Let $a$, $b$ be positive integers such that $b^n+n$ is a multiple of $a^n+n$ for all positive integers $n$. Prove that $a=b$. Proposed by Mohsen Jamali, Iran
Source: Taiwan 1st TST 2006, 1st day, problem 3
Tags: modular arithmetic, number theory, Divisibility, IMO Shortlist, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Hi
20.04.2006 08:47
This is ISL 2005 and is designed by Mohsen Jamali an Iranian teacher, the designer of IMO 2004 Problem 6
23.04.2006 02:37
ZetaX ---
23.04.2006 16:42
Omid Hatam wrote: ## This is ISL 2005 and is designed by Mohsen Jamali, ## an Iranian teacher, the designer of IMO 2004 Problem 6. To stress it once again: The problem IMO 2004/6 on "alternating" numbers is just a rewritten version of the "wobbly" number problem from the IMO 1994 shortlist. Using it for IMO'2004 was nothing but a bad mistake of the problem selection committee. http://www.mathlinks.ro/Forum/resources-1-16-2004-99760.html http://www.kalva.demon.co.uk/short/soln/sh94n7.html
26.04.2006 15:10
Let's take a prime $p>b-a$. Then we take an integer $k>1$ s.t. $(k,p-1)=1$. We have that $a^k \equiv -x \pmod{p}$. Now we can find two numbers $y,z \geq 0$ s.t. $k+y(p-1) = x+zp = N$. Now we have $a^N \equiv -N \pmod {p}$ and so $p|a^N+N|b^N+N$ and so $a^N+N \equiv b^N + N \pmod{p}$. Now we can say that $a^k \equiv b^k \pmod{p}$ and so $a \equiv b \pmod{p}$ (we remember that $(k,p-1)=1$) and so $a=b$ because $p|b-a$ but $b-a<p$
27.04.2006 14:51
I'm sorry, i don't understand the first part of your solution Could you explain it to me, please ?
03.05.2006 16:01
Quote: The problem IMO 2004/6 on "alternating" numbers is just a rewritten version of the "wobbly" number problem from the IMO 1994 shortlist may be he don't know this however problem3 may be known before by contestant too
03.05.2006 19:41
Is there anyone who can explain this problem ? Please can you help ... is there any other solutions ? Davron
03.05.2006 19:58
There is an asymptotical solution by Peter Scholze, but it's long and ugly... (mine is more or less the same as above: look for some big prime $\mod$ that they are equal)
04.05.2006 06:27
Thank you very much but what is going on there i couldn't understand, i will try my best to get the solution. Please help me with some points i will ask you : -which method of problem solving there used ? Davron
04.05.2006 13:46
The main ideas (what exactly do you call a method¿) for mine are: If $p \nmid a,b$ is any prime and we have any $k$ with $p|a^{k}+k$, then $p|a^{k}+k|b^{k}+k \implies p|b^{k}+k$, thus $a^{k}+k \equiv 0 \equiv b^{k}+k \mod p \iff a^{k}\equiv b^{k}\mod p$. If we additionally would have $k \equiv 1 \mod (p-1)$, then Fermats Little Theorem gives $a \equiv a^{k}\equiv b^{k}\equiv b \mod p$. But for $k \equiv 1 \mod (p-1)$ we have also $a^{k}+k \equiv a+k$, so to get $p|a^{k}+k$ we just need $p|a+k$. So lets look for some $k \equiv 1 \mod (p-1)$ and $k \equiv-a \mod p$, which can be found by the Chinese Remainder Theorem or directly as $k=(p-1)(a+1)+1$. Till now we didn't use any special property of $p$ except that it doesn't divide $a,b$. But we know that for any such prime we have $p|(a-b)$ from chossing a suitable $k$ with $p|a^{k}+k$, thus if $a \neq b$ we would get a contradiction by choosing a big prime.
04.05.2006 17:05
But what about the other cases, what will happen when k doesn't give a remainder 1 up on the division with p . Thank you ZetaX. Sincerely Davron
04.05.2006 17:09
We ignore that cases since we don't need them.
16.04.2008 10:20
More than if $ P(n)=xn+y$ and $ a^n+P(n)|b^n+P(n)$ then $ a=b$
23.12.2008 06:30
EDIT: Another proof of the lemma:
14.12.2010 21:16
The QuattoMaster 6000 wrote:
EDIT: Another proof of the lemma:
$3^6=1^6\pmod{4}$ don't say $(1/3)^6\pmod{4}$???
