1)}{2}. \end{align*}Similarly, $b_{k+2} \ge k+1$, and $k+1\le b_{k+2} < b_{k+3} <\cdots < b_{2k+1}$, so \begin{align*} b_{k+2}+\cdots+b_{2k+1} &\ge b_{k+2}+(b_{k+2}+1) +\cdots + (b_{k+2}+(k-1)) \\ &= kb_{k+2} + \frac{k(k-1)}{2}. \end{align*}Hence, \begin{align*} a_1 &> (b_{k+2} + \cdots+b_{2k+1}) - (b_2+\cdots+b_{k+1}) \\ &\ge kb_{k+2} + \frac{k(k-1)}{2} - kb_{k+2} + \frac{k(k+1)}{2} \\ &= k^2. \end{align*}Therefore, $a_k \ge k^2+1$. Finally, \begin{align*} \frac{N}{2} &\ge a_{k+2}+\cdots+a_{2k+1} \\ &= (a_1+b_{k+2}) + \cdots+(a_1+b_{2k+1}) \\ &= ka_1 + (b_{k+2} + \cdots+b_{2k+1} ) \\ &\ge k(k^2+1) + ((k+1)+\cdots+2k) \\ &= \frac{k(2k^2+3k+3)}{2} \\ \implies N&\ge k(2k^2+3k+3). \end{align*}
21.01.2020 05:09
Let the numbers be $a_1 < a_2 < \cdots < a_k < a_{k+1} < \cdots < a_{2k+1}.$ The conditions are $a_{k+2}+\cdots+a_{2k+1} \leq N/2,$ and $a_1+\cdots+a_{2k+1}>N.$ Thus, $a_1+\cdots+a_{k+1}>N-(a_{k+2}+\cdots+a_{2k+1}) \geq N - N/2=N/2\geq a_{k+2}+\cdots+a_{2k+1}.$ If $b_i=a_{i+1}-a_1$ for $1 \leq i \leq k,$ we have $a_{k+j} \geq a_j + k = a_1+b_{j-1}+k$ for $2 \leq j \leq k+1.$ Then the inequality becomes $(k+1)a_1+(b_1+\cdots+b_k)>ka_1 + (b_1+b_2+\cdots b_k)+k\cdot k \implies a_1 > k^2$ Thus, $a_1+\cdots+a_{2k+1} \geq (k^2+1)+(k^2+2)+\cdots (k^2+2k+1)=2k^3+3k^2+3k+1,$ which is achieved exactly at $\{k^2+1,k^2+2,\ldots,k^2+2k+1\},$ giving the smallest $N=\boxed{2k^3+3k^2+3k}.$
22.04.2020 23:24
08.12.2022 06:35
We claim that the answer is $2k^3+3k^2+3k$. This can be achieved by taking $k^2+1$ through $(k+1)^2.$ Note that we essentially want to minimize the total sum while satisfying $$\text{Sum~of~k~largest}\leq \frac{(\text{Sum~of~all})-1}{2}.$$ Claim: In the optimal case, the set consists of consecutive positive integers. We say that the set has a inconsecutivity at index $i$ if the $i$th largest element is more than 1 larger than the $i+1$th largest element. Suppose FTSOC that an optimal set has an inconsecutivity at index $i$ for some $1\leq i \leq 2k.$ We will show that we can construct a better set. Case 1: $i\leq k$. Then, we can decrease each of the first $i$ elements by 1, which looking back at our inequality $$\text{Sum~of~k~largest}\leq \frac{(\text{Sum~of~all})-1}{2},$$will decrease the left side by $i$ but the right side by only $i/2$, so this inequality stays true but we have a more optimal set, contradiction. Case 2: $i>k$. Then, we can still decrease each of the first $i$ elements by 1. The LHS of that inequality will decrease $k$, but the right side decreases by at most $k$ (since $i\leq 2k$ and "Sum of all" decreases by $i$), so the inequality stays true and we have a more optimal set, also contradiction. Therefore, optimally, our set consists of consecutive positive integers. It is then easy to see that $k^2+1$ through $(k+1)^2$ is the smallest that works, so we are done.
