Find all positive integer pairs $(a,n)$ such that $\frac{(a+1)^n-a^n}{n}$ is an integer.
Source: China TST 2006 (1)
Tags: number theory, China TST, Hi
24.03.2006 14:56
$(a+1)^n=a^n (mod \ n) \Longrightarrow (a,n)=1,b^n=1(mod \ n)$, were a(b-1)=1(mod n). It give algoritm: If (c(n),n)=d>1 we have not trivial solutions b^d=1(mod n). If (b-1,n)=1, it give solutions a=1/(b-1) (mod n).
27.03.2006 13:19
ehm...i don't understand;here is my solution: at first, let's suppose $(a;n)=1$ take the smaller prime factor of $n$ and let's call it $p$, with $n=p^ck$ so, it must be $(a+1)^{p^ck}\equiv a^{p^ck}$ $(\mod p)$ by Fermat's theorem $(a+1)^{k}\equiv a^{k}$ $(\mod p)$ $[(a+1)\cdot a^{-1}]^k\equiv 1$ $(\mod p)$ so the smaller number $x>0$ such that $[(a+1)\cdot a^{-1}]^x\equiv 1$ $(\mod p)$ is a divisor of $k$. we now also that that this number x is a divisor of $\phi(p)=p-1$, but all divisors of $k$ are greater than $p$ and so $x=1$. $(a+1)\cdot a^{-1}\equiv 1$ $(\mod p)$ $a+1\equiv a$ $(\mod p)$ $1\equiv 0$ $(\mod p)$ so this smaller prime does'n't exist,and there can be only $n=1$. in fact, with $n=1$ we have solution for every $a$. it remain only the case of $(a;n)=d>0$ but in this case the numerator becomes $\equiv 1$ $(\mod d)$ and so it cannot be a multiple of $n$. the only solution are so $(a;1)$ for each $a\in\mathbb{N}$
28.03.2006 10:30
Suppose $p$ is the smallest prime divisor of $n$ the $p|(a+1)^n-a^n\Rightarrow p|(a+1)-a=1$. So contradiction proves that $n=1$
03.04.2006 00:45
Omid Hatami wrote: Suppose $p$ is the smallest prime divisor of $n$ the $p|(a+1)^n-a^n\Rightarrow p|(a+1)-a=1$. So contradiction proves that $n=1$ So simple and elegant, excellent!!!!!
03.04.2006 01:16
Another thing... These three problems are the only 3 or there is another round in China TST?? And another question: These 3 problems are really difficult to solve, aren´t they?????? (as any China TST) or any high-school olympiad student can solve them?????
03.04.2006 07:45
dear omid : I dont follow your solution could you put more details in? p.s. your solution is very interesting.
03.04.2006 20:32
$p|(a+1)^n-a^n\Rightarrow p|(a+1)-a=1$ is definitely correct, but I think you have jumped too many steps Omid Hatami. To see why this is correct, we first let $b$ be the unique inverse such that $ab\equiv 1 \pmod{p}$. We have $(a+1)^n \equiv a^n \pmod{p}$, and multiplying both sides by $b^n$, we get $((a+1)b)^n \equiv 1 \pmod{p}$. Letting $d$ be the order of $((a+1)b) \mod p$, we have $d\mid n$. Yet, by Fermat's Little Theorem, we have $((a+1)b)^{p-1}\equiv 1 \pmod{p}$, so $d\mid p-1 \Rightarrow d < p \Rightarrow \gcd (d,n)=1$, due to the definition of $p$ as the smallest prime divisor of $n$. Thus $d=1$, implying that $(a+1) \equiv a \pmod{p}$, which is the contradiction we want.
06.04.2006 23:33
obviously $n$ isn't even. Let $p$ be the smallest prime divisor of $n$.and let $g$ be a primitive root modulo $p$ . Let $a+1\equiv g^k,a\equiv g^l \pmod{p}$ so ve have : $g^{kn} \equiv g^{ln}\pmod{p}$ so $p-1|n(k-l)$ so $p-1|k-l$.so$p|g^k-g^l$ so $p|(a+1)-a$ so $p=1$.
07.04.2006 09:13
In fact there are 8 round in the China TST and in the first six round every problem is worth 7 points and in the last 2 days every one 21.So when we say China TST,we often means the last two days.And this 3 problem is the first round of 8! First two problems is very easy but I think no one can complete the third one in the exam. This 3 problems is from Zuming Feng,the IMO team leader of USA in 2005.
