Let A,B be two distinct points on a given circle O and let P be the midpoint of the line segment AB. Let O1 be the circle tangent to the line AB at P and tangent to the circle O. Let l be the tangent line, different from the line AB, to O1 passing through A. Let C be the intersection point, different from A, of l and O. Let Q be the midpoint of the line segment BC and O2 be the circle tangent to the line BC at Q and tangent to the line segment AC. Prove that the circle O2 is tangent to the circle O.
Source: APMO 2006, Problem 4
Tags: trigonometry, geometry, circumcircle, geometry unsolved
25.03.2006 03:58
angle chasing and sine law...
25.03.2006 18:13
Trigonometry finishes off this question very quickly. Let the center of O be X and let the radii of O and O1 be R and R1 respectively. Let XP intersect O at D. We see that O1 is tangential to O iff 2R=2R1+PD=2APtanα2+APtanγ2=R(2sinγ+tanα2+sinγtanγ2). Using the substitution tanα2=t,tanγ2=u, this reduces to tu=12. Now apply the result to O2.
25.03.2006 18:34
Since the circle tangent to AB (at its midpoint) is also tangent to AC( uppose at point Y) and to O, from the Casey's theorem we get: CY=a−b2⟺a+c=3b(1) (where a,b,c are the sides of △ABC) Now if O2 is tangent to AC at T and to BC at Q then, using (1) and the fact that CT=CQ=a2, we obtain: CT⋅c=b⋅BQ+a⋅AT(2) However, the only circle which is tangent to CA,BC and the circumcircle of △ABC should also satisfy (2) (from the Casey's theorem), therefore O2 is tangent to O.
09.04.2006 23:43
This is another intresting property involving a triangle with a+c=3b
11.04.2006 12:36
Yeah,that triangle has many many good properties.
12.04.2006 01:32
what a boring solution with an inversion on point a with the AB*AC it is obviously
12.04.2006 21:56
ooiler wrote: what a boring solution with an inversion on point a with the AB*AC it is obviously Congratulations for a magnificent solution!
17.04.2006 08:04
ooiler wrote: what a boring solution with an inversion on point a with the AB*AC it is obviously How? I don't understand?
07.03.2014 06:22
ooiler wrote: what a boring solution with an inversion on point a with the AB*AC it is obviously
17.02.2015 19:47
Sailor wrote: Since the circle tangent to AB (at its midpoint) is also tangent to AC( uppose at point Y) and to O, from the Casey's theorem we get: CY=a−b2⟺a+c=3b(1) (where a,b,c are the sides of △ABC) Now if O2 is tangent to AC at T and to BC at Q then, using (1) and the fact that CT=CQ=a2, we obtain: CT⋅c=b⋅BQ+a⋅AT(2) However, the only circle which is tangent to CA,BC and the circumcircle of △ABC should also satisfy (2) (from the Casey's theorem), therefore O2 is tangent to O. Can you just state "by Casey's Theorem..." Is it well-known enough to use without proof? For example, in APMO #3, Wolstenholme's Theorem need proof! Can someone tell me which theorems you need proof for?
07.04.2017 02:22
Wait you actually don't need anything complicated (it's all straightforward bashing): *My actual proof's a bit long so I'll just write my thought processes: 1) First you rephrase the problem statement: Triangle ABC is drawn such that the A mixtilinear circle touches AB at the midpoint, P. Prove that the C mixtilinear circle touches BC at the midpoint Q. 2) Then you find a series of equivalent statements. The path I went along used the fact that the tangency pts of mixtilinear circles on the sides of the triangle are bisected by the incenter. Anyways, it suffices to prove that the incenter I bisects C-mixtilinear tangency points R2 and Q, which reduces to R2,I,Q need to be collinear. 3) After some simplifications you arrive at a+c=3b. This statement is independent of everything I just did and is essentially a much easier problem than the one we started with. 4) Specifically, the new problem states that "the A mixtilinear circle is tangent to AB at the midpoint P. Prove that a+c = 3b". Here, you note that AIP is a right triangle and you length bash. (using [ABC]=rs, and other incircle stuff) This works out in the end and you're done.
17.02.2020 13:10
It's very easy using bary first note that the problem equivalet to "△ABC is drawn such that the A-mixtilinear circle touches AB at the midpoint, Prove that the C-mixtilinear circle touches BC at the midpoint Let the A-mixtilinear touches (ABC) at M and E the ex-touch point on BC then easitly get M(−a:b2s−b:c2s−c) (using that AM and AE are isogonal but MP is the perpindacular bisetor of AB thus M is the midpoint of arc ACB then M(−a:b:c2a−b) b=s−b⟹a+c=3b which is symmetric in A,C so this is equivalent to "the C-mixtilinear circle touches BC at the midpoint "
09.07.2021 22:43
It is obvious that O1 is A-mixtilinear circle. The problem is equivalent to proving that if the A-mixtilinear circle touches AB at its midpoint, then C-mixtilinear circle touches BC at its midpoint. Let F, G be touchpoints of A-mixtilinear and C-mixtilinear with AC and Q touchpoint of C-mixtilinear and BC. Since GQ and FP intersect each other at middle (the incenter-well-known), we get that FGPQ is parallelogram, thus PQ|| AC. P is midpoint => Q is midpoint.