01.01.2023 22:19
We claim the answer is $N=2k^3+3k^2+3k,$ which works if we consider the set $\{k^2+1,k^2+2,\dots,k^2+(2k+1)\}.$ For the bound, we let $x_1<x_2\dots<x_{2k+1}$ be our integers. Notice $x_i\le x_{i+k}+k$ so \[x_2+x_3+\dots+x_{k+1}+k^2\le x_{k+2}+x_{k+3}+\dots+x_{2k+1}\]so \[N-x_1<x_2+x_3+\dots+x_{2k+1}\le N/2+N/2-k^2\le N-k^2.\]Therefore, $x_1>k^2$ and $N\ge (k^2+1)+(k^2+2)+\dots+(k^2+2k+1)=2k^3+3k^2+3k.$ $\square$
10.03.2023 05:41
Feels very superficial for USAMO2 or even USAMO 1/4. The idea is to do some kind of smoothing argument as follows: Claim. It is optimal to have the $k$ largest elements of $S$ be consecutive integers. Proof. Suppose that we have a working subset $S$ that achieves a minimum value of $N$ that does not satisfy the conditions. Sort the elements of $S$ as $a_1 < a_2 < \cdots < a_{2k+1}$. Suppose there exists an index $k+2 \leq i \leq 2k+1$ such that $a_{i+1} > a_i + 1$. Then, we can shift $a_{i+1}$ down by $1$. Then, notice that the set $\{a_{k+2}, a_{k+3}, \cdots, a_{2k + 1}\}$ still has maximal sum out of all subsets; in particular, every subset has sum at most $\frac N2 - 1$. Furthermore, because the original $2k+1$ elements summed to at least $N$, this new set sums to at least $N-1$. Thus, choosing the constant $N-2$ in place of $N$ works in this case, so $N$ is not minimal, contradiction. $\blacksquare$ Now, the sum of the terms $a_1$ through $a_{k+1}$ must exceed the sum of the terms $a_{k+2}$ through $A_{2k+1}$ by the condition. Let $n = a_{k+2}$; then, we have the inequality $$n+(n+1)+(n+2)+\cdots+(n+k-1) \leq \sum_{i=1}^{k+1} a_i \leq (n-k-1) + (n-k) + \cdots + (n-1),$$or $$(2n-k-2)(k+1) \geq (2n+k-1)k.$$This simplifies to $n \geq k^2+k+1$, so the total sum $$\sum_{i=1}^{2k+1} a_i \geq k^2+(k^2+1) + \cdots + (k+1)^2 =2k^3+3k^2+3k.$$Equality clearly holds.
01.05.2023 01:54
Let the set $S$ contain integers $a_1 > a_2 > \cdots > a_{2k+1}\ge 1$. Note that every subset of $S$ with size $k$ having sum at most $\tfrac{N}{2}$ is equivalent to the assertion \[ \quad a_1 + a_2 + \dots + a_k\le \frac{N}{2}.\]Now, we have \[ (k+1)a_k - \frac{(k+1)(k+2)}{2} = (a_k- 1) + \dots + (a_k- (k+1))\ge a_{k+1} + \dots + a_{2k+1} > \frac{N}{2},\]and \[ \frac{N}{2}\ge a_1 + \dots + a_k \ge a_k + (a_k + 1) + \dots + (a_k + (k-1)) = ka_k + \frac{(k-1)k}{2}.\]It follows that \[(k+1)a_k - \frac{(k+1)(k+2)}{2} > ka_k + \frac{(k-1)k}{2}\implies a_k > k^2 + k + 1.\]Hence, \[ N\ge 2ka_k + k^2 - k \ge 2k(k^2 +k + 2) + k^2 - k = \boxed{2k^3 + 3k^2 + 3k}.\]A construction for this $N$ is $a_k = k^2 + k + 2$ and $a_{k + i} = k^2 + k + 2 - i$ for each $i = -k+1, \dots, k+1$.