08.04.2006 00:24
I see jin... and what's the difficulty of this problem????? (really hard?)Is it like what number of an IMO problem?????? or it is easier like an IMO problem?
08.04.2006 17:08
This one?the second one is really easy, I think almost every one in the exam can solute it. But I made a very silly mistake(forgot n=1)
10.04.2006 01:48
Hmmm ... I am really new to number theory and I can not understand most of what you guys did and when I can I am not always able to figure out how you got there so I tried to go for it myself. Anyways, this is what I got and please tell me where any errors occur. ((a+1)^n - a^n) / n == 0 (mod m) (== means congruent to) multiply both sides of congrunce by n to get (a+1)^n - a^n == 0 (mod m) now we can add a^n to both sides to produce (a+1)^n == a^n (mod m) I think that this means n must equal 1, therefore we say (a+1) == a (mod m) substracting a from both sides we see that 1 == 0 (mod m) which is the same as saying (1-0)/m is an integer this is only true if m =1 (we are dealing with only positive integers in this problem) so going back to our original equation we plug in n=1 and m=1 for the integer our equation must yield ((a+1)^1 - a^1)/1 = 1 => a+1 - a = 1 => 1=1 since this is true for any 'a' our solution is (a,1) Thank you for any help you can provide me with!
10.04.2006 10:34
Here are some of my comments on your solution. From the first line of your solution, you have defined $m$ as some divisor of $\frac{(a+1)^n-a^n}{n}$. Even if you eventually show that $m=1$, you have only shown that $\frac{(a+1)^n-a^n}{n}$ is indeed an integer, which was what you have assumed right from the start. For this problem, you do not want to investigate the divisors of $\frac{(a+1)^n-a^n}{n}$; rather, you want to investigate the divisors of $n$. So you should just let your $m$ be any divisor of $n$, and what you want to show in the end is that this arbitrary divisor of $n$ has to be $1$. Your first line of the solution should just be ${(a+1)^n-a^n \equiv 0 \pmod{m}}$, where $m\mid n$. Next, we arrive at your step of $(a+1)^n \equiv a^n \pmod{m}$ implying $(a+1) \equiv a \pmod{m}$. Though this is true in reality, you did not provide any justification to this step. Remember, you want to show that $m=1$ in the end, so we want to assume $m>1$ and derive a contradiction. Now, if we know $m>1$, definitely, $m$ must have at least one prime divisor. The trick we use here is to let $p$ be the smallest such prime divisor of $m$ to derive the contradiction we want. Now we have $(a+1)^n \equiv a^n \pmod{p}$. We notice that $p$ does not divide both $(a+1)$ and $a$ (Why? Look back at our original problem..), so there must exist a unique inverse of $a$ (Why?). letting $b$ be that unique inverse, we have $ab \equiv 1 \pmod{p}$ by definition. Thus, back to our congruence $(a+1)^n \equiv a^n \pmod{p}$, by multiplying both sides by $b^n$, we get $((a+1)b)^n \equiv 1 \pmod{p}$. For the rest of the solution, refer to my previous post, or Omid Hatami's solution (behzad's solution uses a slightly different approach, but it is still similar in idea). Recall that if $d$ is the order of $x \mod y$, then $d$ is the smallest positive integer such that $x^d \equiv 1 \pmod{y}$. If we have $x^M \equiv 1 \pmod{y}$, then we must necessarily have $d\mid M$. (Why? Try convincing yourself on this first.) I hope you can understand better now.
11.04.2006 01:34
I really understand the solutions now. Using be was pure genius and I understand why m=1 by the contradiction. Thanks for all the help dblues!
19.06.2006 13:22
,how can recent chinese tst pro. stolen from previous romanian tst? l.panaitopols pro. of romtstaround 88-90,asks for a=2,but idea is essentially same.
21.06.2006 18:25
Haha.. This idea is very common, so you can't exactly say it was stolen.
23.06.2006 09:51
frengo wrote: $(a+1)^{p^ck}\equiv a^{p^ck}$ $(\mod p)$(*) by Fermat's theorem $(a+1)^{k}\equiv a^{k}$ $(\mod p)$(**) I think you can't say that from *, ** is true. @all: please can you say what does let x be the order of d mod p, mean? sincerely davron
23.06.2006 12:35
@Davron if $x$ is smallest number such that $d^x \equiv 1 (mod p)$ then we say that $x$ is order of $d$ $(modp)$
08.09.2006 19:31
well, using the number theory to solve it is very beautiful, but... when i read the problem, i just thought about open the polynome by Newton´s formula, and as we have n multiplying all $a^{n}$ terms, we would only have 1/n in the last term (all the others are necessarily integers) , so... n may be 1.