21.02.2013 15:15
Let $p$ be a very large prime (larger than $b^2$). Since $p$ and $a$ are coprime, the modular equation $ax\equiv -1\pmod{p}$ has solution. Let the solution be $g,g>0$. Hence $ag\equiv -1\pmod{p}\Longleftrightarrow (ag)^m\equiv -1\pmod {p}$ for all natural odd numbers $m$. Since $\gcd (g,p)=1$, the following modular equations has solution: $g^mx\equiv -1\pmod{p}$. Let $-d$ be the solution where $d\in \mathbb N$. Then $a^m\equiv -d\pmod{p}$. So $a^m+m\equiv m-d\pmod{p}$. Note that when $m$ is of the form $cp+d,c\in \mathbb N$, $a^m+m$ is divisible by $p$. Take $m=p+d$ or $2p+d$ depending on which one is odd. Below I completed the proof for $m=2p+d$. You can do the same task for $m=p+d$. So $p|a^{2p+d}+2p+d$. But $b^{2p+d}+2p+d\equiv b^{d+2}+d\pmod{p}$ So if $p\nmid b^{d+2}+d$, we are done. So let's consider the case when $p\mid b^{d+2}+d$. Take $n=4p+d$. So $p|a^n+n$. Then it should divide $b^n+n$. But notice that $b^{4p+d}+4p+d\equiv b^{d+4}+d\equiv d(1-b^2)\pmod {p}$. Remember that $d$ is co-prime with $p$. So $p$ must divide $b^2-1$, but it is not possible because we assumed $p>b^2$ at the first line.
05.09.2013 12:19
Wouldn't $a+1$ divide $b-a$ $a+2$ divide $(b-a)(b+a)$ $a+3$ divide $(b-a)(b^2+ab+a^2)$ (all by euclidean algorithm) we conclude $b-a=1,0$ or $-1$.($a$ is coprime with $a+1$) Then by simple experiments, we get $b-a=0$ Is this counted a proper solution? it seems too easy to be true
30.12.2013 16:28
Contrary to your suggestion, I found a+1 divide b-a a^2+2 divide (b-a)(b+a) a^3+3 divide (b-a)(b^2+ab+a^2)
30.12.2013 20:36
Une solution que j'ai trouvée sur le net est comme suit: Assuming b \&=a (ça veut dire b différent de a), it trivially follows that b>a. Let p>b be a prime number and let n= (a+1)(p−1)+1.We note that n≡1(mod p−1)and n≡ −a(mod p). It follows that: r^n = r·(r^(p−1))^(a+1)≡r(mod p)for every integer r. We now have a^n+n≡a−a=0(mod p). Thus, a^n+n is divisible by p, and hence by the condition of the problem b^n+n is also divisible by p. However, we also have b^n+n ≡ b−a (mod p), i.e., p | b−a, which contradicts p>b. Hence, it must follow that b = a. We note that b = a trivially fulfills the conditions of the problem for all a∈ N.
20.11.2022 17:38
Almost the same as others. Solution: By ``Chinese Remainder Theorem'', there exists a $n$ such that \begin{align*} n & \equiv -\frac{1}{a} \pmod{p} \\ n & \equiv -1 \pmod{p-1}. \end{align*}for an arbitrary prime $p$. Call the $n$ which satisfies these congruences as ``constructive''. One can show that $p \mid a^n + n$ for all such constructive $n$ for any prime $p$ with the aid of ``Fermat's Little Theorem''. Clearly \[a^n + n \mid b^n + n \iff a^n + n \mid b^n - a^n.\]Pick a constructive $n$ in the above relation. We would get $p \mid a - b$ for any prime $p$. Since $a-b$ have infinitely many divisors, we must have $a = b$ and we are done. $\blacksquare$
29.03.2023 10:51
Let $p$ be any prime. Then $p\mid a^n+n\mid b^n-a^n$. Choosing $n=k$ such that $k\equiv 1\mod{p-1}$ and $k\equiv -a\mod p$, gives $a^n+n\equiv 0\mod p$. Therefore, \[b^n-a^n\equiv b-a\mod p\]choosing $p$ large gives $a=b$, as needed.