08.08.2023 03:22
Very nice problem! The answer is $N=2k^3+3k^2+3k$ with the integers $k^2+1,k^2+2,\dots,k^2+(2k+1)$. WLOG $x_1<x_2<\dots<x_{2k+1}$. The key is to see that $$x_i\le x_{i+k}+k\implies x_2+x_3+\dots+x_{k+1}+k^2\le x_{k+2}+x_{k+3}+\dots+x_{2k+1}\le\frac N2$$$$\implies N-x_1<(x_2+x_3+\dots+x_{k+1})+(x_{k+2}+\dots+x_{2k+1})\le\frac N2-k^2+\frac N2\le N-k^2.$$$$\implies x_1>k^2\implies N\ge (k^2+1)+(k^2+2)+\dots+(k^2+2k+1)=2k^3+3k^2+3k.\blacksquare$$
15.08.2023 19:13
I claim that the value of $N=k(2k^2+3k+3)$ works. First we prove the bound, then we give the construction. Firstly, $a_1,a_2,\ldots a_{2k+1}$ denote the elements of the set that satisfy the problem conditions. Also, WLOG let $a_1\ge a_2\ge \cdots\ge a_{2k+1}$. Now note that the condition for the sum of every subset of size $k$ being most $\dfrac{N}{2}$ is equivalent to $a_1+a_2+\cdots+a_k\le \dfrac{N}{2}$ due to the ordering we imposed. Now from this bound, we have that $\dfrac{N}{2}\ge a_1+\cdots+a_k\ge (a_k+(k-1))+(a_k+(k-2))+\cdots+(a_k)=ka_k+\dfrac{(k-1)k}{2}\implies a_k\le \dfrac{N-k^2+k}{2k}$. We also had that the sum was greater than $N$ which gives the following. \begin{align*} N&<a_1+a_2+\cdots+a_k+a_{k+1}+a_{k+2}+\cdots+a_{2k+1}\\ &\le (a_1+a_2+\cdots+a_k)+(a_k-1)+(a_k-2)+\cdots+(a_k-(k+1))\\ &\le \dfrac{N}{2}+(k+1)a_k - \dfrac{(k+1)(k+2)}{2} .\end{align*} Now finally using the bound we got for $a_k$ that we got earlier with our current bound (along with some painful algebraic calculations), we get that $N\ge k(2k^2+3k+3)$. So this proves our minimality. Now we provide the construction. Consider the following sequence.\[k^2+1,k^2+2,\ldots,k^2+2k+1.\]We can check that this actually satisfies our condition and we are done.
23.08.2023 04:25
The answer is $\boxed{N = 2k^3 + 3k^2 + 3k}$. This can be achieved with the set $\{k^2 + 1, k^2 + 2, \ldots, k^2 + 2k + 1\}$. We will now show this is is indeed the minimal $N$. Claim: The minimum $N$ occurs when all of the elements of the set are consecutive. Proof: Let $x_1 < x_2 < \cdots < x_{2k + 1}$ be the elements of a set satisfying the condition, i.e. there is some (not necessarily minimal) $N'$ such that $x_1 + x_2 + \cdots + x_{2k + 1} > N'$ and $x_{k + 2} + x_{k + 3} + \cdots + x_{2k + 1} \le \tfrac{N'}{2}$. Let $d_1 = x_2 - x_1, d_2 = x_3 - x_2, \ldots, d_{2k} = x_{2k + 1} - x_{2k}$. Note that $d_1, d_2, \ldots, d_{2k} \ge 1$. If $d_i > 1$ for some $i$, then consider when happens when we shift $x_{i + 1}, x_{i + 2}, \ldots, x_{2k + 1}$ down by $d_i - 1$. We see that: If $i \ge k + 1$, then the sum of the $k$ largest elements and the sum of all of the elements both decrease by $(d_i - 1)(2k + 1 - i)$. Since $\tfrac{N'}{2} - (d_i - 1)(2k + 1 - i) < \tfrac{1}{2}(N' - (d_i - 1)(2k + 1 - i))$, this new set still satisfies the conditions If $i \le k$, then the sum of the $k$ largest elements decreases by $(d_i - 1)k$, while the sum of all elements decreases by $(d_i - 1)(2k + 1 - i)$. But $\tfrac{N'}{2} - (d_i - 1)k < \tfrac{1}{2}(N' - (d_i - 1)(2k + 1 - i))$, so this new set also satisfies the condition. Therefore, we can see in order to achieve the minimal $N$, all of the differences have to be $1$, which proves the claim. Thus, we can now set $x_i = x_1 + i - 1$ for $2 \le i \le 2k + 1$. Then we get $$(x_1 + k + 1) + (x_1 + k + 2) + \cdots + (x_1 + 2k) \le \tfrac{N}{2} < \tfrac{1}{2}(x_1 + (x_1 + 1) + \cdots + (x_1 + 2k)).$$This simplifies to $x_1 > k^2$, so $N \ge 2((k^2 + k + 2) + (k^2 + k + 3) + \cdots + (k^2 + 2k + 1)) = 2k^3 + 3k^2 + 3k$, as desired.