21.01.2023 18:51
for teaching the smallest prime divisor idea
handwritten solution images attached
14.04.2023 01:05
The answer is $(1, a)$ only. The idea is to pick a minimal prime $p \mid n$, such that $a+1 \equiv a \pmod p$ for order reasons. This implies $p=1$, thus only $n=1$ can work.
25.07.2023 03:09
The condition is essentially just $$(a+1)^n\equiv a^n\pmod{n}$$ Case 1: $n$ does not divide $a$. Then, let $p$ be the smallest positive integer that divides $n$ but not $a$. Then, we have $$(\frac{a+1}{a})^n\equiv 1\pmod{p}.$$Therefore, the order of $(a+1)/a$ mod $p$ divides $n$. However, this is smaller than $p$, and by definition, all divisors of $n$ smaller than $p$ are also divisors of $a$. Thus, unless the order of $(a+1)/a$ is 1 (i.e. $a+1\equiv a\pmod{n}$ so $n=1$, contradiction since $n$ does not divide $a$), $a$ and $n$ are not relatively prime, since this order divides both of them. Suppose $q\mid a$ and $q\mid n$. Then, taking $(a+1)^n\equiv a^n\pmod n$ mod $q$ reveals that $$1\equiv 0\pmod{q},$$contradiction. Case 2: $n$ divides $a$. Then, this is just $$(a+1)^n\equiv a^n\pmod n$$$$1\equiv 0\pmod{n},$$so $n=1$. Thus, the answer is $n=1$ and we are done.
15.08.2023 15:04
Some months later solve: Clearly, $n=1$ and $a\in\mathbb{Z}^+$ work. Therefore, assume $n>1$ from now on. Let $p$ be the smallest prime divisor of $n$, so that \[(a+1)^n\equiv a^n\mod p\]Let $g$ be a primitive root mod $p$, and let $0\le\alpha,\beta\le p-2$ such that $g^{\alpha n}\equiv(a+1)^n\equiv a^n\equiv g^{\beta n}\mod p$. We get \[g^{n(\alpha-\beta)}\equiv 1\mod p,\]meaning $p-1\mid n(\alpha-\beta)$. However, as $p$ is the smallest prime dividing $n$, $\gcd(p-1,n)=1$, so $p-1\mid \alpha-\beta$. As $0\le\alpha,\beta\le p-2$ we must have $\alpha=\beta$. We get get $a+1\equiv g^{\alpha}\equiv g^{\beta}\equiv a\mod p$, implying $0\equiv 1\mod p$, which is impossible, so we have no more solutions.
27.09.2023 19:27
Here's an attempt at a different solution Let $a=\prod_{i=1}^{k}p_i^{\alpha_i}$. Now using this observe that $$(a+1)^n=\left(\prod_{i=1}^{k}p_i^{\alpha_i}+1\right)^n\equiv 1\pmod {p_1}\text{ thus }\operatorname{ord}{p_1}(a+1)=\operatorname{ord}{p_1}\left(\prod_{i=1}^{k}p_i^{\alpha_i}+1\right)=n\mid p_1-1\Longleftrightarrow p_1\equiv1\pmod n$$$$\text{ Furthermore } (a+1)^n=\left(\prod_{i=1}^{k}p_i^{\alpha_i}+1\right)^n\equiv1\pmod {p_2}\text{ thus }\operatorname{ord}{p_2}(a+1)=\operatorname{ord}{p_2}\left(\prod_{i=1}^{k}p_i^{\alpha_i}+1\right)=n\mid p_2-1\Longleftrightarrow p_2\equiv1\pmod n$$$$\vdots$$$$\text{ Now } (a+1)^n=\left(\prod_{i=1}^{k}p_i^{\alpha_i}+1\right)^n\equiv1\pmod {p_k}\text{ thus }\operatorname{ord}{p_k}(a+1)=\operatorname{ord}{p_k}\left(\prod_{i=1}^{k}p_i^{\alpha_i}+1\right)=n\mid p_k-1\Longleftrightarrow p_k\equiv1\pmod n$$$$\text{ Using all these together we obtain that }\prod_{i=1}^{k}p_i^{\alpha_i}\equiv1\pmod n$$Moreover notice that our original condition is equivalent to $\frac{(a+1)^n-a^n}{n}\Longleftrightarrow(a+1)^n-a^n\equiv0\pmod n$ However $(a+1)^n-a^n=\left(\prod_{i=1}^{k}p_i^{\alpha_i}+1\right)^n-\left(\prod_{i=1}^{k}p_i^{\alpha_i}\right)^n\equiv (1+1)^n-1^n\equiv 2^n-1\pmod n$ Therefore the condition transforms into $2^n-1\equiv0\pmod n\Longleftrightarrow 2^n\equiv 1\pmod n$ Claim: $2^n\equiv 1\pmod n$ if and only if $n=1$ Proof: Notice that if $n\equiv 0\pmod 2$ we have that $2^n-1\equiv 1\pmod 2\text{ while }n\equiv0\pmod 2$ which is clearly a contradiction, thus $n\equiv 1\pmod 2\Longleftrightarrow\gcd(2,n)=1$ Now since $\gcd(2,n)=1$ we have that $2^n\equiv1\pmod n\Longrightarrow\operatorname{ord}_{n}(2)=n\mid\phi(n)\Longrightarrow n\mid\phi(n)\Longleftrightarrow\frac{\phi(n)}{n}\in\mathbb{Z}$ Furthermore let $n=\prod_{i=1}^{t}q_i^{\beta_i}$ and recall that $\frac{\phi(n)}{n}=\frac{\phi(\operatorname{rad} (n))}{\operatorname{rad}(n)}$ thus $\frac{\phi(n)}{n}=\frac{\phi\left(\prod_{i=1}^{t}q_i^{\beta_i}\right)}{\prod_{i=1}^{t}q_i^{\beta_i}}=\frac{\phi\left(\operatorname{rad} \left(\prod_{i=1}^{t}q_i^{\beta_i}\right)\right)}{\operatorname{rad}\left(\prod_{i=1}^{t}q_i^{\beta_i}\right)}=\frac{\phi\left(\prod_{i=1}^{t}q_i\right)}{\prod_{i=1}^{t}q_i}$ Furthermore since $\gcd(q_1,q_2,\dots,q_t)=1$ we have that $\phi\left(\prod_{i=1}^{t}q_i\right)=\prod_{i=1}^{t}\phi(q_i)=\prod_{i=1}^{t}q_i-1$ Therefore we need to have $\frac{\prod_{i=1}^{t}q_i-1}{\prod_{i=1}^{t}q_i}\in\mathbb{Z}$ which is clearly only the case when $n=1$ $\square$. So plugging in $n=1$ into our original equation yields $\frac{a+1-a}{1}=1$ which is clearly an integer. Thus $(a,n)=(a,1)$ for any integer $a$ is the only solution $\blacksquare$.
20.01.2024 14:43
I claim the only solutions are $(a, n) = (x, 1).$ Henceforth assume $n > 1.$ Claim: $\gcd(a, n) = \gcd(a + 1, n) = 1$ Proof. Let $\gcd(a, n) = d > 1,$ then we have $d \mid a^n,$ but we must have $d \nmid a + 1,$ since if $d \mid a + 1,$ $d \mid \gcd(a, a + 1) = 1,$ contradiction. So, $d \nmid (a + 1)^n - a^n,$ but $d \mid n \mid (a + 1)^n - a^n,$ contradiction. Similarly, $\gcd(a + 1, n) = 1.$ Thus, there exist inverse of $a$ modulo $n$, so $(a + 1)^n \equiv a^n \pmod{n} \implies \left(\frac{a + 1}{a}\right)^n \equiv 1 \pmod{n},$ let $\frac{a + 1}{a} \equiv a^{*} \pmod{n},$ so let $p$ be the smallest prime divisor of $n$, this gives that $\mathrm{ord}_p(a^{*}) \mid \gcd(n, p - 1) = 1,$ so $a^{*} \equiv 1 \pmod{p},$ so $\frac{a + 1}{a} \equiv 1 \pmod{p},$ a contradiction, since $p > 1.$
20.01.2024 19:04
Had solved this way back. Felt like posting now Its clear that $\gcd(a, n) = 1$.Its also clear that $n$ is odd. Let $p$ be the minimal prime dividng $n$. $(a+1)^n \equiv a^n (mod p) $. But we also have that, $(a+1)^{p-1} \equiv a^{p-1} (mod p) $. Its easy to see that due to this $p=2$. A contradiction. This implies $n=1$. Thus $(a,1)$ is the only solution
20.01.2024 19:41
We claim the solutions are $(a, 1)$ for all positive integers $a$. Note that the condition reduces to $(a+1)^n \equiv a^n$ mod $n$. Assume that $n > 1$. In this case, let $p$ be the smallest prime divisor of $n$. Clearly $(a+1)^n \equiv a^n$ mod $p$. Also observer that $gcd(a, n) = gcd(a+1, n) = 1$, so from Fermat's Little Theorem, $(a+1)^{p-1} \equiv a^{p-1}$ mod $p$. Combining these two and applying the Euclidean Algorithm, we get $a^{gcd(p-1, n)} \equiv (a+1)^{gcd(p-1, n)} \text{ mod } p \implies a+1 \equiv a \text{ mod } p \implies p = 1$ But $p$ is prime so this is not possible. Therefore $n = 1$. But it is clearly visible that any $a$ works for $n = 1$, so we have our solutions. $\square$