10.04.2023 19:21
Obviously $a\le b$. Now consider a prime $p>b+1434$. Now let $n$ be a positive integer such that $n\equiv 1\pmod{p-1}$ and $n\equiv p-a\pmod{p}$. Clearly $p$ divides $a^n+n$. The only way that $p$ divides $b^n+n$ is if \[p\mid (b+p-a)\rightarrow a=b.\]QED.
03.05.2023 03:22
Let $p>b\ge a$ be a prime and let $n\equiv -a\pmod p$ and $n\equiv 1\pmod {p-1}$. The latter means that $x^n\equiv x\pmod p$ for all $a$. Thus, \[a^n+n\equiv a+n\equiv 0\pmod p\]and so $p\mid b^n+n\implies p\mid b-a$. Since $b-a<b<p$, $b-a=0$ as desired.
10.06.2023 05:49
14.06.2023 16:36
Condition becomes \[ a^n + n \mid b^n - a^n \]for all positive integers $n$. Let $p > 2541434198442069459ab$ be a prime. Choose $n=1+(a+1)(p-1).$ FLT gets that $p$ divides $a^n + n$, but also $p$ cannot possibly divide $b-a$ unless $b=a$ due to how stupidly large $p$ was chosen to be.
31.07.2023 07:14
ISL 2005 N6 Very easy construction problem
@above why such a weird number lol i see 1434 but what else bruh
22.08.2023 08:50
Rewrite the relation as $a^n+n \mid b^n-a^n$. WLOG $b \geq a$. Take a prime $p > b$ and allow $n \equiv 1 \pmod {p-1}$ and $n \equiv -a \pmod {p}$ which exists by CRT. It follows that $a^n+n \equiv a-a \equiv 0 \pmod p$ so $p \mid a^n+n$. This means that $p \mid b^n-a^n$ but since $b^n \equiv b \pmod {p}$ and $a^n \equiv a \pmod p$ we have $p \mid b-a$ which means $b-a = 0$ or $a=b$ as desired.
21.09.2023 21:40
Claim: There are infinitely many primes $p$ such that $a^n + n \equiv 0 \pmod{p}$ and $\gcd(n, p-1) = 1$ for some $n$. Proof. We show this holds for all odd primes $p$. Take $n = 1 + (a+1)(p-1)$. By FLT it follows that $a^{1 + (a+1)(p-1)} + 1 + (a+1)(p-1) \equiv a - a \equiv 0 \pmod{p}.$ $\blacksquare$ Note that this is equivalent to \[ a^n + n \mid b^n - a^n. \]Taking this $n$, we then get that \[ p \mid a^n + n \mid b^n - a^n \]so $b^n \equiv a^n \pmod{p}$, and since $\gcd(n, p-1) = 1$ it follows that $b \equiv a \pmod{p}$. Equality follows as there are infinitely many such primes.
29.11.2023 08:21
We claim $p \mid b-a$ for all primes $p$, which directly implies the desired. Construct a value of $n$ such that \begin{align*} n &\equiv 1 \pmod{p-1} \\ n &\equiv -a \pmod p, \end{align*}which must exist by CRT. Then $a^n + n \equiv a-a \equiv 0 \pmod{p}$, so \[0 \equiv b^n + n \equiv b-a \pmod{p}.~\blacksquare\]
11.12.2023 05:20
BTW I believe a very nice solution is possible using limits... Will upload if I finish it
04.05.2024 23:24
25.08.2024 05:45
We choose $n = (p-1)(a+1)+1$ for a large prime $p > a > |a-b|.$ Then, \[p \mid a^n+n \mid b^n - a^n \implies p \mid b - a \implies a = b\] as needed.
10.11.2024 17:19
Consider a prime $p \nmid a$. For such a prime $p$, we must have $p \nmid b$,as seen from say $n = p-1$. Now we choose $n$ such that $n \equiv 1 \pmod{p-1}$, and $n \equiv -a^n \pmod{p}$, which exists by CRT. Choosing such an $n$, we have $ p \mid a^n + n \mid a^n -b^n \implies p \mid a-b$. But since this is true for all $p \nmid a$, we have $a-b = 0 \implies \boxed{a = b}$.
28.12.2024 05:02
Consider some prime $p$. Then, let $n=(a+1)(p-1)+1$. We see that $a^n+n\equiv 0\pmod{p}$. Therefore, $b^n+n\equiv 0\pmod{p}$. Since $n\equiv 1\pmod{p-1}$, $b\equiv n\pmod{p}$. Therefore, $n\equiv a\equiv b\pmod{p}$. Therefore, $a=b$.