22.12.2023 23:53
The answer is $N = \boxed{2k^3+3k^2+3k}$, which can be achieved with the set $\{k^2+1, k^2+2, \dots, k^2+2k+1\}$. WLOG let $x_1<x_2<\dots<x_{2k+1}$. Notice \[x_i + k \le x_{i+k} \implies \sum_{i=2}^{k+1} x_i+k^2 \le \sum_{i=k+2}^{2k+1} x_i \le N/2\]\[\implies N-x_1< (N/2-k^2)+N/2 = N-k^2.\] Hence, $x_1>k^2$, so by setting $x_1=k^2+1$, and taking the rest as consecutive integers, we show that $2k^3+3k^2+3k$ is the minimum.
03.01.2024 09:50
Easy question
05.02.2024 01:25
Based upon smaller cases we conjecture that we need consecutive integers. Thus we want to make use of the inequality $x_i + 1 \leq x_{i+1}$ due to the sharpness principle, and force equality to hold. Order the list in increasing order and denote the smallest element by $x_0$ and for all other elements, represent them as $x_i = x_0 + c_i$. Then, \begin{align*} kx_0 + \sum_{i = k+1}^{2k} c_i &\leq \frac{N}{2}\\ (2k+1)x_0 + \sum_{i=1}^{2k} c_i &> N \end{align*}Then subtracting twice of the first equation from the second we find, \begin{align*} x_0 &> \sum_{i=1}^k (c_{k+i} + c_i) > \sum_{i=1}^{k} k = k^2 \end{align*}Thus $x_0$ is at least $k^2 + 1$. Then $N$ satisfies, \begin{align*} \frac{N}{2} &\geq k \cdot (k^2+1) + \sum_{i=k+1}^{2k} i\\ \iff N &\geq 2k^3 + 3k^2 + 3k \end{align*}Thus we must have $\boxed{N \geq 2k^3 + 3k^2 + 3k}$. It is easy to see that when equality holds, it works so we are done.
18.02.2024 00:21
Our desired condition is equivalent to \begin{align*} &a_1 + a_2 + \ldots + a_{k+1} > a_{k+2} + a_{k+3} + \ldots + a_{2k+1} \\ \implies &a_1 > (a_{k+2}-a_2) + (a_{k+3}-a_3) + \ldots + (a_{2k+1}-a_{k+1}) \ge k^2. \end{align*} Thus the minimal value of $a_1$ is $k^2+1$. Note that the optimal value of $N$ is just twice the sum of the largest $k$ numbers in the set, so the $2k+1$ consecutive integers $\{k^2+1, k^2+2, \ldots, k^2+2k+1\}$ does the trick. This gives us our answer of $\boxed{2k^3+3k^2+3k}$.