05.02.2024 03:33
I claim that all solutions of the form $\boxed{(a, 1)}$ where $a \in \mathbb{Z}^+$. Assume then $n \neq 1$, as $n = 1$ is trivial. Let $p$ be the smallest prime dividing $n$. Also (as the inverse exists) let $b$ denote the inverse of $a + 1$. Then we have $(a + 1)b \equiv 1 \pmod p \implies (a + 1)^nb^n \equiv 1 \pmod p$, so that \[\implies o((a + 1)b)_p \mid p - 1 \text{ and } o((a + 1)b)_p \mid n \implies o((a + 1)b)_p \mid \gcd(n, p - 1).\]However as $p$ is the smallest prime that divides $n$, we must have $\gcd(n, p - 1) = 1$, so that $o((a + 1)b)_p = 1$. Therefore if $b$ is to be $a^{-1}$, then $a + 1 \equiv a \pmod p \implies 1 \equiv 0 \pmod p$, which is a contradiction. Hence $\boxed{n = 1}$ is the only such solution. $\blacksquare$
16.06.2024 20:11
Here's a worse solution than the other ones in this thread. Note that if $n=1$ then all $a$ works, so suppose $n>1$. Then $(a+1)^n \equiv a^n \mod{n} \implies \gcd(a,n)=1$. Note that $2 \nmid n$ since $2^n-1^n \equiv 1 \mod{2}$. Denote $s=\frac{a+1}{a}$. Thus $(\frac{a+1}{a})^n \equiv 1 \mod{n} \implies \mathrm{ord}_n(s) \mid n$. Suppose that order is not 1. Then for any $p^k \mid n$ we have that $s^{\mathrm{ord}_n(s)} \equiv 1 \mod{p^k}$ so $\mathrm{ord}_{p^k}(s)|\mathrm{ord}_n(s)|n$. Now note that $s^{\mathrm{ord}_{p^k}(s)} \equiv 1 \mod{p^k} \implies s^{\mathrm{ord}_{p^k}(s)} \equiv 1 \mod{p}$. So $\mathrm{ord}_{p^k}(s) \mid n, \mathrm{ord}_{p^k}(s) \mid p-1 \textrm{ or } p-1 \mid \mathrm{ord}_{p^k}(s)$. If $\mathrm{ord}_{p^k}(s) \neq 1$ then it either contains non-1 factors of $p-1$ or contains the entirety of $p-1$ which isn't $1$. Either way, it cannot divide $n$ since $\gcd(n, p-1)=1$. Thus $\mathrm{ord}_{p^k}(s)=1$ which implies $\frac{a+1}{a} \equiv 1 \mod{p^k}$ for all $p^k \mid n$, by CRT that implies $\frac{a+1}{a} \equiv 1 \mod{n} \implies n=1$. A contradiction, thus $n>1$ has no solutions.
21.06.2024 21:28
14.09.2024 17:19
The case $n = 1$ is trivially true, so assume $n \neq 1$. Let $p$ denote the smallest prime divisor of $n$. Note that $p \mid (a + 1)^n - a^n \implies (a + 1)^n \equiv a^n \mod{p}$. If $p \mid a + 1$, then $p \nmid a$, a contradiction. Similarly for $p \mid a, p \nmid a + 1$, and of course $p$ can't divide both $a + 1, a$ since $\gcd(a + 1, a) = 1$. Therefore, $p \nmid a, a + 1$. So,$$\left(\frac{a + 1}{a}\right)^n \equiv 1\mod{p}$$Let $\frac{a + 1}{a} = \alpha$. We have $\text{ord}_p(\alpha) \mid n$, $\text{ord}_p(\alpha) \mid p - 1$ by Fermat's Little Theorem, so $\text{ord}_p(\alpha) \mid \gcd(n, p - 1)$. Note that that $\gcd(n, p - 1) = 1$, else we have a smaller prime divisor of $n$ than $p$. So, $\alpha \equiv 1\mod{p} \implies a + 1 \equiv a \mod{p}$, an obvious contradiction. Hence, we are done.
21.09.2024 03:40
We claim that the only pairs of solutions are $(a,n)=(m,1)$ for all positive integers $m$. It is easy to see that all such pairs are indeed solutions. Now, we show that they are the only ones. When $n>1$ and $n$ is even, \[2\mid n \mid (a+1)^n-a^n\]But it is clear that the right hand side is odd, which is a clear contradiction. Thus, any solution must have odd $n$. When $n>1$ and $n$ is odd, consider the smallest prime factor $p$ of $n$. Clearly $p\nmid a,a+1$ since these are relatively prime. Further, \begin{align*} (a+1)^n &\equiv a^n \pmod{p}\\ \left(\frac{a+1}{a}\right)^n \equiv 1 \pmod{p} \end{align*}Thus, $\text{ord}_p\left(\frac{a+1}{a}\right)\mid n$. Also, we know that $\text{ord}_p\left(\frac{a+1}{a}\right) \mid p-1$ by Fermat's Little Theorem. Now, $\text{ord}_p\left(\frac{a+1}{a}\right) \ne 1$ since this implies $a+1\equiv a \pmod{p}$ which is a contradiction. Thus, there exists a prime factor $q$ of $\text{ord}_p\left(\frac{a+1}{a}\right)$. Since, $\text{ord}_p\left(\frac{a+1}{a}\right) \le p-1 < p$ it follows that $q<p$ but since $\text{ord}_p\left(\frac{a+1}{a}\right) \mid n$, this implies that $q$ is a smalle prime factor of $n$ than $p$. This is a clear contradiction! Thus, we have no solutions where $n>1$ as desired.
26.09.2024 23:36
I claim that the only solutions are $(a,1)$ for all positive integers $a$. Clearly these work, since $1$ divides anything. Now, I claim that $n$ cannot take any other values. First, note that $n$ cannot be even, as if $n$ is even, then one of $(a+1)^n$ and $a^n$ is even and the other is odd, making the difference odd and therefore not divisible by $2$. This means that $n$ must be odd. Assume that $n$ is not $1$, and consider the smallest prime that divides $n$, or $p$. Notice that both $a+1$ and $a$ must be relatively prime to $p$, or else one of $(a+1)^n$ and $a^n$ will be divisible by $p$ while the other is not. This makes the difference not divisible by $p$, and therefore not divisible by $n$. However, if both $a+1$ and $a$ are relatively prime to $p$, modular inverses exist, so we can get that \[n\mid (a+1)^n-a^n \implies a^n\equiv (a+1)^n \mod p,\]\[\implies \left(\frac{a+1}{a}\right)^n\equiv 1\mod p,\]which implies that the order of $\frac{a+1}{a}$ mod $p$ must divide into $n$. However, notice that this order must divide $p-1$ (by FLT) and it cannot be $1$, since $\frac{a+1}{a}$ is clearly not $1$ mod $p$. This means that a number $\leq p-1$ and therefore $<p$ that is not $1$ divides into $n$, implying that a prime smaller than $p$ must divide into $n$. This is a clear contradiction to our assumption that $p$ was the smallest prime that divided $n$, meaning that no primes $p$ can divide $n$. Therefore $n$ can only be $1$, so our solutions of $(a,1)$ are the only possible solutions, which we proved worked. This finishes the problem.
20.12.2024 10:39
Only $n=1$ (and all $a$) works. Suppose FTSOC $n>1$ and there exists $a$ such that $(a+1)^n\equiv a^n\pmod{n}$. Clearly $a$ and $a+1$ must be relatively prime to $n$ so $(1+1/a)^n\equiv 1\pmod {n}$. Let $p$ be the smallest prime factor of $n$. Then $(1+1/a)^n\equiv 1\pmod{p}$ so $1+1/a\equiv 1\pmod{p}$ because $\gcd(p-1,\,n)=1$, a contradiction. $\square$