22.02.2024 04:24
The answer is $N = 2 \left(k(k^2 +1) + (2k+1)k - \frac{k(k+1)}{2} \right) = 2k^3 + 3k^2 + 3k$, which is achievable by $\{k^2 + 1, k^2 + 2, \ldots, k^2 + 2k +1 \}$. Now we prove the bound. For a given $k$, let a good set (ordered in increasing order) be any set of distinct positive integers where the sum of the last $k$ elements is less than the sum of the first $k + 1$ elements, and let a super set be a good set where the sum of the last $k$ elements is minimal. It's clear that the set of positive integers achieving $N$ must be good, and the smallest possible value of $N$ for that good set is equal to twice the sum of the last $k$ elements. Claim: There exists a super set where all the elements are consecutive (they form an arithmetic sequence with common difference $1$). Proof: If the last $k$ elements are not all consecutive in a super set, then if the smallest of these last $k$ elements (the $k+1$th element) is $x$, then the last element must be greater than $x + k$, but we can change the last $k$ elements into $x, x + 1, \ldots x + (k-1)$ (preserving goodness), so the original set was not super. Therefore the last $k$ elements must be consecutive. Now no matter what the first $k+1$ elements are, consider changing them into $x - (k+1), x - k, \ldots, x - 1$. As they were originally all distinct and under $x$, this doesn't decrease their sum, so the set stays good. Moreover, the set also stays super as the sum of the last $k$ elements is unaffected. This super set we constructed has elements $x - (k+1), x - k, \ldots, x + (k-1)$, which means it has consecutive elements, as desired. $\square$ The smallest value of $N$ is twice the sum of the last $k$ elements in any super set. Consider the unique super set that has consecutive elements, starting from $a_1$. The sum of the first $k+1$ elements is $(k+1) a_1 +\frac{k(k+1)}{2}$ and the sum of the last $k$ elements is $k a_1 + (2k+1) k - \frac{k(k+1)}{2}$. Hence, we have \[ (k+1) a_1 +\frac{k(k+1)}{2} > k a_1 + (2k+1) k - \frac{k(k+1)}{2} \implies a_1 > k^2 \] Hence the sum of the last $k$ elements is at least $k(k^2 + 1) + (2k+1) k - \frac{k(k+1)}{2}$, so \[N \ge 2 \left( k (k^2 + 1) + (2k+1) k - \frac{k(k+1)}{2} \right) ,\]as desired.
21.03.2024 20:50
First of all, assume WLOG that $$a_1 < a_2 < \dots < a_{2k+1}$$. And note that \[a_{j}-a_i \geq j-i.\]By problem condition we have that \[ a_1+a_2+ \dots +a_{2k+1} \geq N+1 \geq 2(a_{k+2}+a_{k+3}+ \dots + a_{2k+1})+1.\]Subtracting we get that \[a_1 \geq (a_{k+2}-a_2)+ (a_{k+3}-a_3)+ \dots +(a_{2k+1}-a_{k+1})+1\]\[ \geq \underbrace{k + k + \dots + k}_{k \text{ terms}} +1 \]\[ =k^2+1\]Which follows from the fact we stated above. From which we deduce that our set is \[ {k^2+1,k^2+2, \dots , k^2+2k+1}\]Which means that \[ N \leq 2((k^2+1)+(k^2+2)+ \dots + k^2+2k+1)-1\]\[= 2k^3+3k^2+3k \]As desired.
31.07.2024 01:00
Out of the set of $2k + 1$ integers, let $A$ be the sum of the $k$ smallest, $B$ the sum of the $k$ largest, and $m$ the middle element. Note that $B \le \frac{N}{2}$, so $A + B + m \ge N + 1 \implies A + m \ge \frac{N}{2} + 1 \ge B + 1$. Now clearly $$\frac{1}{2} k(2m - k - 1) = (m - 1) + (m - 2) + \dots + (m - k) \ge A$$and $$B \ge (m + 1) + (m + 2) + \dots + (m + k) = \frac{1}{2} k(2m + k + 1).$$Therefore $$\frac{1}{2} k(2m - k - 1) + m \ge \frac{1}{2} k(2m + k) + 1 \implies k(2m - k - 1) + 2m \ge k(2m + k + 1) + 2$$$$\implies 2mk - k^2 - k + 2m \ge 2mk + k^2 + k + 2 \implies m \ge k^2 + k + 1.$$Now $N \ge 2B = k(2m + k + 1) \ge k(2k^2 + 3k + 3) = 2k^3 + 3k^2 + 3k$ as desired. Attainability can be demonstrated with the set of positive integers betwee $k^2 + 1$ and $k^2 + 2k + 1$ inclusive.
30.08.2024 19:46
I don't know why it took me so long to solve it. Also my solution is similar to others. $\textbf{Answer:}$ $N=2k^3+3k^2+3k$. $\textbf{Solution:}$ Let $S$ be the set with $2k+1$ distinct positive integers $\iff \lvert S \lvert=2k+1$ $S=\{a_1,a_2, \dots, a_{2k+1} \}$. WLOG $a_1<a_2< \dots < a_{2k+1}$. So $\boxed{a_{i+j} \geq a_i +j} ...(*)(\because a_1 \leq a_2 +1 \leq \dots \leq a_{2k+1} +2k+1) $ Now from the two conditions we have: $\boxed{N<a_1+a_2+\dots+a_{2k+1}}$ $...(1)$ $a_{k+2}+a_{k+3}+\dots+a_{2k+1} \leq \frac{N}{2} \implies \boxed{ 2\cdot (a_{k+2}+a_{k+3}+\dots+a_{2k+1}) \leq N}$ $...(2)$ Combining $(1)$ and $(2)$ we get: $2(a_{k+2}+a_{k+3}+\dots+a_{2k+1}) \stackrel{(2)}{\leq} N \stackrel{(1)}{<} a_1+a_2+\dots+ a_{2k+1}$ $\implies 2(a_{k+2}+a_{k+3}+\dots+a_{2k+1}) < a_1+a_2+\dots+a_{2k+1}$ $\implies (2a_{k+2}+2a_{k+3}+\dots+2a_{2k+1})-(a_2+a_3+ \dots + a_{2k+1}) < a_1$ $\implies 2a_{k+2}+2a_{k+3}+\dots+2a_{2k+1}-a_2 - a_3 - \dots - a_{2k+1} <a_1$ $\implies a_{k+2}+a_{k+3}+\dots+a_{2k+1} - a_2 - a_3 - \dots - a_{k+1} < a_1$ $\implies (a_{k+2}-a_2)+(a_{k+3}-a_3)+\dots+ (a_{2k+1}-a_{k+1}) < a_1$ $...(3)$ Combining $(*)$ with $(3)$ we get the following: $(k+a_2-a_2)+(k+a_3-a_3)+ \dots + (k +a_{k+1}-a_{k+1}) \stackrel{(*)}{\leq} (a_{k+2}-a_2)+(a_{k+3}-a_3)+\dots+ (a_{2k+1}-a_{k+1}) \stackrel{(3)}{<} a_1$ $\implies \underbrace{k + k + \dots + k}_{k \text{ terms}} \leq (a_{k+2}-a_2)+(a_{k+3}-a_3)+\dots+ (a_{2k+1}-a_{k+1}) <a_1 $ $\implies k^2 \leq (a_{k+2}-a_2)+(a_{k+3}-a_3)+\dots+ (a_{2k+1}-a_{k+1}) <a_1$ $\implies k^2 < a_1 \iff a_1 >k^2 \implies $ $$\boxed{a_1 \geq k^2+1} ...(@)$$ Again from $(2)$ we have: $N \geq 2 \cdot (a_{k+2}+a_{k+3}+ \dots +a_{2k+1}) \stackrel{(*)}{\geq} 2 \cdot (((a_1+(k+1))+(a_1 +(k+2))+ \dots + (a_1+2k))=$ $=2 \cdot (a_1+k+1+a_1+k+2+ \dots + a_1+2k)=2 \cdot (a_1+k+1+a_1+k+2+ \dots + a_1+k+k)=$ $=2 \cdot ( \underbrace{a_1 + a_1 + \dots + a_1}_{k \text{ terms}} +\underbrace{k + k + \dots + k}_{k \text{ terms}} + 1+2+\dots + k)=$ $=2 \cdot(k \cdot a_1 + k \cdot k +\frac{k \cdot (k+1)}{2})=2 \cdot k \cdot a_1 + 2k^2 + k \cdot (k+1)=$ $=2 \cdot k \cdot a_1 + 2k^2+k^2+k \stackrel{(@)}{\geq} 2 \cdot k \cdot (k^2+1)+k^2+k=2k^3+2k+3k^2+k \implies $ $$\boxed{N \geq 2k^3+3k^2+3k}$$ So now we just show that $N=2k^3+3k^2+3k$ works. By picking $(a_1,a_2, \dots a_{2k+1})=(k^2+1,k^2+2, \dots k^2+2k+1).$ We see that $N=2k^3+3k^2+3k$ clearly works and satisfies both conditions. $\blacksquare$